《The Putrid Assassin (Complete)》Chapter #24


We soon walked up to where the transportation circle was.

I stepped into the middle of it and nothing happened.

"How exactly does this thing work noona." I asked

"You Invision the place you want to go and insert quix into the formation. "She said

"What about the poison?" I asked

"Here it is" she saying as she handed a tiny bottle.

"Are you sure there's enough in here. " I asked

"One drop is enough to kill an entire city if used correctly," Lexie said

"Dam are you okay with giving me this much power, there are at least 10 drops in here. " I said

"People's lives are like blades of grass" she responded

"Am I a blade of grass?" I asked

"No, you are a stubborn weed that refuses to die" lexie responded

What do humans typically say when there about to be separated from there loved ones. I couldn't find the words to express myself in the moment so I just said thank you.

"I'll go first but you have to remember to come back for me after you have emptied your heart out in revenge," she said

My heart may forget you but my crotch never will. That sensation was almost too much to handle.

She seemed to understand my thoughts, with a little smile she walked closer to me and stood on her tiptoes. Her lips brushed against mine. She turned around while holding my gaze and said "I'll catch you on the flipside. With a flash of light, I was the only one left standing in the room. My original plan had been changed with this formation. I walked into the middle and envisioned the well in the middle of the nobles faction the bottom of that well too be specific. As soon as I did I could feel the quix leaving my body. And with a flash, the world turned dark and cold. I could feel the sensation of wetness all over my body. When I looked up I saw a small ring of light pouring down from above. I will grasp that light and turn it into my future.

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