《Arcane Universe[AU]》Ch 35: Hunters vs Guilds


Hunters vs guilds

Amarys ended up buying the land for 90 gold coins. The mayor ended up giving them a small discount.

"It's better than expected!" Ryo said. The land was a small village in the middle of a lake. Crossing the bridge, they entered the village.

"It's totally uninhabited. We're going to hire manpower to build the base." Amarys said.


Amarys had to go to the engineers' guild to hire manpower. She was fascinated by the complexity of this game. There were even engineers.

Amarys paid 25 gold coins to build the base. She didn't want to do something too big, as the rest of the money would be used to build some shops and pay NPC guards.

NPC Guards would be needed to maintain order. Even if it was just a small village, players could try to rob and loot the shops.

NPC engineers used magic matrices to build the base. In addition, they also programmed a magic barrier to protect the base from enemy attacks.


"It turned out amazing!" Alura looked at the big house that would be used as her 1st guild base. The magical blue barrier covered the big house, giving a feeling of security. The house was in the center of the village.

"We're going to build some shops in the village so we have some stable source of money. Then we can try to increase our power." Amarys was excited thinking about the future.

"How are we going to get items that can attract players?" Manzai asked.

"Aizen can take care of that." Ryo threw the worries to Aizen.

"We can-"

*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*

A sudden sound of clapping echoed through the place. The Hunters looked at the beginning of the bridge and saw 4 players standing there.

"Look… aren't they the Hunters?" One woman said as she clapped her hands.

"Boss, we got lucky." One man said.

"Insects! Which guild sent you here?!" Manzai drew his sword and prepared to attack.

"Manzai, wait!" Amarys stopped him. She didn't want to generate conflicts without knowing the real intention of these people. After they became the first guild to be officially created, many people tried to find them, mainly spies from other guilds.


Amarys knew this was a big problem. Now that several people were keeping an eye on them, growing up would be more difficult. But that risk was worth it. Amarys had decided to hide until her base was completed, she also tried not to leave a trace.

"You guys hid very well. Who knew you would be the first official guild…" The woman said.

"What do you want here?" Amarys asked with a serious expression.

'How did they discover the location of our base so quickly?'

"We're just here to settle unfinished business." The woman responded with a smile.

"Hmph! You must be some bugs from some small guild. Do you think you can defeat us with just 4 people?" Manzai mocked.

"The four of us might not be enough, but what do you have to say about that?" The woman made a hand signal when suddenly hundreds of players began to appear.

Amarys frowned at the sight of the hundreds of players arriving.

"Deliver your items and we'll let you out alive." the woman said.

'An alliance?' Amarys noticed that there were several players from different guilds here.

"I see, so you are the small guilds we were having conflicts with. I didn't expect you to ally." Manzai said. He recognized these people by the guild symbol they were wearing.

"We've decided to make a temporary alliance to deal with a bigger problem. After we're done with you, we'll make a name for ourselves and gain fame." The woman said, an excited smile on her face.

"Rookies, I'm going to teach you to respect your seniors." Manzai has lost patience with these people. Who the hell do they think they are to use them like a trampoline?

"Attack!" The woman gave the order.

Hundreds of fireballs shot towards the Hunters.

"Leader!" Alura conjured a magic shield.


The fireballs slammed into the city walls, causing a tremor. When the dust cleared, they saw the Hunters intact due to Alura's magic shield.

"Alura Katz..." The woman watched Alura for a moment. "I don't understand why you're still in this guild. Such a talented girl deserves better."

"Bastard!!" Manzai drew his sword and ran towards the players.


Alura wasted no time and cast reinforcement spells on Manzai.

"I swore I'd stand by the boss's side, and that's what I'm going to do!"

"Hahaha little girl you're not bad at all." Manzai was always amazed at how good Alura's booster spells were.



Hundreds of arrows were aimed at Manzai, the intention was to eliminate him immediately.

"Ding!* *Ding!*

Manzai deflected the arrows as he ran towards the woman.

"Swoosh!* *Swoosh!*

A few arrows hit Manzai, causing minor injuries. However, the next moment her injuries disappeared, Alura had used a healing spell.

"Ahhh!!" Manzai yelled as he passed the hundreds of players. His target was the woman.


Two swords clashed, Manzai found his target.

"You have a lot of courage to face me alone!" The woman said as she attacked Manzai with her daggers.

"I, Serpent, will kill you here." She said.

Manzai looked at Serpent with a sneer. His pride did not allow him to consider these small guilds a worthy opponent.

"Know your place!" Manzai raised his sword which emitted a blue glow.


Serpent tried to block Manzai's attack with his daggers, but the resulting force brought her to her knees.

"What?!" Serpent was shocked by Manzai's power.

"Why are you so surprised? Did you think we were weak?!"

Amarys didn't want to create conflict, so it gave the impression that they were afraid. Manzai got mad at Amarys, but he had nothing he could do.

3 men appeared behind Manzai and attacked him with their swords, but Manzai dodged the attacks.

Serpent stood up with a grim expression on his face.

'They are stronger than we thought…' Serpent tried to think of a plan.

"Take it!" Amarys suddenly appeared.


The Hellreaver already exceeds 6 meters. She entered the crowd and killed any player who got in her way.

Guild players panicked. Mages could not cast spells as this would end up killing their allies. Friendly fire was something that greatly hindered players when their defensive line was breached.

Ryo took this chance and cast spells to annihilate the biggest groups of players.


Serpent ended up underestimating the Hunters. This battle did not look at all favorable.

"Don't think it's over!" Serpent took a scroll from his inventory. "You will die here!"

A large amount of mana gathered in front of Serpent, forming a sphere.

The Hunters were alarmed, sensing how powerful that energy sphere was.

"Tsk!" Manzai also gathered energy in his sword and sent a beam towards the sphere, intending to destroy it.


The collision between the two attacks generated devastating shockwaves, but the energy sphere overcame Manzai's attack and headed towards the Hunters.

'Shit! This scroll has a powerful spell!' Amarys thought of a way to counter the spell without spending important resources.

"Goddess of light, grant power to this humble servant." Alura began to mutter a spell.

"illuminate the entire horizon with your radiance—Barrier of Light."


A giant barrier of Light appeared, protecting the Hunters and the city. The energy sphere tried to break through the barrier, but it was useless.

"Damn it!" Serpent was nervous to see that the energy sphere failed to pass through the barrier.

"Hahaha! Well done, little girl." Manzai said.

"Back off!!" Serpent screamed. The other players turned their backs and started to run away.

"Come back here!" Manzai prepared to run after them but was stopped by Amarys.

"We won, let them." Amarys didn't want to chase these players and leave the village unprotected. This village was very important to the guild.

"I told you these bugs would attack us." Manzai replied. He already expected that these guilds would come after them.

"They are still very inexperienced, so we were lucky." Ryo said. He was right, if it was a big guild that had attacked, they would already be dead.

A Big guild is completely different from a small guild in terms of strategy, experience, etc.

'There are those small guilds…' Amarys remembered the names of the small guilds that stood out the most these last few days.

'Sabertooth Guild…' This would probably be the most troublesome little guild in the world 1.

"We chose this city precisely because there are no big guilds here. It will be a good place to develop." Amarys said.

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