《Arcane Universe[AU]》Ch 30: Support



Today was the day that Aizen would travel with Elizabeth. The city that Elizabeth would rule over would be the city of Kiron. Kiron is a very well located city in the Kingdom of Salia, as it has many trade routes. However, this city also had a problem, it was called the "Cursed Land" because agriculture seemed to be impossible there. The weather was also horrible.

Elizabeth would strive to make that city one of the best cities in the Kingdom. That would be her goal. The other noble sons are also in a competition to see who can best run their city.


【Placement Reward】

1st place in Treasures | extra bonus

1st place in level | extra bonus

1st place in Fame and Honor | extra bonus

1st place in three leaderboards | extra bonus


5 items SR

7 items R

70 gold coins

150 Fame and Honor points (already allocated in the leaderboard)

【Thank you for always playing. Keep striving】

【The next reward will be in a few days】


5 days after receiving the 1st payment, Aizen received the 2nd. This time the system was more generous.

"Are you ready?" Elizabeth asked.

"Well, I am. Before we go, I want to stop by a city."

"All right." Elizabeth whistled and a giant hawk appeared in front of her.

"Hoh…" Aizen was surprised to see the huge hawk come from the sky.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Elizabeth smiled. This was her mount.

"Ok." Aizen climbed on the giant hawk along with Elizabeth.

"Hold on."

Elizabeth and Aizen soared into the sky riding the giant hawk.


The gaming community today was in for a surprise. The surprise had to do with the classification of the Treasures.


░░░░░░░░░░| Leaderboards |░░░░░░░░░░



1st Position: Aizen LightStar

epic: 1

Special: 2

SR: 25

R: 37



2nd Position: Sekhet

SR: 7

R: 10



3rd Position: Unknown

SR: 6

R: 9



4th Position: SkyLLa

SR: 5

R: 8



5th Position: Vyn

SR: 5

R: 7



6th Position: Ajax

SR: 4




Players were stunned to see Aizen's Treasures. More than 20 SR! This left the players speechless. Maybe this was a reward for being Count? They did not know. They just knew that this guy was very rich!

Also, they saw that Aizen had an Epic item. No player had gotten an epic item until now. This also made them curious.



In an empty bar, 4 people were sitting in silence.

"That guy is putting on a show again." Amarys said with a sigh. Aizen didn't give any news, this made Amarys a little worried. Now when he decides to show up, it's making another fuss.

"Amarys, what are we going to do? The fight for this city isn't easy." Manzai said. They had been in Elysian City for almost 1 week, but progress hasn't grown much. Small guilds are growing at a very fast rate, Our Heroes too.

The Hunters tried recruiting, but people started to despise them and feel disgusted with them. Nobody wanted to approach them.

'What a dark past.' Amarys was also disgusted as she remembered the choices the Hunters had made in the past. She wasn't a guild leader at that time, so she could only see it all come crashing down.

Recently they came into conflict with other small guilds. Lucky they had really good items, so they managed to defend themselves. But the situation is getting worse lately.

"We'll try to get the Token-"

Amarys shut up as she saw a mass of dark energy materialize in the room.

The Hunters took up their weapons and prepared for combat.

'An enemy attack?'

When the dark energy finished materializing, they saw a beautiful woman with a boy beside her.

"That was really cool! Where did you learn that?" Elizabeth asked. Aizen's elemental transformation surprised her.

"It's an item." Aizen had enhanced elemental transformation by himself. He could now materialize in different places. However, it had a range limit and he couldn't do that often.

"...So these people are your friends?" Elizabeth studied the Hunters. After a moment, she lost interest in them. They didn't look very strong to her.

"Not my friends. Well, we're here for a different purpose." Aizen sat in a chair next to Amarys. Elizabeth just watched from a distance.

"...You should let me know before you show up." Amarys calmed down. "What did you come here for?"

"A brief visit. How are things?"

"...Not good. Small guilds are growing too fast. This caught us off guard."

"We should finish them all! Why are you so reluctant to attack?" Manzai joined the conversation. They could be weak when compared to the big guilds. However, small guilds weren't something that could get them into trouble. At least not most of them.

They might be few, but they were the elite of elites. His stats are way above normal players. Their items are also excellent when compared to the overwhelming majority of players. The magic SR items Aizen gave them greatly increased the party's firepower. Amarys could take on dozens of elite players alone without using 100%.


"Lower your tone when you're talking to the leader!" Ryo scolded Manzai.

Manzai looked at Ryo with furrowed brows.

"G-Guys, let's calm down…" Alura tried to calm the atmosphere.

"What about you? Aren't you the vice-leader of the guild? Why the hell do you disappear like that?!" Manzai yelled at Aizen.

"Manzai-" Amarys tried to intervene.

Elizabeth released her aura the moment Manzai yelled at Aizen. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Elizabeth was a tolerant and controlled noble, but somehow her emotions took over when it came to Aizen. Maybe it was gratitude that he was her savior?

The Hunters broke out in a cold sweat.

"Elizabeth, stop."

After Elizabeth became calm again, Aizen continued.

"I am under no obligation to help you with these matters. However, I still need to do my part of the contract." Aizen froze Manzai and Ryo temporarily. He didn't want to have interruptions, as he was in a hurry.

"Tell me what's going on."

Amarys ignored the fact that Ryo and Manzai were frozen, as she knew they weren't dead.

"Small guilds and adventuring groups started to take control of Farm points. We had some conflicts. I thought that creating unnecessary conflicts would make our situation worse since we don't have members to manage these areas. In the end, our situation is not very favorable." Amarys explained. They could still easily grind XP, but getting resources was tricky as these areas were being occupied by other groups.

"I understand." The sudden growth of new guilds and groups ended up worsening the situation of Hunters. They would have no problem leveling up, but the lack of stable members and resources was an issue. Small guilds that aim to become big guilds need members. You could hire labor, but that cost gold coins. Our Heroes did this a lot, as they didn't have as many members as a guild.

"Take it." Aizen delivered various items to Amarys, weapons, potions, tools, etc. In addition to R items, there were also SR items.

"...Are you sure about that?" Amarys asked after putting away the items.

Aizen felt the pain the Duke felt at that moment. Who asks a question like that after putting away the items?

Aizen took a bag with 150 gold coins from his pocket and handed it to Amarys.

The Hunters were perplexed to see the number of gold coins. That was a lot! Weren't they rich now?

"Where did you get so much money?!"

"Well, I'm an earl now."

"Last…" Aizen took a Token from his pocket.

"That's…" Amarys thought of a possibility, but it was hard to believe.

"The official Token."


"Are you serious?!" Amarys rose from her chair with a shocked expression.

Aizen handed the Token to Amarys to confirm.

"It really is the official Token!"

"Boss, we can officially create our guild!" Alura also showed an excited expression.

"Listen to me." Aizen caught their attention.

"You have a great opportunity on your hands. If you can't produce anything with this, I will terminate our contract." Aizen said. He didn't want to provide resources and lose out. Hunters need to grow up or he'd spend money for nothing.

Amarys became serious as she heard Aizen's words.

"We… will make it!" She replied with a confident expression.

"Well, I hope you can." Aizen got up and walked away along with Elizabeth.


'That bastard! I'll kill him!' When Manzai was unfrozen, he left with an angry expression.

"How cold…" Ryo muttered.

"Shut up!" Amarys exclaimed.

"We need to think about what we're going to do from now on." Amarys was very serious at this point.

"Leader, let's make the guild officially first." Ryo said.

"You're right."



【World Announcement: Congratulations to Hunters for being the first officially recognized guild】


bronze insignia

Gold coins: 50

Fame +500

Honor: +250

【The guild system has been released】


Players were stunned as the system's announcement echoed far and wide. The people who were even more shocked were the guild leaders and their members. How the hell is this possible? Had the Hunters been the first guild to be officially recognized? How did this happen?


░░░░░░░░░░| Leaderboards |░░░░░░░░░░


★Fame and Honor★

>Players and Guilds


1st Position: Aizen LightStar

Fame: 2400

Honor: 2150


2nd Position: Twilight Guild

Fame: 450

Honor: 400


3rd Position: Sekhet

Fame: 370

Honor: 430


4th Position: Hunters Guild

Fame: 500

Honor: 285


5th Position: Guild Dynasty

Fame: 320

Honor: 270


6th Position: Unknown (player)

Fame: 220

Honor: 200


7th Position: Pegasus Guild

Fame: 190

Honor: 170


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