《Scruffy's Adventure》Chapter 8: Deserving of Rest


Scruffy’s Adventure

Written by Scruffy–hime

Edited by Luciferia

Chapter 8: Deserving of Rest

The pair took one more look at the village they had escaped from before setting back out into the forest.

“Thanks.” Scruffy said softly after several minutes of walking.

“For what?” Airi asked, her ears twitching in response to wildlife scampering through the underbrush as she looked at him.

“For not leaving me back there… I know it would have been easier for you to leave on your own.”

“Well I couldn’t leave you there.” Airi replied in a playful manner while readjusting herself under his shoulder, “If I was on my own then I wouldn’t have anyone to tease!”

Scruffy just chuckled in response.

“So, can we take the knife out of my leg yet?” Scruffy asked in a calm tone, feeling oddly accepting about what had just happened.

“Why did they leave it there in the first place?”

“Dunno… But if we get it out we could use it.” Scruffy replied pointedly.

“Well how should we get it out?”

Before Airi could think of anything, Scruffy grabbed the hilt of the knife and yanked it out. Blood flowed from the wound like a torrent down his leg as a few fragments of bone accompanied the blade, tearing the wound open wider. Yelping in pain, he threw the knife tip–first into the ground and placed a hand over the gushing wound.

“That was stupid!” Airi yelled at him, “Why did you do that?”

“It was bothering me.” Scruffy replied innocently, “And now that it’s out, it can start to heal. .”

“That was still reckless!” Airi reprimanded him before leaning over to take a closer look at his leg, “Well, we need to find somewhere to rest.”


Scruffy just nodded as he picked up the knife. The pair began moving again searching for anywhere they could use as a place to rest and try to keep warm in the freezing forest.

They found several more hollowed trees occupied by the large furry beasts they had seen earlier. Now that they were desperate, they decided they could try sneaking into one of the trees and killing the beast with the knife.

They found one that was close to one of the many small streams running throughout the forest. Airi volunteered to do it since Scruffy could hardly move at this point and deciding they couldn’t wait any longer.

Scruffy offered Airi the knife with a whisper, “Be careful.”.

Airi simply smiled in response before climbing the tree. As if trying to further prove that she was part feline, she didn't make even the slightest of sounds as she reached the hole in the tree and climbed in to stand next to the beast.

Bracing herself for what she was about to do, she took a deep breath and rose the knife over her head. She paused briefly and then plunged the knife into the skull of the beast, driving it down to the hilt and killing the beast before it could make a sound.

“Well hopefully there aren’t any more living here, I’d hate to fight one of those again while they’re awake.” Airi commented as she hopped down from the tree, “Alright, let’s get you up there.”

Barely awake anymore Scruffy, nodded and attempted to stand up. After he managed to get to his feet he started to stumble as Airi closed the distance between them and caught him by the chest and started to shift under his shoulder once again.

“I’m sorry.” Scruffy mumbled as he tried to take some more of his weight off the small woman.


“You’re fine, just don’t die on me.” Airi said trying to lighten the mood, “I don’t want to have to find someone else to embarrass.”

Scruffy let out a soft giggle and began pulling himself up the tree. Airi had to climb up ahead of him and grab one of his arms to pull him the rest of the way up. After a moment of struggling they finally got him into the hole.

“Can you help me push this thing out?” Airi asked pointing at the large beast taking up most of the room.

“Can try…” Scruffy moved to the back of the tree and put a shoulder against the beast as Airi took of a similar position next to him.

They both began to push the beast and, to their delight, found it to be easier than expected.

After ridding the tree of the corpse Scruffy sat down against the wall of the tree. He hugged his uninjured knee to his chest, trying to get warm.

“Damn, just keeps getting colder out here.” Scruffy complained, “Think I might have to take you up on your offer to cuddle.”

Airi let out a soft laugh, curled up next to him, and then said teasingly, “Well come here then!”

Scruffy shifted down next to her leaving several inches in between them.

“No need to be shy.” Airi grinned as she rolled onto her side and placed her head on his chest, wrapping an arm around him, “Much better!”

She wiggled slightly to get more comfortable.

Giving in to the cuddling woman Scruffy placed his uninjured arm under Airi and wrapped it around her shoulder.

“Get some sleep now.” Airi said, but Scruffy had already passed out.

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