《The Story Of Ash》Chapter 3 : The Prison Break : Part 1


I look around this cell one more time, I don't see anything that I really need and I honestly do not think the chains that have my arms bound will be able to hold my strength, So I just give each chain a tug with my arms and hear a ' Creaa-kkk Boom' and the whole wall falls down on both sides. When I look both ways in one of the rooms to my left I see an old man about 75 with a white beard going down to his waist and old aged eyes like he has seen the whole world and he has rejected it. on the right hand side I see the weirdest sight that confuses me and in intrigued me at the same time. It was changed by its small belly to the wall in the weirdiest way possible. It had white fur and two big ears it was a cute little bunny. When I was looking at the rabbit the old man to my left started to speak

" You have great strength for your level boy, In this low level city it is heard to imagine that someone who could break the chains that keep us here could have been captured by anyone here"

I look at the old man who just striked up the conversation with me and I see that he also has chains around him and I thought since i am here i might aswell get some information out of him while I am here.

" Hey old man where am I and how do I get out of here and why is that bunny in chains? Did he try and steal someones carrots or something? hahah "

The man looks at the bunny than at me and sighs " You are In the underground prison of the starter village "Dog Soap Village" It is named that after all wolves the people hunt outside of the village. As for the bunny it was meant to be a present for the royal family because it is rare and the only one left in this world so the royal family will be here in one week to pick the bunny up but since the village is rather weak if they do not lock up the bunny it will escape.

After I download all this information I think about everything he said and ask a couple more questions.

" Why is this called a starter village? and how can I escape this prison?"I am slightly annoyed to find out I got knocked out by someone in a starter village, But I guess I can credit that to my huge arse free fall in the sky because when I hit the ground I wanted to pass out anyway haha. I look at the old guy waiting for him to answer my questions

"hahah You're taken this quite well young one. This is called a starter village because this a weak village that is futher away from the royal city. The closer you get to the royal city the stronger the people and village becomes and of course stronger the monsters" Said the old man with a silly smirk.

"If you looked at me old man how would I rate up against the ones who at the royal city? you got any Idea?" Thought I would see if this man had a way to guess how strong I was.


He looked at me like he was straining his eyes then he spoke "You seem to be only level 2 which makes no sense because I can feel your strength overflowing from your body but I would say if you where in the royal city and picked a fight with anyone there"... He looks at me and sighs "You would be dead before you even blinked" He says this why waiting for my reactions.

"Ha- ha hahahah!" "Thank god this is not going to be boring at all, I thought I was going to be some overpowered mc with a harem. How cliche! Even though I have a bit of strength for this village it seems if I make my way to this 'Royal City' I would not be able to fight. Hahahha This is great!" I look around beyond excited and getting ready to go nuts in this starter prison but first I walk over to the bunny as I do the bunny looks up at me with its cute blue eyes.


I have been in this prison cell for gods knows how long now, The reason I am here though was because I was caught by the royal city guards while I tried to sneak in to get a family heirloom which the royal family stole after they killed all my family and clan. I am not acutally trying to avenge my family or clan because I cannot even take on one soilder let alone the royal family but I was hoping with my little magic I would be able to sneak in and get my families heirloom back. How I was mistaken, I took one step into the city and was captured. They did not even care what I was there for. Slapped me with magic blocking chains and sent me to the furthest point from the royal city.

You may think that the royal city family was kind as not to excute me on the spot but you would be wrong as everyone of the royal city family are a bunch of sadist and wanted me to suffer for my faliure rather the get the sweet embrace of everlasting sleep.

BOOOM I Look to my right and see the most intersting thing. A white haired youth with weird golden eyes but what most shocks this old man was that this youth ripped down both side of the walls. After this youth asks me a buch of questions which I answer I use my 'Inspect skill' by looking really hard at the target and straining my eyes' but when I see his status it confuses me to know end.

Name: Ash

Age : 17

level :2

Strength: ????

Speed: ?????

Stamina: ????

Titles : Otherworlder,Otherworld Champion, Bored Ash,Suicidal Joe

I have seen alot of peoples status at my old age but I have never seen a level two where I cannot see his strength, It just does not make sense. I take a bit of time to look at this youths title which just make me more interested. It looks like this youth is not only not from this world which is rare but he is also suicidal and gets bored easy. I have seen alot of people who have ran up to monsters to die and they do not get the title sucidal joe. I shiver wondering how this youth got such a title.


POV Change: (Back to Ash)

After I leave the old man to his on devices for a second I walk over to the other cell I broke into where the little cute bunny is now look at me with cute eyes.

"Hey bunny wanna become my familiar and get out of here?"

The bunny looks at me hard and nods

I smile at this cute creature who does not really belong in prison but then I think to myself and say

" I don't want this to become a silly cliche thing where you transform into a bunny girl so if that ever happens, I am going to get rid of you" I look at the bunny and It breathed a sigh of relief while nodding more then before.

The old man hears me and shouts " Hey boy you need to rip the chains of the bunny before it can make a contract with you" He says it with another smile like he found what I said before funny.

The white bunny looked up with expecting eyes. I look down at the chains all around the bunny one is on the stomach and it a coupe on its little legs, I move my arm over to the bunny and which a tug I rip the chains of the bunny and soon as they hit the ground I hear a 'Ding'

The White Bunny (Unnamed) would like become your familiar. Do you accept?

"Sure" I say quite loudly while looking at the bunny. 'Ding"

System Notification: You have gained your first familiar as such you have gained the stats Familiar understanding. The more understanding you have with your familiar the better you attacks will be together.


System Notification: You have gained the skill Familiar telepathy which lets you and your familiar share strong thought or when it grows you will be able to speak in words to each other.

I am quite happy with this when I hear the old man speak again (Honestly forgot about him after I was looking at my new bunny)

"If you say status familiar you will be able to bring up the status of your pet" He says while looking impressed at this.

"Status familiar" I say while looking at the old man

Name: Bunny

Level :1

Sex: Male

Strength: 20

Speed: 40

Stamina: 25

Titles: The Bored Youths Bunny,The Bunny who is misunderstood

I honestly blink a few times at his status. Not at the fact of his stats because I am still unable to tell what a normal guards level is let alone my bunny. The thing what has got me shocked is the sex of the bunny is male where in my old world if you went to a city you would see bunny but they would all be female. Also the titles of the bunny made me chuckle. I have a feeling it got the bored youths bunny after a certain someone hahaa.

With a massive jump the bunny lands on my white hair and makes it self comfortable. You would not even be able to tell the bunny is there if it was not for its open eyes. With that done I look back at the old man and ask a few of the last questions

"Hey old man are bunnies usually male?"

"Nah when there was heaps they use to be all female and could transform into bunny girls. That is why the royal family wants that one and someone from the city is heading here to get it. The last of the bunny girls must be such a rare gift for the royal city". "Hahaha cannot wait to see there face when they see you have it haha" The old man nearly pull a stich laughing so hard.

I look at the old guy with an awakard experssion decideding on how to tell him the news I just discovered. "Hey old man this bunny is male".

The Old man looks like he just heard the most shocking news of all. "Youth protect that bunny he can become the most powerful familiar ever if you treat him well".

When he says I hold back with all my might not to laugh. Bunny...Powerful? Think this old man has not seen the light in to long.

"So old man.....I am about to leave you wanna come?".

"That is quite the offer boy but you should not be so easy to trust somebody" The old man looks happy at my offer but he seems to be holding himself back.

I walk over to man and rip all his chains of. The one I had the most trouble with was two around his arms which seems to make me numb a bit when I touched them but that was only for about 1 seconds before I ripped them all off. The old man is looking at me quite stunned with what I have done but honestly I do not have time for this and I turn around with the bunny still on my head and look at the bars keeping us in. They look like the chains the old man has on his hands.

I keep walking over to the bars and put my leg up and boot the bars. BOOM...The bars come of there wall and slams to the far end wall. I look at the damage with a smile on my face and take a step out of my cell I hear othere people complaining about me getting out in other cells. I look around and think if i should let all of them out but it would take to long and it sounds boring and for all I know they are meant to be in here. When I go the royal capital I will see what kinda people the so called 'Royals' are and if they are scum I will come back and free them all. Yup I am so nice, Mind set. I look back at the old man.

"So you coming"?

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