《Grimoire》Veiled Eyes


When the Governor had returned home, there had been an absolute uproar. This wasn’t to be stood for. The Temple looked at the line, spat on it, and then leaped across it. Barging into his home and making wild demands, threatening his son and striking a woman in his home?! This time the Governor did more than bluster.

Gilbert looked uneasily across the carriage to Warren. Kingswallow was only a two day’s ride from the capital of Kar. That was part of the reason that Kar was so wealthy. It covered two or three major trade routes into the heart of the empire. Its closeness was an essential part of their loyalty as well. House Salphus had learned generations ago that if they were going to enjoy the fruits of the empire they need to not bite the hand that fed them. So far that had worked out in their favor. They offered major financial support in times of war, offering a good give and take between House Salphus and the royal family.

“You look distressed again Gil,” Warren said with a smile that Gil believed had no right to be there.

“I’m distressed because you’re not. We’re going to the capital to place a grievance with the Temple DIRECTLY to the Emperor. We’re going into the depths of the lion's den with flank steaks strapped to our back, how can you sit there so relaxed?” He asked.

“Because I’m not worried,” Warren said with a frustrating amount of blind confidence.

“You haven’t been since the party, and that’s what worries me. What happened when you disappeared, Warren? You haven’t explained that to me yet,” he said.

Warren just continued to give him that assured smile. “I can’t tell you right now, but I’m so eager to finally do so,” He said, leaning forward and putting his hand on Gilbert’s knee. “I want to share this with you so badly…”


Gil’s cheeks flushed, Maybe it was this strange confidence, but he seemed quite handsome when he smiled like that. His Lord had always been a handsome young man, sure, but Gilbert had never really thought about it before. Maybe he was just noticing now.

He coughed a little, loosening the red silk tie around his neck. It felt tight for a moment.

He sat back in the seat again, crossing and uncrossing his legs. They were almost to the Palace. Maybe a few more hours. They wouldn’t be seen right away. After all, the emperor was a very busy man, and this probably wasn’t top on his priority list. Honestly, he was probably only seeing to this personally because the request of Governor Salphus directly. If it were anyone else they’d probably just send verdict via a staff member and that verdict would probably amount to ‘play nice you two’. Ahh...this was going to be so nerve-wracking.


“Lord Ross, Lord Ross!” There was a continuous knock on the door to his office, but he was lost in thought, staring at the books and scratch notes that were laid out on the table in front of him. Everything he could possibly get his hands on from other Covens. They weren’t as forthright as he would’ve liked, but what could he do? He could only make requests to other hands as a hand. Their coven was highly respected but these days witches were, for good reason, incredibly suspicious. It was hard to get a beaten dog to trust you.

“Lord Ross I’m coming in!” The door was shoved open with a huff. The boisterous young woman marched over to him, hands on her hips. Still refusing to raise his head she slammed her hand on the table. “Duke Edwin Ross!” She snapped at him. The papers shuffled a bit, running away from her palm. Finally, he raised his head. “Your guests are here,” she reported, clapping her hands gently.


He couldn’t help but smile at her. “Ah, is it that time? Alright, thank you, Hattie,” He said standing from his desk. Hattie oversaw the operations of the Ross Dukedom and estate. Her family had served that purpose loyally for generations. The title of the role would change, depending on the need. Since ‘Duke Ross’ obviously couldn’t live forever, sometimes it was a son who acted as ‘Lord Ross’ or a daughter took the place as ‘Lady Ross’ when his Mistress didn’t feel like presenting herself. With both him and the role of ‘Lady of the house’ filled, Hattie filled the role of a cousin, but in truth, she did far more than that. It was infrequently that Edwin could commit himself fully to the duties of his Lordship so in this case, one might consider this young woman the ‘Shadow Duke’. She enacted laws and rulings from behind his pen.

“Did the Left hand accept the invitation?” He asked, walking with her out of the office. “She did, however, she doesn’t seem happy, though I suppose Ms. Rowena never seems happy,” She said with a somewhat exasperated sigh.”No, I suppose she does not,” He replied, chuckling a bit. “But the others are all here as well, they’re in the east parlor waiting for you. I had the servants bring in some tea,” she said.

Those who worked in his household and were not members of the Erafeal family, like Hattie, were almost entirely young witches themselves. Anyone who was still too young and unequipped to live on their own, or were unhappy with how secluded and lonely the coven grounds could come to work for him. A wayward shelter for any soul who had opened her eyes and found herself completely lost in the woods.

“You’re always so on top of things. What would I do without you, Hattie?” The young lord asked, fixing his cuffs as he made his way down the hall. “Make sure all the young ones stay out of the east side for now. You know how brutal these circle discussions can become. We wouldn’t want to scare any of them away,” He laughed a bit.

“I’ll make sure Sammie and the more seasoned maids attend to the room,” She said, stopping as he made his way towards the parlor. “You’re a gem!” He called to her, flashing her a smile that dazzled many, but not Ms. Hattie. She was too used to his antics. She just shook her head at him as the flutter of the black tails of his coat disappeared around a corner.

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