《Cent Five》Chapter 18: Build


After that brief battle, we decided to rush down to the Vellum. Once we were at the city gates, the client asked us to escort her to the port. It wasn't an actual port per se, just a docking station for a boat or two.

These sailed down to other cities. She transferred the frags to us right away. I converted them into credits and it was 2000 beautiful credits. I let myself revel in that feeling of accomplishment for a second.

"OK, that was stressful but I'm going to log out now. See you later." Lem gave a quick high-five and left. We were able to sneak in the dryad but it was a close call.

One-third of this does belong to the dryad and I'm depriving her of her fair share. She's not stupid enough to not notice.

I have about 500 frags on top of it. I'll use that to get her a skill or two. I'm still stealing from her but I don't care. If I didn't have the extra money I wouldn't spend it on her.

We go down to the skill shops. There are the fancy shops with their decorated store-fronts. Then there are vendors with a bunch of skill books hawking their wares. These are most of the time, very common or just defective skills.

What should her build be?

"What level are you?"

"I'm Level 15." Her level 15, was equivalent to level 30 of a normal player. Perhaps, it was even higher because she'd gone through multiple evolutions. What effect they had was out of his mind. Not to mention she was severely restricted and weakened due to not being grounded.

"What do you have levels in?"

"I have 5 in [Plant Mage]. I have another 5 in [Weather Mage] and the last 5 are in [Sun Seeker]." Plant and Weather mage make sense. [Sun Seeker] is a new one but it makes sense.


"What does [Sun Seeker] help you do?"

"It provides a boost to my healing, combat, and energy levels as long as I'm in the sun." I nod my head and start pacing around. It helps me think. "What happens to those boosts in the dark?"

"They're off-set." I don't like classes that are dependent on certain conditions, like being in a particular location or time. These restrictions can kick you off the door any second.

I focus, her class is built around the [Mage] archetype. Focusing on her strengths is the obvious choice but any glaring weakness in the build should be taken care of. I also need to keep in mind that she wants to kill Jeon. Her class has to be able to deal with him.

His main weapon choice is a Sword with multiple attack angles. "Do you have any defense methods?"

"I can cover my body up with thorns and vines." She brushes her hair back and I'm a little distracted.

"Is that it because I don't think it'll be enough."

She nods, "So, a defensive class?" Yes, that's it but what kind. What meshes up well with her current build. "I need to log out for a while. Don't worry and freak out. If someone messes with you, avoid them until I'm back." I hope I didn't just plant a flag.

I wake up and something's not right. I can't move my neck. I do have to deal with a numb, response-less body when I'm back but this is different. I'm contemplating if I should call an ambulance. The answer is a firm no, I have an illegal rig here and the ambulance bill is through the roof or I imagine it to be.

I move my body one limb at a time until my neck feels better. I get out and relax. I grab my phone. Lie down on the ground. There are cracks and pops through my whole body. I turn on my phone and start researching.


There are a few respectable candidates. [Shield Warrior] is one of the foremost, since, it's a highly defensive class. I don't think it's going to mesh well with her mage build.

Then it hits me, it's been staring me in the face. [Druid], that's it. She's attuned with the forest, druids will help her tap into the forest spirits aspect not to mention druids have high defense.

They're not very offensive characters but in terms of AoE effects, they're very good. She'll be terrifying with this class as well. I think she can get [High Druid] or even [Holy Druid] down the line.

Ok, I log back in right away. I ignore the creaking groaning pain in my back. What else is there to do about it?

I log in and it's pure mayhem. I think an entire party is being restrained by her. Ping, ping, ping. Three of them just died. Why did I have to log out?

I grab her shoulder and she turns to me with an unseen rage. I haven't seen her this angry ever. The anger subsides and I tell her we should leave, "The guards are going to be here any second. We have to get out of here."

She takes care of the other two players and we start running, leaving her in the city was not a good idea. However, why did she get so angry?

"What did they do to you?"

She turns her head away, not good. We dash through more than a few alleyways, I have a map. I head down to the city gate and well, there's a Unit of Guards waiting for us.

How did they track us down so fast? I cast the elemental buffs right away for all the good they'll do. How am I supposed to get out of this mess?

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