《Offworld》Rescue 3


" Now, where did I leave the essence."

*tap tap*

The old man's footsteps resounded on the ground as he moved to a cabinet that held many different liquid's is individual glass tubes. The liquid's were of different colours and there were about 20 different types of them judging by the looks of it.

Each glass tube was sealed tight by some type of cork and each one of them was labeled with a different name.

"Hmm hmm hmm , making a potion today , hope my hand won't sway , because if it did...


The old man's singing was cut short by a sound.

He turned his head back slowly only to see the disheveld haired human who brought the woman for 'special attention'.


Ah, it seems that I've been negligent towards my costumers. What may I help you with?"


"Is everything ready for the interrogation, because I'm not paying you to idle by and sign to your hearts content ."

"Hehe, it's almost ready. I'm just mixing the last ingredients and it will be ready."


I'm expecting it finished in five minutes.

Don't be late."

The old man squinted his eyes into slits and showed a creepy smile that was made more terrifying by his black teeth.


It's my pleasure to help my dear costumers, so I won't disappoint."


The man didn't answer this time and only left the room.


At the room Rosela was held.

The beastfolk was standing over her still showing a murderous glint in his eyes , but he didn't attack and just stood there in silence.

Rosela hadn't woken up yet but she seemed to have recovered from the injuries the beastfolk inflicted on her.

Her nose was no longer crooked or bleeding like before and the swelling on the side of her face was no more.


"Hey, is everything going ok? Did you feed her the recovery potion?"

A somewhat concerned voice sounded in the otherwise silent room where only the breathing was heard.

The disheveld haired man entered the room and saw the beastkin standing over Rosela . He was somewhat concerned about his taking into consideration his background.

He had first thought that bringing him along was fine but he seemed to have some doubts now.


She's fine now."

"Good , good that's good to hear. The old man is just about finished with the preparations so in about five minutes we will start our job.


You remember the job don't you?

As long as I get my information first everything is ok, but if you screw up hehe..


Pure wind elemental energy was released from the man and the air around his seemed to twist .

"I understand, but let me make myself clear also.

Save your stupid threats for scaring human children because that won't work on me.

Also there is nothing to worry about..as long as I get what I was promised."

The beastfolk wasn't intimidated at all by the humans threats and just stared at him with a sharp gaze.

"Good to hear that from you and sorry about that.

I was just checking to see if you were still...

*tap* *tap*

The sound of the door knocking was heard and then a deep voice.

"May I come in?"

It was the sound of the old man's voice.


The man said flatly.


The wooden door opened and the old man came in while holding a glass tube filled with some kind of liquid.

"Please excuse me."

The man then slowly approached Rosela and uncorked the glass tube.


The purple colour liquid in the glass tube imediately seemed to start evaporating as soon as the old man opened the tube and a purple vapor whaffted to the noses of the other two occupants of the room.




'What a powerful potion! Even though I only cought a whiff of it left me light headed and even made me take a step back even though I'm an elementalist.

This old man's no joke.'

The man seemed to be surprised at the potions potency.

"Are you really going to give her that?

Will she be able to handle it without dying?"

"Ah, it's okay. The potion is very very effective, but also very dangerous if invested by any human , even it he is an elementlist."

The old man's words angered the man.

"What did you just say?"

"Woa there big guy, hold your horses.

I said it was dangerous , but if you take the antidote in time you won't have a problem.

' This shrew old man. '

"Get to work then."

"With pleasure."

The old man then open Rosela's mouth and slowly poured the glass tubes content in.

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