《Cent Five》Chapter 14: Name


I can't panic, not right now. I get up and start walking away. Me being still is suspicious but I can't just take off running. I can still hear through the enchantment.

[Let me deactivate it for you gu-] That's it, the sound cut out. Whoever was that third person, they got rid of my enchantment. I don't know what kind of skill that is and I have no intention of finding out.

I head down to the quest lobby, my heart is beating in my ears like a jackhammer. However, I try to keep myself calm.

I should claim a quest. I scroll through a bunch of them. I need quests with higher rewards.

[Escort Item to City of Vellin]

[A carriage is traveling down to the City of Vellin, protect it from any bandits ad vagabonds. Ensure its safety. Minimum Level 25. Go to Brendin Street for further details and confirmation of level.]

[Reward: 500 Frags].

That's good. I'll have to split it with Lem but even 500 is good. The annoying thing is, its going to take all day. I could be grinding during that time but I have to get hands on the money. I'll find a way to grind on the road.

I send the quest sheet to Lem's chat. She meets the level requirement and she should accept it. They want five to six people at least. She can pull me in as well.

I grab some groceries. I don't want to get too fatigued and all that. I avoid the street with that pub. I don't even try to think of what I've heard, as if they can read my thoughts, if only it was that easy to turn this chattering voice off.

The general gist is, there's a [Summoner]. Whoever, this person is, they're linked to the skill shard. I don't know who they are or what they look like. Not even their user ID but Jeon's going to issue a bounty. Unless his plans change following this incident, he would issue that bounty. I need to be waiting for it when he issues it.


I smile at that, this was more than productive. Trying to find this [Summoner] and getting my hands on them is going to be a whole new ordeal but I'll deal with it.

Down in the forest, Lem and the dryad are back. They've been running around doing god knows what. "Where were you guys?"

"I decided to take her along with me. Do you just leave her here when you log out?"

I feel a little attacked but, "What else am I supposed to do, take her with me?"

Lem's rubbing her head as well. "That's true but..." She just sighed. "There has to be a skill that can seal her or put her in slumber."

"What do you think happens to your summons when you log out?" Let's see you chew on that for a minute.

I turn to the dryad and she smiles, there are tiny flowers in her hair. "It was fun."

"She's saying, it was fun."

That makes Lem smile and she rubs the dryad's head. That reminds me of something, I have to name her but how?


[Beast Taming: 1/1]

I pull up her character sheet and she's [Unnamed], I click on it and hit backspace. I replace it with Nephos and hit enter.

There's a moment where I feel as if something was taken from me and traveled through our bond. Her eyes sharpen and Nephos looks me in the eyes.

She smiles at that and my heart skips a beat. "Something just changed. What happened?" Its Lem.

"I just gave her a [Name]."

"You can do that?"

I shrug. "I guess so, let's have a meal." We sit down and I decide to make chicken. I follow the same procedure I did last time but with chicken. It turns out good. Not as good as wolf meat but it's good. At least, that's what Nephos is telling me.


I can't eat in front of Lem since I have my armor on. I just decide to say that I'm not hungry.

"I sent you a quest link. Check it out." She scrolls through it. "This is good and 500 for each person?"

"I know but you need to go down and get your level verified. Just show them some flashy skills and tell them about me."

"Why didn't you go yourself? It would've saved us some time."

Because I'm not that high-level and I don't have any flashy skills. I can't tell her that though. "I have to log out soon, that's why."

She nods at that and goes back to eating. I don't know if she buys it or not but I don't care. While, she's gone, I decided to get back to practicing my enchantment skills. After learning that [Third Ear] enchantment, it's easier for me to pick up these simpler ones.

There's an agility enchantment that I learn. It's called, [Quick Run]. This is an interesting one. I cast it on myself and it increases my running speed just by a margin.

Then I move on to the healing one. It's called [Salve Wound]. That's three down from the basics. Three more and I can get the [Enchanter] Class.

Lem is back and I see her with a beaming smile. "Guess what?"

"What?" I should humor her.

"You know how they were asking for five people. I told them to hire us 3 and give us the full three thousand."

"Yes!" I leap up halfway into the air and give her a high-five. That's 2000. That's 1/3 of my goal.

"They do have a condition though. We have to pay them back double if the package is stolen."

"What is this package?"

"I don't know but it's got to be important if they're paying three thousand."

"There is one more thing..." Both of us look at Nephos.

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