《Cent Five》Chapter 20: Ruins


We trudge through the forest. I keep my robe wrapped around me. We've been walking for close to twenty minutes before we reach our destination.

The Church-Priest shudders. "We're close." He whispers, It wouldn't be as creepy without him. I keep my eyes open. I haven't dealt with undead before. There hasn't been any particular reason to.

We reach an open clearing win the forest. The forest ground is covered in vines, broken down trunks, and leaves. The rich dark brown soil gives way to a lighter muddy brown soil, the difference is quite stark. There was a castle here in some age but the castle's been broken down to a pile of rubble. There's a few walls standing here and there but other than that nothing.

Our first encounter is with a skeleton like undead. I use the shaft of the spear I got from Lem to smack it down. I aim for the area between the hips and ribs. I knock out the spine and stomp down on its head. Crushing the head stops any extraneous movement.

It isn't as hard to deal with it as I thought. "We should go straight into the middle of that castle over there. The aura's the strongest there."

We walk around and into the castle base. I keep my eyes peeled for any undead coming in from the corners instead, they drop in from above me. It's a slobbering mess of a zombie.

I take it off myself and punch its face in. Three straight punches in its mouth but it won't let go. Its crushed head tries to bite into my fist.

I take out my short-sword and hack off its head. Then I crush the head. I get up and turn around to a gaping party. They're surprised by my show of violence, no doubt.


"Do you have something against them?" Its the Druid lady.

The bear-man starts laughing. "Let's go." We move in and everybody starts scouring for these plants. I don't expect to find it but I still decide to look around.

"Found one!" The druid lady calls over the bear-man. I move over to them as well. The bear-man uses some strange skill and his hand is cased in a light glowing aura. His hand moves into the soil like butter and scoops it out.

He places the plant in a small pot. "What is that skill?"

"It's from the [Herbology] class. It's somewhat of a useless skill." I keep a look-out and detect some movement. I move in and its a small hoard of zombies.

"Incoming!" I PM the party chat and move in. I'm somewhat invincible against undead since they can't pierce my skin and I don't have to dodge all of their attacks.

The one thing I've learned about dealing with groups of enemies is to sequester them and take them out one by one. There's a wall in the way and I hide behind it .

I wait for them to shamble in and I stab my spear through the first ones leg and down into the ground. That should keep it restrained. I use my short-sword and shove it into its eye-socket. That's one down. I don't have time to take out my spear. I back off, circle around and move in from behind them.

I drag one of them back and shove the sword through the base of their head. The other ones are about to be on me when three sharp notes pierce through the air and thunk into the heads of the zombies.

[Dodge, its gonna blow up!]

I jump back and start running away. There's a series of loud pops and the arrows explode. I turn around and a disgusting grisly scene greets my eyes. I've killed a lot of monsters but this is making me a little queasy.


I move back to the party and the bear-man has three more of those death-lilies. I wonder how much these things cost, it has to be a lot if he hired this many people.

"Why did you hire this many people? Just you alone would've been able to deal with them." The bear-man smiles.

"I could deal with these undead alone but there's many more, in hiding. Most of them are aware of our presence and refuse to come out because of the sunlight. The starving, weakened units are attacking us right now, just wait until it gets dark."

Dark? I suppress a groan. This quest is going to take forever. I remind myself of the reward and the impatience disappears.

Once, darkness fell upon us, the ruins lit up with tiny motes of light here and there. Each mote of light was one of those lilies according to bear-man. He needed at least, twenty of these.

However, we weren't as relaxed anymore, there was a constant siege of undead. My role's been reduced to keeping them at bay while the other members take them out one by one. Another robe reduced to a pile of nothing.

It took us close to two hours to take care of them. Bear-man gathered a whole bunch of lilies. I'm exhausted beyond repair but it was fun. I decide to take down the ID's of everyone in the party. Nothing brings you close like battle.

We head back into town and they invite me for a drink, "Come on man, lighten up!" It's Dub the archer. He's quick, explosive and covers the ground with an intense scrutiny.

"I can't, I have to log out. My limit is coming up." It's a white lie but I don't have the time. I'm at 2500 now. 3500 to go,

"Ah, too bad." I say bye to all of them and part ways, I PM Lem, [Where are you guys?]

She shares her map and I move down there. Time to find out what riled up Nephos so much.

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