《How I got Possessed By A Barrel Of Porn (Paused)》Chapter 25 : Drips


Gyll sat on the log by the fire, he looked into the flame and turned to look at Herian, "You really think it's that bad?" Razyl asked.

"Absolutely, my father would never send his men to the village, he always stood against the noblemen who wanted to cut down the forest," Herian replied.

"Why'd the noblemen want to cut down the forest?!" asked Gyll.

"The kingdom needs space to grow, the north, south and west are too mountainous and the kingdom doesn't want to look aggressive towards the elven kingdom," Herian explained.

"Ask him if it's likely his father was killed." Mi requested, looking at Gyll.

"Do you think your father is alright?" Gyll asked.

"I doubt it, I have hope but I just can't see that, he would never step down like that, and I was the next in line to be king," Herian claimed.

The group sat silently by the fire, "Are you planning to go?" Kaber asked.

"I have to," Herian replied.

"I'm sorry to say Herian, we can't go with you," Kaber said.

Herian replied with a nod and a smile.

Gyll turned to Kaber, "We can't just let him go and die." Gyll argued.

Kaber let out a little laugh, "What are you going to do? you almost died fighting one knight, you will face the city's defences." Kaber replied.

"It would be helpful to gain the recognition of a kingdom," Mi commented.

"Are you planning to take over the throne?" Razyl asked the prince.

"I'll try," Herian replied.

"Let's make a deal!" Gyll said, with his hand outstretched towards the prince.

"A deal?" The prince questioned.

"We'll help you take back the throne, in return, you'll support our fort, village thing once you're in power." Gyll elaborated.


The prince taught about the deal for a while, scratching his chin.

"Your offer is kind, but I cannot accept." The prince replied.

"Why not?" Razyl asked.

"If what Kaber said is right ... I can't endanger you all." Herian explained.

The group was silent again, "Alright, let's all have some sleep and then think about what to do in the morning." Razyl suggested.

Everyone agreed, and the group slept by the fire.

The next morning...

Herian was nowhere to be found, Gyll looked everywhere around the camp, but soon accepted what happened, there was no way the prince would abandon his kingdom.

And Kaber was right, Gyll didn't stand a chance against a trained and armored knight.

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