《How I got Possessed By A Barrel Of Porn (Paused)》Chapter 4 : A Cloudless Day Brings A Cold Night


The man opened his eyes to the night sky, slowly stepping aside for daylight. The man sat up slowly and looked around to see if the girl was still there, to his surprise she was nowhere to be seen, and before him was a fireplace with what seemed to be books as fuel.

"Must have all been a dream, huh?" the man said, somewhat relieved. The man stood up and began to walk away towards what looked like a forest just a few meters away from where the sand ended. The man froze as he heard shuffling behind him, he turned his head to take a peek at what was behind him, it was the barrel.

The man broke into a sprint, as he charged into the forest he felt the evil presence behind him getting closer, out of the corner of vision the man saw something hanging, there was no time to think about the risk, for before him was a river, this was his chance to lose this evil barrel, he grabbed the hanging object and jumped into the air only to fall face first onto the muddy ground,

after a second a scream echoed in the woods.

Suddenly the man found himself surrounded by murmurs and whispering, surely this is the doing of the cursed barrel he thought.

"Surrender, scum!" a deep, raspy voice commanded.

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