《Scruffy's Adventure》Chapter 1: Awakening


Scruffy’s Adventure

Written by Scruffy–hime

Edited by Luciferia

Chapter 1: Awakening

“What was that?” he jerked awake in response to the sound of blood curdling screams, “Missing...something is missing… Shit, I don’t have time for this!”

Scrambling out of bed and over to the door, he flung it open and rushed into the next room. When he entered, his stomach turned as an unbearable stench engulfed him. He looked on in horror at the pools and splashes of blood coating his house.

Out of the corner of his eye he noticed someone walking out of the front door and slamming it behind them. He ran to after them to see who it was. Looking around while standing in the doorway, he discovered that they were gone.

Walking back into the house, he looked around for any sign of what had transpired here. He combed every nook and cranny. There were limbs, strips of flesh, and bones strewn everywhere. Blood, entrails, voided bowels, and other bodily fluids created a sickening stench. Eventually, he felt compelled to check under the couch. Grimacing as he knelt in a pool of blood, he reached under the couch and began feeling around. When he withdrew his hand, he looked down at his find and felt his stomach drop in horror. It was a face.

“Oh god!” he said as he threw the mangled, eyeless clump of skin to the ground.

Once his stomach calmed and he drew up his courage, he crept over to where the face was discarded. Gulping, he crouched and picked up opposite edges of the skinned face, watching as it unraveled and drooped between his hands. Even without the presence of eyes or bone structure, he could tell by the rouge on her cheeks that it was a woman. Somehow, she looked familiar. Did he know her from somewhere? He couldn’t remember.


Another wave of nausea hit him and sent him running for the bathroom to empty the contents of his stomach. His hands shook as he gripped the rim of the toilet and retched, spitting bile and who knows what else into the bowl.

After he was done, he groaned and returned to the blood stained room, “Ugh…does that mean that all of this blood is hers as well?”

He staggered outside and into a small town, attempting to escape the scent of death.. It was a dark day looking like it was about to rain. The air was humid and heavy. Faint mist tinged the air. He looked around the best he could, searching for signs of life in any direction. After a moment, he noticed a figure in the distance beckoning to him. Hesitantly, he started to walk over to the figure but when he got close it started to disappear.

“What the–”

Something bashed into his head from behind. As he crumpled to the ground he twisted his body, attempting to determine who had hit him. When he reached out to grab at the figure behind him, his hands caught onto something soft and spongy. Before he could determine what it was, he fell unconscious.

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