《WW1 in an alternate Universe》Chapter 1 Union of the Centre


Crulon Empire Capital: Ironvein Ruling Dynasty: Wallenstein Size: 1.216.822,89 km² Population: 116.282.458 Culture: highly militaristic (focus lies in the army) The Union of the Centre The Union of the Centre has three-member states: 1. Crulon Empire By far the strongest out of all three. 2. Kordian Empire A country dominated by its Naval history. 3. Kithian Kingdom A country were its people have a very strong believe in their king. These three are the biggest global powerhouses in terms of military might. They boast a very large industrial capacity and potential. People in these three countries are accustomed to war. Because of the only recent unification and the countless wars before. (like Germany which was split into many smaller countries.) Kordian Empire Capital: Bronzebay Ruling Dynasty: Rensloo Size: 490.356 km² Population: 20.181.354 Culture: highly militaristic (focus lies in the navy) Kithian Kingdom Capital: Swancrest Ruling Dynasty: Penning Size: 781.723 km² Population: 75.848.865 Culture: big national pride (people literally sacrifice themselves for victory) Main Character/Protagonist: Prince of the Crulon Empire (heir to the Throne) Genius in economic affairs. Brilliant strategist. His father the king is a excellent reformer and highly praised by the people. Weak constitution (not a hindrance later) Received excellent education. And has a very good military advisor. Infantry Crulon Empire Grenadiers

The elite type of infantry that can be seen on all battlefields with an especially high concentration of troop or in strategic location.

It is flexible and can be used in any terrain.

An elite Infantry Division includes 9000 of this type of Soldier.

They attack in small groups, that spread out on the battlefield.

They are made up of the best infantrymen in the army.

The normal Infantry

The type of soldier that fights on all battlefields. Form Deserts, Mountains, on the shores of the sea or on plain grassland.


They fight in large formations and charge at the enemy.

Only to get mowed down by machinegun fire.

They man the trenches and defend them.

Are usually made up of all ethnicity’s and doesn´t differentiate between young or old.


Operate in a four-man team.

One carries ammunition,2 the machine gun itself and the fourth the rifles and more ammunition for the others. They defend the trenches or provide covering fire for the infantry. They are usually made up of the worst fighters. But this doesn´t lower their effect at all because in the situation of defense one only needs to spray at the enemy and will likely hit something.

Mobile Infantry/Cavalry Crulon Husars

Are used as messengers, scouts, logistical help, military police, fast reaction troops and for pursuing the enemy after their retreat.

In the beginning they attacked in the typical horse charge style (I will call it that).

But as the war continued on and trench warfare began to take more control over the battlefields this was replaced with the tactics mentioned.

In the end many divisions were disbanded and reintegrated into the infantry. Because many of them turned out to be excellent snipers. (the bad ones were integrated into the machinegun crews)

Bicycle Troops

Take a similar role to the cavalry but appear later in the war and take a vital role in the army as surprise offensive infantry.

Meaning they have to quickly change place and appear somewhere else where they will immediately attack. (They will leave the bicycles behind, when they attack.)

Kithian Kingdom Infantry Normal Infantry

(is an allrounder)

One Division is made up of 6000 Soldiers.

Is sometimes equipped with outdated equipment and is seen on every front of the Kithian Kingdom.

They attack in the way the terrain or the tactics of the Generals demands.


They have the luck of more voice in the ears of the Generals. (They don´t throw their lives away needlessly)

But they have incompetent officers. Because they are not taken because of their ability but their loyalty.

But usually they have more success than other countries because the Soldiers have the right to make decisions on the battlefield themselves.

Jäger Infantry

They are special forces of the Kithian Kingdom.

They operate in small forces and raid the enemy at night. They only take orders from their own battalion officers or a General. they are bound to no specific area and travel from battlefield to battlefield.

One Battalion is made up of 1000 Jägers, which are excellent snipers.

Usually every Infantrymen that is not part of the Jägers listens to them, because of their expirience.

Kordian Infantry Kordian Marines

The elite of the Kithian army and navy.

One division is made up of 4000 Marines and they are usually supported with machineguns.

They are trained in defending and attacking ports, rivers and cities. But also excel at attacking other position, like normal trenches or hills.

They operate in small groups and throw grenades at the enemy before launching an attack. (getting up close and then throwing into the trench)

Normal Kordian Infantry

One Division consists out of 7000 Soldiers of this type.

Here shows the focus on the navy of the country its downside. The army-tactics are at the beginning of the war outdated and not usefully integrated into modern times. But still, this division can take quite a punch and is in no way inferior to the enemy in terms of equipment.

Also, the troops themselves are excellent in using the terrain to their advantage, when ordered to attack.

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