《Arcane Universe[AU]》Ch 32: Meeting



Aizen and Elizabeth were in a room, alone.

"Players?! Do you belong to a different race?!" Elizabeth was shocked to hear Aizen's story. Were there people who could infinitely revive? How did she not know that?

"Well, you can think of it that way." He replied.

'Why did they seem to be ignoring this situation?'

The players weren't acting discreetly or anything, they were getting into a lot of trouble. NPCs are identical to real people, so diversity of thoughts always leads to differences of opinion. Divergences of opinions end up generating conflicts.

There were already several videos on the Forum about players complaining about certain actions by NPCs. Other players argue that this is just a game, so why worry?

A much-talked-about topic is slavery. Slavery existed in many places, not just in world 1, but in other worlds as well. There were places where this practice was legalized and even accepted. Players find this absurd, at least most of them.

The players weren't saints or anything like that, but in the real world, slavery was abolished hundreds of years ago. Slavery in the world of Zarkar was a trauma for many people, as it affected everyone, regardless of color, gender, culture, or age. It was a dark time for everyone, and many wanted to forget that time.

Some players tried to break into these slave shops, but ended up being killed by the security guards.

For this and other reasons, players and NPCs end up getting into conflicts. Of course, there is the other side of the coin, some players also took advantage of this situation to make money. The slave market was very profitable, so many merchant players decided to enter this market.

"...Did you come from another continent?" Elizabeth asked with a serious expression. This matter was not something simple, as the Realm could deal with people who could revive infinitely, should any conflict between them occur, that would be drastic.

"Yea." Aizen lied.



"What are your intentions?"

"...My intentions in coming to this place?... I don't know... As for the rest of my people, I have no idea what your goals are."

"This matter is important! Why didn't you tell me this before?!"

"Why would I talk about my people to strangers?"



Elizabeth took a while to calm down.

"I don't trust them… but I trust you…" Elizabeth muttered.

Aizen stood up and stood in front of her.

"Don't worry. In case they try to get in our way, I'll take care of them myself. I said I would help you, so I will." He said.

He had given her word when he said he would help her rebuild this city, so no player would stop him from doing that.

"Aizen…" Elizabeth felt a little lost in her words. He was her adviser, but she wanted to be closer to him…

*Bam!* (door opening)

"Elizabeth-Sama, it's all set!" A man warned.

"...I am going!" Elizabeth said, with a slightly irritated expression. This man had come at a terrible time.

"It's time, let's go." Aizen said.

"Okay…" She decided to leave that subject for later.


Aizen and Elizabeth were walking towards the meeting place. Elizabeth would be announced as the new Lord of this town today. This meeting was important, as she was going to meet the people who are in power in this city.

As he walked, Aizen noticed some interesting things. He saw many people praying in small temples.

'Their culture is also different.'

Aizen noticed several differences in cultures between Zarkar and World 1, for example, religion. There are many religions in the worlds of Arcane Universe, but in your world, this was not the case. In Zarkar, the vast majority of people do not believe in gods. Many religious books were debunked and most religions disappeared. In the end, people realized that the gods they believed in were just figments of their heads.


In the world of Arcane Universe, the effect was the opposite. There were many religions and many gods. What is the biggest difference between these worlds? The contact!

In the world of Arcane Universe, you could make contact with the gods, which made it impossible for anyone to deny their existence. If in Zarkar people had faith, in Arcane Universe people were sure.

The gods existed, people could see them, communicate with them, interact with them. Of course, not everyone can do this. People who can communicate with the gods are very rare, however, they do exist. Furthermore, the gods have already descended into the mortal world.

Aizen had read about it in Elizabeth's home library. The story told of the day when the gods descended into the mortal world, with the aim of preventing a catastrophe. Too bad the book was incomplete, so he knew very little about it.


Upon arriving at the meeting room, they saw 4 people sitting in their chairs, waiting for Elizabeth, these people are the current leaders of this city, as they manage important areas and sectors such as security, infrastructure, etc.

Elizabeth looked at the people with menacing eyes. She knew that most of these people were corrupt nobles, who used their benefits to rob the population and bring this city into such a miserable situation.

The nobles rose and bowed. When they received the notice that this city would have a new ruler and that this ruler would be the Duke's daughter, they were a little perplexed.

Aizen ended up being ignored as they thought he was a guard.

'This woman can be an obstacle.' They think.

"Elizabeth-Sama, I'm glad to have you here."


"I am the manager of the economic sector, Marquis Faust." Faust was one of the most powerful nobles in this city because he managed the entire economy.

"You're doing a lousy job." Elizabeth replied.


Faust was shocked by Elizabeth's rude response. However, he couldn't do anything about it, after all, she was the Duke's daughter and would be the new governess of this town.

'Tsk, bitch!'

Elizabeth sat in her chair as she watched the other nobles.

"This city is in a bad state. I want all the information about the economy, infrastructure, security, etc."


When Elizabeth received the papers reporting the situation in the city, she frowned.

"What do you think?" She handed the papers to Aizen. The nobles were a little confused, this information was important and shouldn't be shared with anyone.

"Well, the city's infrastructure is terrible, although the noble neighborhoods are quite sophisticated. Besides, the economy is centralized in a single point, the nobility. Security is also terrible. An alliance is happening between some noble and groups of thieves." ?"

Elizabeth was amazed at Aizen's analysis, with just one look he could already make deductions. However, the nobles who heard Aizen's question were perplexed.

If Aizen incriminated someone, then they could fight back, as incriminating someone without proof could get into trouble. However, Aizen asked a question.

Maron, the noble who managed the city's security, looked at Aizen and said, "This is not happening. The criminals are forming alliances with each other, so we are having trouble stopping them."

'Is this guy some kind of counselor?' They think. It was not uncommon for parents to send counselors to help their children.

"I understand…"

"Well, our main problem now is agriculture. We need to generate some stable income from food. In addition, we also need to increase the purchasing power of the population." Aizen said.

"Agriculture…" Elizabeth muttered with a thoughtful expression. "Some people say this city is cursed, do you know anything about that?"

"Elizabeth-Sama, we can't confirm this statement. However, it's probably true. Kiron's land never became fertile, even after we used magic items to try to get it back."


"Tell me more."

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