《The Putrid Assassin (Complete)》Chapter #6


"The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

I began to ponder the old proverb I heard in my days living in the slums. As I walked down the dusty road opposite of the battlefield.

After my battle to protect the captain and miraculous survival. I thought the saying was kind of ironic I didn't save her out of good intentions. It was out of the want to make her into my women!

Currently, the road I was on was a supply route for the main army so if I walked long enough there must be a supply town at the end.

The quix in my body that was the source of energy for all living things allowed me to walk continuously for three days until finally, I arrived in town.

But alas I had no money. Mercenaries get paid after the battle and I had not lasted that long. Oh well, I was born in a back alley I'll find another back alley and sleep there for the night.

The next day I went to acquire work at the mercenary guild. The guild was rundown but inside was full of cheers and merry laughter.

Directly opposite from where I walked in was a beauty that rivaled that of my former captain. She had long red hair with pale white skin, a very curvy figure that was not too tall or too short.

I made my way through the ravel and just stayed silently looking at her for a few seconds. She was leaning back against the bar with her eyes closed.

"Excuse me noona could you tell me where the guild master of this place is"

She opened her eyes and shockingly they were green, maybe she was even more of a beauty than the captain.

"You're looking at the guild master brat"

"Impossible how could such a sexy and powerful noona go unnoticed in a bar full of men"

"Its because all of them are scared of me" She replied with what seemed like a half-smile

Curious I pulled all my quix into one eye and stared at her inside her body where her first plate of glass was all that I could see and shockingly it wasn't white like all the others I had encountered there seemed to be a red demon painted on it.


She seemed to sense my eyes and instantly rejected my aura with a blast that mad my one eye started to cry.

"Noona is such a mean older women" I said

As if not wanting to converse with me anymore she closed her eyes and said "There are people requesting work by posters over there on the bulletin board go grab one"

Happy to get away from that vixen of a noona I instantly went over and began browsing the posters. The only one that caught my eye was a job for defending the town's graveyard.

I ripped the poster down and then proceeded to the city's graveyard. The graveyard had been themed in clean white marble so it looked more like a garden of statues than a graveyard.

I walked in through the main gate and a hooded figure dropped from the sky next to me. Where did this person drop from? There was nothing above me I puzzled.

As I stood there a women's melancholy voice drifted to my ears.

"State your name and your business"

"I came here looking for work defending the graveyard and as for the name I don't really have one of value," I said

"Regardless a man needs a name"

"I turn eight this year am nowhere near manhood" I answered in an attempt to get a response out of the women with a lovely voice.

Then suddenly her aura burst forth and put immense pressure on my body to the point where I struggled to breathe. Then it receded as quickly as it had come.

"Is this lovely voiced noona trying to kill there poor pitiful junior"

" I have met men who boasted with there name proudly about there accomplishments on the battlefield and the length of there swords that had less strength then you," She said

"Fine then call me the brat of a thousand lives ahahhahah" I thought the name was rather suitable considering how much near-death experiences I had encountered"

" I think I will call you nine after all a number doesn't need a past or a future" She said


Wondering why a great amount of strength was needed for this job I asked hesitantly "What does this job required of me?'

"Protect this place from graverobbers and the occasional demon beasts that get hungry and try to dig up a body for an easy meal." She said

The ranks of beast proceeded from 10 to 1 with 10 being the most dangerous. Although the rewards of slaying such beasts were plentiful. As the bodies could be made into armor or precious medicines.

" What are the ranks of the demon beasts in the area," I asked cautiously knowing that if there was any above rank seven I would immediately leave this place and never return.

"The beasts in this area are all rank seven or below, but it's not the beasts you have to watch out for there are robbers that come for the nobles graves. Some of them are too strong for you at your current level."

With that,she reached into her black robe and pulled out a tube

She spoke out slowly as if these words were important

" If there is anyone that you sense is more powerful do not hesitate to insert your quix power into this. A flare will be released and I will come running may you survive until I arrive." She said

"Where will noona be stationed?"

"On the opposite side of the graveyard, we will meet at the beginning of the night and at the end. You can start work tomorrow."

She turned to walk away off into the night and her porcelain white legs glimmered in the moonlight underneath her skirt. Truly she could not be too old underneath that robe.

I turned around and walked off into the night as I wracked my brain trying to think of things to do for the rest of the night.

I know im powerful compared to the average citizen so why can't I just go around stealing and extorting? Clearly, I had no issues doing something like that. If being called evil was what was required to survive I would gladly accept the criticism of thousands of people with a smile on my face.

By the time I had finished such thoughts I was already back in town.

But if I rob townspeople won't I get wanted in this town and then be unable to work in this town?

Then the answer struck me and I went to the nearest location with beggars.

There was a beggar with countless scars leaning against a wall silently trying to sleep but I knew he was only half asleep.

For those that lived on the streets, this was a necessity to escape the beating of the guards.

I approached and spoke with a reverent voice "Old one could you please point me towards the nearest thief's den"

He opened one eye and slowly evaluated me

"Young ones such as yourself should not strive to be thieves even if life is hard and full of perils. Oh well since you showed this old one respect I shall answer your question."

He proceeded to tell me to go two streets down and one alley left. "This young one thanks his elder for the wisdom"

I mumbled as I walked off down the dim-lit street.

Eventually, I made my way to were the den was and laid in wait outside to catch a thief and rob him for all of his gold.

After all, if I directly went into the thief's den it would be the same as throwing one's life away.

I sat there for an hour lying in wait until a thief with a purse heavy in gold walked down the back alley towards the den.

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