《How I got Possessed By A Barrel Of Porn (Paused)》Chapter 10 : Ashes


Eighteen years ago...

the figure lay in the snow in the alleyways... as the flakes of snow fell all around him, the boy's breath slowed almost to a stop, the hunger pains that haunted him for months were replaced by a terrifying numbness.

A sudden sound of crunching snow went completely unnoticed by the boy.

"Hah, look at this guys, the stray finally died" a few laughs could be heard.

A sharp crack was heard as one of the voices stomped on the boy's leg.

The pain, although numbed considerably was unbearable, the boy squealed in pain as he pulled his freezing body back, another voice commented: "It's alive!"

tears ran down the boys face, the boy used his other leg to pull himself up, he pressed his arm against a wall for support and grabbed a can off the floor to use as a makeshift weapon.

The first voice burst into laughter, others followed, he could see them now, it was some kids from the richer district, one, two, three, four.... seven...

Seven on one, the boy turned around and tried to walk back, when a rock hit the back of his head he fell to the cold floor.

"Look at the tough guy now!" called a voice from the group.

The boy gritted his teeth and crawled into the distant alleyways, leaving behind nothing but a trail of blood.

Gyll gasped as he awoke from the dream, covered in sweat.

"Did you sleep well?" asked Mi

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