《Cent Five》Chapter 15: Attack


We had to hide Nephos. Her hair most of all. It looks like someone twisted up a bunch of vines. Whenever, her mood changes, there's changes in her hair. After a good meal, her hair will blossom with a variety of flowers. Whenever, she's angry or upset, the flowers start wilting.

Lem and I decided to get her a full robe, some gloves and tied up her hair so, it won't come out. I don't intend to have her do battle but, I have a weird feeling that it won't be avoidable.

We even get her a mask. Its got a very sinister tone to it. It gives her a very intimidating aura. I like it.

I think to what she's been through and what I've promised her. I was going to help her get stronger and kill Jeon. She needs to get some sort of mimic class. Maybe even, Assassin. Anything, that conceals her appearance and allows her to travel into and out of cities.

The Kingdom of Pot-Rin isn't accepting of monstrous creatures at all. As long as we're down here she needs to adapt. I don't think it's right that she has to hide her appearance but, there's not much I can do right now.

Lem's going to head down to the loading bay. We've decided to meet her outside. She did ask me about it, "Why don't you come inside?"

"It's my Armour. It's too conspicuous."

"Then just take it off. You're taking this super secret identity thing too far."

Maybe, I am but I can't go in there. Not with Jeon and JaredEater tearing apart the city trying to find me.

She shrugs and goes in. I decide sit down and focus on my enchantments. I know three and I need to learn another three. I'm 50% there.


I decide to learn the one meant for Concealment. It's called [Soften Steps]. I don't know how it works. I just have to learn it.

I focus on practising for the next twenty minutes. Nephos is sitting down beside me, staring at what I'm doing.

A few minutes later, she raises her finger, wraps some mana around it and draws the enchantment. It activates. "What!? How did you do that!?"

She's a goddamn prodigy. I decide to give her the manual so, she can learn the rest. She just looks at it with a blank stare. I don't think she knows how to read it.

I'm about to show her the rest of the enchantments but I receive a PM from Lem. "Meet us here." She's pinned her map along with the message.

"Let's go." I adjust her mask before we leave. I'm wearing a robe and some gloves as well. Just in case.

We reach the location. It's just two simple, horse drawn carriages. The horses are very ugly. They just are. I think one of them reads my mind and snorts at me.

Lem is sitting up top on the first carriage. I think she has a riding skill. She hops off the carriage. Her entire personality is up-beat, its hard to keep up with her sometimes.

"Let me introduce you to our employer." I just nod my head and we step into the carriage.

It's very cramped up with me and Lem. Our employer is a woman. She has a vertical scar on her forehead, right above her left eye. It gives her a fierce aura. She's dressed in pants and a shirt. She might be player. It's not common for the NPC's to wear clothes like this.

"This is Cent and that lady outside is Nephos!" I feel her sharp glare staring at me through the Armor. The tension disappears in a second and she smiles. She shakes my hand, "Let's have a safe trip."


We step outside and she shakes Nephos' hands as well. I don't think Nephos is well versed in human customs but she has to get used to them.

We decide to split up. Lem is going to be on the first carriage and we'll be on the back carriage. Once, the employer is back in her carriage. I pull Lem close to me. "I don't have a riding skill."

"Don't worry I put the tamer horses on the back so, they'll follow the first carriage. Just focus on their intention and try to get the skill." Is she referring to the horses intentions?

I can't just complain about this anymore. I buck up and get on the second carriage. Nephos is sitting beside and we start down the road.

There's a moment of panic and adrenaline that rushes through me. I'm grasping on to the reins like a man drowning.

I relax after about ten minutes. Then I hand over the reins to Nephos and get back to practising. It takes me another ten minutes before I get that smooth sense of satisfaction with the notification.

[Enchantment Cast]

[Soften Steps]

I cast it on one of the horses. It's clip clopping horse steps against the hard baked ground soften. It's not as loud anymore. I can still hear it but there is a sound reduction.

I'm thinking if I should give Nephos, the enchanter class. Would it help her? She is going to get stronger.

All of a sudden she starts coughing. I haven't heard her cough like this. It's a heaving, wracking affair.

She pulls her mask up and throws up along the ground. On cue, the sunny weather disappears. It's not raining but a thick fog envelops us.

I receive a PM from Lem. [Attack incoming].

I grab Nephos, shove the mask back over her head and push her into the carriage. I get PK'ed I'm fine, except I can't because of this armour.

She gets killed and she dies. Both of us can't die.

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