《Cent Five》Chapter 8: Jeon990


Jeon990 was wandering through the forests of Grem. There was no particular name for it, people had just taken to calling it that.

He knew the [Switch Build] Skill existed. It was in these lands, in the hands of that freak. His handsome face twisted into a malevolent rage. That Skill shard had turned into an obsessive pursuit. He'd halted pursuit of his next class quest for this item.

That's when he stumbled across a cave opening. He wandered into it, he might as well while he was waiting. There were a few dead-ends but he just used an item called [Path-Finder's Glow]. It was a flaming torch that got brighter on the path that led to a wide-open space. It didn't have to be the right path.

He kept on walking until he stumbled into a room with 3 tied-up dryads. What was this? They were abandoned dryads. Nowhere, near the same dimension as normal dryad's.

He decided to kill them and use a scroll to suck out their essence. He used the scroll on the first one and the male dryad's eyes rolled back, the eyeballs in its eyes scrunched up into a tiny grey dot. It screamed and shouted in despair but it couldn't even try. His face was frozen up in a mask of despair. It would be frozen like that forever.

The other two dryads screamed and shouted at him to stop in their beast-warg. Some of them tried to cast a spell but it just bounced off his armor.

He performed the same series of steps on the other dryad. That was when he heard a shout to stop.

"Wait!" He felt a sweeping left kick in his abdomen. Jeon didn't even budge. He was in the high thirties. He wasn't even in the same dimension as these players.


He moved back and planted a fist in the attacker's abdomen. His strength was no joke but his fist flew off the armor. His eyes narrowed. That wasn't a low-level item. How could it be?

He moved in and cast a simple fireball spell. Everybody knew the fireball spell. That robe was a common item and it caught on fire. His fireball spell was very high-level.

It burned the robe away in a matter of seconds to reveal a beautiful golden sleek armor. It covered the man from head to toe. Even his face was covered.

"Who are you and what kind of item is that?" Greed roiled around in his chest "I'll make you a proposition, give me that armor or tell me what kind of quest helped you get that item. In exchange, I'll leave this dryad."

The golden armor decided to speak. Jeon didn't know if it was real but he would bet his top dollar that voice was modified. "You can't repeat the quest, I used to get this item and I refuse to sell it."

Jeon's eyes roamed over the armor. He was salivating at worst and admiring at best. "I'll give you top dollar for it." All he got in return was a shake of the head. "Can you let those dryads go?"

Jeon sighed. "I don't do hand-outs." Before the other man could react his sword was out and that scroll he'd used to suck out the dryad was rolled on its pommel. He stabbed the first dryad in the chest. This time it was faster, much much faster.

The golden man shouted for him to stop and rushed at him. He equipped a short sword. It was of common grade. One of Jeon's swords unsheathed itself and parried away the sword. It was a floating sword.


This man was weird, all of his other items were so low-level yet, that armor...had he bankrupted himself just to get his hands on that armor. Was it a blacksmith's item? Was that the reason why there was no quest? Could it be due to the dwarven expansion?

Something rushed underneath his short-sword and leaped on top of his face. It was a small white leopard. It didn't have eyes. It could sense its environment just by shockwaves.

Jeon had one answer for this new development. It was a summoner. Before, he could re-orient himself and push it off. He felt something, slashing across his ankles. That enraged and frustrated him. He pushed off the leopard and seethed.

He equipped a new item, [Aegis: Offence].

Eight swords rolled out and revolved around him. Three would cover his rear, four his flanks, and one of them was for him to wield.

Lem was quick on the heels of her leopard. She had no time to orient herself before Jeon grabbed his sword and slashed her along her ribs. Lem's panic was evident and the leopard tried to attack him from his flank. However, two of Jeon's swords lodged into its eyes. It was dead.

That should've debuffed the summoner and he stabbed her straight in the solar plexus. He pulled his sword out and lopped her head off. She was dead.

Now that armored idiot. He turned around to find the last dryad missing and the golden-armored man as well.

The tunnel leading out was collapsed. He roared. What kind of bullshit was this!? He didn't have any spells that could deal with this fast. He could use his sword but they would be blunted beyond repair.

He had five levels in earth mage. It was the first class he'd chosen. He used the [Earth Manipulate] spell to move the rocks away.

When he was outside that golden player was nowhere to be seen. The player he'd been waiting for was here. He PM'ed him right away. "Reach, bro. I just saw an insane item."




Lem took off her helmet and slid out of her rig. "Shit!" She was about to smack the helmet on the ground but stopped herself when she remembered how expensive it was.

She needed to confront that Cent guy again about that whole situation. Just what the hell was that item he was wearing and had any of those dryads survived. Those poor dryads.

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