《Arcane Universe[AU]》Ch 31: Kiron city


Kiron City

"What? How is that possible?!" Ren was stunned to see the worldwide announcement. Were the Hunters the first? It makes no sense. They spent a lot of time looking for the Token, but they didn't find any.

'Were they lucky?...'

In addition to this event, the Treasures table has also undergone a significant change.

Many people with unknown names also made it into the Top 20 Treasures.

"Leader, Aizen LightStar's treasures took a dip the moment these people entered, maybe…"

'Is he selling Treasures to other players?... He may also have made deals with NPCs.' Ren began to formulate hypotheses. He thought that Aizen might have sold his items to players in exchange for something. Or was this all mere coincidence?

"Look for more information about this! I want to know if Aizen LightStar is doing private sales. I also want to know about the Hunters, find out how they got the Token."



"We're here." Elizabeth and Aizen watched the city from the sky. Kiron wasn't a beautiful city or anything like that.

'Enter a city of extreme poverty, only in the medieval style.'

Aizen looked at the city that looked "dead".

"Do you think this town can be revived? It looks pretty run down." He could see all sorts of troubles in the city with just one look. Lack of structure, basic sanitation, health, etc.

"This city is a very important strategic point, if I can bring it to prosperity, it will be a great achievement." Elizabeth was thinking of a way to revive this city. The "curse" that this city had was its first problem since agriculture would hardly be possible.

"You have a lot of problems ahead of you."


"Huh…" Aizen let out a doubtful murmur.

"WE have several problems ahead." Elizabeth was not alone. Even though Aizen had said he couldn't help her all along, she still felt more confident in rebuilding this city with him by her side.



"We." Aizen said.

Elizabeth smiled at his words.

"Let's go downstairs, we have work to do."

At the Kiron city gate, guards charged people to enter. Even though this city sucks, there are still a lot of people in it. Well, most of the people in the queue were traders who planned to use the trade routes.

"There seems to be a mess up ahead." Aizen commented as he descended from the hawk. He could hear screams at the head of the line.


"Bastard, who do you think you are?!" The guard yelled at the young man.

"I'm your father. Now let me through the gate." The young man scoffed.

"Damn you!" The guard drew his spear with murderous intent.

"Hmph! Do you think a weak guard like you has a chance against me?" The young man gave the guard a sharp look.

The young man's confidence made people wonder if he was some great adventurer or something.

"Die!" The guard swung his spear towards the young man's stomach.


The young man fell to the ground with his stomach perforated.

"Y-You…miserable!" The young man closed his eyes and died.

People in line were stunned by this situation. What the hell was this young man thinking? Did he face the city guard even though he didn't know the basics of fighting? He also looked very confident.

"Very well, let's go back-"

"Did you think I was dead, you damn NPC?" The young man appeared again without any wounds on his body as if he had never been killed a moment ago.

"W-What?! How the hell are you alive?!" The guard looked at the young man with a stunned expression. He also didn't understand why this young man was calling him an NPC. What is NPC?

"I died… But I survived." he said, with a heroic pose.


"Now, let me into that damn city! Seriously, who charges 10 pieces of silver for entry? Is your city made of gold?"

He wasn't fighting the guard for frivolous reasons. The entrance fee to this city is very high, 10 silver coins! Of course, only foreigners paid for it, residents didn't have to pay the entrance fee, at least that's how it is most of the time.

"Bastard, if you don't want to go in, just leave!" The guard was about to pull out his spear again, but he swallowed hard at the sight of a certain woman behind the young man.

The young man noticed the guard's fearful face and thought he was frightened by his power.

"Hahaha, are you scared? It's better. Let me through or else I-" The young man felt an unfamiliar hand touch his back.

"What's- huh?!" He almost got a sudden nosebleed when he saw Elizabeth.

'How beautiful…'

"Tell me what's going on here if you don't want to lose your head." Elizabeth said with a serious expression. The young man felt shivers down his spine.

"W-Well, these people are charging a huge entrance fee! 10 silver coins, that's way too high for a city like this." The young man said with an indignant expression.

"10 pieces of silver?..." Even Elizabeth thought that was overkill. This could be accepted if it was implemented in a prestigious city, for example, the capital of the Kingdom or something. However, Kiron City was a city that was in decay.

"It's the trade routes." Aizen said as he reached Elizabeth's side. The people who run this city decided to charge a high entrance fee because of the trade routes. The existing trade routes in Kiron make life a lot easier for traders, so to take advantage of this, the rulers of this city began charging a high entry fee.

"I see…" Elizabeth nodded. "Don't cause so much trouble, I'll pay your entrance."


"E-Elizabeth-Sama…" The guard thought he would be fired. He was just following orders, however, this young man pissed him off a lot.


"Let's go." Aizen interrupted Elizabeth's words.

"...All right." Elizabeth decided to forget about this matter.

"Hang on!" The young man walked in front of Aizen. "Are you… Aizen LightStar?!"

"No." Aizen replied and walked past the young man.

"Wait! You can't fool me, I know it's you." The young man stepped in front of Aizen again. The only person who knew Aizen's face without the mask was Elizabeth, however, her face was not a mystery. The mask only covered part of his face, so if you paid attention, you might discover him.

"What you want?" Aizen asked. He knew this guy was a gambler since he could resurrect after death. Players could also identify other players.

"It's you!" The young man was excited.

"I am Jareth, a merchant." Jareth greeted Aizen.

"Well, pleasure." He returned Jareth's greeting.

Jareth wanted to ask Aizen several questions, but Elizabeth took his hand and led him away.


"Are you going to explain this to me?" Elizabeth asked with a serious expression. She was sure that young man had died, but how could he show up alive the next moment? Aizen seemed to know something about this, so she decided to ask.

"You don't know about us?"



"I'll explain to you when we get there." Aizen was surprised to see Elizabeth's doubt. He thought the NPCs wouldn't ask questions about the players.

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