《The Vampire King》Chapter: 0 - Prelude


Marcus the first vampire was once a simple farmer working his fields but one day a woman came walking along up to Marcus it was hot and she told him that he looked like a man that could use some refreshments. Marcus was not a man to decline a drink from a beautiful woman so he drank deep he said his thanks and continued working his fields.

But he felt queasy and decided to get some herbal remedies from his local village but once he got there he saw smokes on the horizon. He rushed to see what was going on but all he found was undead walking the streets he picked up a hammer and started destroying the dead wherever he found them. Eventually he destroyed all the undead and he felt sleepy he once again saw the woman but her appearance was changed now she looked like an ugly hag!

He rubbed his eyes and then he saw it all around him the dead men, women and even children of the village the drink he thought the drink it had made him think they were undead and now he had killed them all!

The Hag laughed with a raspy voice “MY LORD KAIN I OFFER YOU THIS SACRIFICE SHALL IT PLEASE YOU GREATLY” the skies darkened and blood started to fall from the sky it trickled over marcus who was on his knees in the now blood soaked earth.

The appearance of the hag changed again but now it felt more real her old features became young and she once again became the young beautiful woman Marcus had seen before.

She came towards him and with gleeful smile she put a dagger through marcus heart it would be a great mistake for when Marcus awoke alive during the night he felt an empty void where his heart would be his mood darkened and he became enraged.


Marcus went on to go on a rampage of death and destruction for a hundred years looking for the hag that had hurt him so. But he never found her he eventually gave up, he found that he could create children through feeding this brought him some comfort because now he would not have to spend eternity alone.

He became obsessed with creating a new life for his family and created a great vampire kingdom, there he learned blood magics and Necromancy among a few other disciplines.

But all good things must come to an end and so it did.

The mortal races united against the vampire kingdoms and eventually they won and Marcus was imprisoned in his coffin and buried in sacred soil so as to never bring his evil into the world again.

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