《Cent Five》Chapter 10: Hogs


It was a good meal. I haven't tasted anything like this in years. In-game or out there. The dryad fell asleep a while ago but I'm going to have to wake her up soon.

But first, I decide to go through the basic enchantment manual. Its not that long.

There's six basic enchantments that I have to learn before I can become initiated in the enchanter class . There's two paths I can take with this class. I can go down the route of buffs and de-buffs where I place myself in a supporting role in a party. You can also buff yourself.

The other path is to work with a blacksmith and enchant items. In my case, its the best of both worlds. I can enchant my Armour and buff myself.

I decide to work on the first enchantment. Its called [Brute Buff]. Weird name but the point is, it provides a boost for physical attacks. Punches and kicks, should count but do sword attacks count as well. I think they do.

Enchantments depend on a core skill called [Air Writing]. You are supposed to write in the air, the symbols for your enchantment. That allows you to cast them. You can also use the skill to write on your Armour.

[Air Writing] requires you to have a particular quill made from a mana stone. It was my biggest hesitation regarding this class. Stone quills cost money. For now, I just grab a stick and write on the ground.

At first, I'm quite slow but i get better and better. I practice for about forty minutes. There's a pile of broken sticks on my side.

I wake the dryad up and decide to go complete a quest. It's simple. [Pest Extermination].

[Exterminate the Pink Hogs on the outskirts of the Grem Forest].


It's a five people quest. I'm not going in there with five people. Instead, I've decided on three. Me, the dryad and Lem, the summoner.

She's been hounding me non-stop about my Armour. The number of PMs I've gotten from her are insane.

I should still be careful though. Jeon990 has to be hunting for me somewhere out here. The question is if I should use my armour for this quest and the answer is a resounding yes. I'm too weak without this armour.

We move out and I understand why this was a five-person quest. There's giant pink eating these trees. They're biting into the trunks and ripping the trees apart. I need to be careful of those teeth.

I wait for Lem to arrive. Her bubbly personality's been replaced by a raging anger. She comes over and shouts at me, "What the fuck is that armour?"

"I don't know." I just shrug, its the truth.

She pouts for a second and lets it go. "You must be one of the P2W players." Pay 2 win. Rich kids that pour thousands of credits to acquire high-class items.

"P2W, that's a weird assessment. Let's get it." I look at the dryad. "Can you herd them in?" I make a circular motion with my fists.

She nods and starts performing. Vines starting growing out from the trees and they circle around. The little war-hogs squeal with delight and start munching on them. The thorns don't affect them at all.

The war-hogs are just happier with the extra food. That's good, they won't be able to run away.

"Can you summon something like that leopard again?"

She shakes her head, "Its recovering, it was hurt too bad in the last fight. I have a grey wolf though."


She summons one of those. Its scrawny but lean. I just need it to run around the perimeter and scare the hogs.

"Ok, let's focus on one hog each. We can't let any of them escape or we don't get a reward."

She draws out her long-sword. "How are we splitting the reward?"

"Its going three ways."

"No fair. You tamed her."

"Still, she's going to contribute." I rush into the thick of battle before she can say anything. The dryad has an intuitive understanding of what to do. Vines crawl out and bind the hogs legs. I shove my short-sword into its stomach, it squeals and rips itself away along with my sword.

I think this is becoming a common theme. The armour doesn't give me a good grip. The dryad binds it up again and I pull out my sword. I have to finish, can't let it run around like this. It'll scare the other guys.

I stab it in its throat and pull out my sword. That kills it. I move on to the next one. Lem is insane. It only takes her three to four swings to down a hog. Its not a passive skill though. She's out of breath and has to wait a few minutes before attacking like that again.

I move on to the second hog. Its mid-afternoon by the time we're done. The dryad was of great help, she enclosed them and the wolf brought us one or two hogs every now and them. Picking them off like that was much better than risking a stampede.

I should learn some basic skills like swordsmanship, archery, spearsmanship, magic(the basic spells anyway). For now, I decide to go back to the city and claim my reward. I take Lem with me.

The reward is 160 frags. 60 for her and 100 for us. Her wolf was of tremendous help. She's happy with it. "See you later. Call me, if you want to do any more quests."

She must be reaching her game limit. Its not time for me.

I buy a Stone Quill. It's worth 80 frags. I need to practice [Air Writing]. I spend the next two hours waving the wand around in the air. I know what to write, but something is stopping the enchantement from activating, I just don't understand why.

[New Skill Acquired]!

[Mana Manipulation]

[New Skill Acquired]!

[Air Writing]

I groan, I was learning two skills at the same time. That's why it took me so long. I'm happy though, I don't have to pay for the [Mana Manipulation] skill.

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