《WW1 in an alternate Universe》What needs to be known before reading.


This story plays in an alternate universe (like the title of implies). So, you can´t expect everything to be the “same” as on our planet earth.

I purposely changed the name of the countries and set the story in an alternate universe because I don´t want to take a side. Meaning I don´t care who has won in real life or not and I don´t want to change history in my story, because I would have wished for someone else to win the war. Which is not the case.

I just don´t want to judge between right or wrong, good and evil, which country started to whole mess and so on.

I also don´t care about any ideologies that will be mentioned or “genocides” that will take place in the future (I have them planed out already). These will not be mentioned because I think they were cool (NO THEY ARE NOT), but because I think that it is worth remembering them and that it is important to see how it can change the world.

(historical references Holocaust and other lesser known genocides which are at least as cruel, for example: Belgium and the Kongo.)

Let´s hope that in our world this never happens again.

NO DON`T LET IT HAPPEN, as long as we remember it, it won´t happen again! So never forget!

Now to the story.

The story plays in the year 8000. This is the case because humans here have an especially long lifespan of 200-250 years. Also, what is even stranger is that the body of a boy matures with the tender age of 10!

So, scientist will now raise their hands and say that´s impossible and now I tell you that I don´t fucking care and the only reason why this is the case is, I don´t want the main character too die to early before the main plot even takes place. (can you say “main plot”?)


At the point where the story starts the main character is at the age of 20. (Just because I find it to hard to write the story from the beginning, which would be his birth.)

Now I´m going to write the real story from this point onwards. It might take a while and I don´t know how long, but it shouldn´t be that long.

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