《Bug Bytes》61. Goals Inline


As I lay prostrate on the floor. The yellow raccoon stops next to me. His mace held by his side. Dripping mutant blood. Creating a pool next to my head.

"Who are you?"

He asks. A harshness to his tone. I thought having worked with them to take care of these mutants. Would have gained me some trust. Especially from the yellow one. Who would have been overwhelmed if not for my help.

"My name is Levi."

I say, as I push myself up. Not standing fully, but getting my face off the floor. And more importantly, away from the blood puddle.

"What mutant tribe are you from?"

The blue one asks, stepping forward away from the other two. And joining the yellow one beside me.

"I'm not a mutant."

I correct.

Using his sword, he pokes at my stump.

"You sure look like a mutant to me."

The blue one continues.

"That was an accident. Not a mutation."

I protest.

"Then what are you, some kind of mutant hunter?"

The yellow one asks.

"No, this was all a big misunderstanding. I came looking for some friends of a friend. I came across this place. And quickly learned these weren't the mutants I was looking for, when they tried to eat me."

"Friends of a friend? There's only one person I know of that makes friends of mutants."

The yellow one continues.


I say. I was too forthright with the opossum mutants. And wanted to withhold that information until I was sure these were the right mutants. But said it anyways, hoping it would gain me some trust. Or at the very least, instill a little fear in them.

"Yeah, that's the one."

The blue one says. He continues.

"But simply knowing his name isn't enough to gain my trust. Why do you have Opete's scepter?"

"He was the one first trying to eat me. I had to fight him to get away. This was the only weapon I could get."

"You killed Opete?"

The yellow one asks. Somewhat in shock.

"I don't think he's dead yet. I blinded him and left him in the kitchen. Through that hallway."

I point in the direction.

"Go check it out."


The blue one yells. Looking at the other two raccoons.

"I hope for your sake your story checks out."

He continued. Reaching a hand down to help me up off the floor.

A few awkward moments pass. The three of us staring at each other in silence. Before a call comes from the hallway.

"Yeah it checks out. Opete's in there blind as can be. He made a real mess of his face too. All bloodied up and burnt."

One of the two raccoons says, laughing. The second also laughing, adds.

"And we found this guys foot!"

Blue looks at me again, and says.

"Smart move not killing him."

He must be able to tell from the confused look on my face, I don't understand why. So he continues.

"When I saw the scepter in your hands, I thought you were trying to claim his throne. You were killing some of his minions, but they reproduce fast enough that this loss means nothing. Thing is, you need to kill the king to become the king. Killing him and not taking the throne leaves it open, leading to a tournament. The strongest gaining the seat. But leaving him alive, blinded and burnt. Well, they won't be able to amount to much under his leadership. You did good work here."

"Thanks, I'm glad you guys showed up. I don't think I could have gotten out of here if you didn't. But why were you here?"

I ask.

"Routine purging. Their numbers grow fast. So once a month we come in and thin them out a bit."

Figuring I've gained their trust I go ahead and ask.

"Are you the ones Manbug came to see two nights ago?"

Blue raises his swords up in a defensive stance.

"It was last night."

He says.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make sure you were the right group. yes last night with the little boy."

I say. Figuring if I confirm a second detail about their meeting. They'll believe my saying two nights ago was indeed a test.

"That was us yes. Allow me to properly introduce ourselves. I am Vivaldi. You've already met the one in yellow. He's Handel. Then over there."

He says, pointing to the hall just as the two emerge into the main area.


"In green with the spear we've got Lully. And lastly in white, with the whip and the bow is Telemann."

Looking in their direction, I see my boot flying towards us. Before I can register my confusion it slams into my chest. An arrow sticking out the other end. I look inside to find my foot still there. Glancing back up, Lully is laughing even harder than before. As Telemann stands bow in one hand, waving with the other.

"Let's head to our place. Where we can discuss why you came looking for us."

Vivaldi says.

Instead of exiting through the entrance I came in through. They climbed up to one of the lower tunnels on the wall. The wooden door that once kept it sealed, splintered to bits. I'm guessing that's how they entered.

I follow them up into the tunnel, and along a long and winding path. Any doubt I had about the possibility of me finding my way out. Had I even survived, without them showing up, is gone. I would have starved or frozen too death, long before finding my way out of here.

Several minutes pass. It's dark and they move fast. I need to run to keep up. Trusting that I don't collide with a wall. They keep calling back to me. Knowing their voices are the only guide I have.

Eventually I smash into a furred obstacle.

"Whoa dude, shoulda warned ya we were stopping."

One of them says. As a chain begins to rattle and I hear the creak of a large heavy door open.

It cracks slightly, and light pours out from behind. Once fully opened I see a whole string of lights. Leading to a living area complete with couches, a TV, and a table cluttered with taco wrappers.

The fat boy from the night before rushes over from one of the couches.

"You guys made it back!"

He yells, excitedly.

"Relax little dude, We were never in any danger."

Telemann says. Ruffling the boys hair.

Vivaldi holds the door open as the three others enter, me trailing behind them. After which, he enters and seals the door behind himself.

"Make yourself comfortable. Are you hungry?"

He asks.

Before I can answer the fat boy chimes in.

"Hey, I know you. Did Manbug bring you down here for protection too?"

"No, I'm trying to get a hold of Manbug."

I reply.

"Ah, so that's why you came down here."

Vivaldi says.


I confirm. Making my way to the couch, in desperate need of a chance to catch my breath.

"We can arrange that. But he's not often quick to reply."

Vivaldi continues.

Handel passes me a taco. I look at it unable to fully parse what's in it. I recognize the chocolate, but the rest is a complete mystery.

Too hungry to worry about it. I take a bite. The sweetness overwhelming any actual flavour. A red ooze pours out from the middle.

"Strawberry sauce."

Lully assures me.

I take his word for it. Trying to scan the table to see if there are any normal ingredients scattered about. Though I'm not sure what those would be. I know enough to know, it's not typically candy.

"As I was saying."

Vivaldi continues.

"It's barely sun down up there. I can't make any promises about actually contacting Manbug. We have a system where we move one of the flags in front of city hall."

He points to a rope dangling down from up in the ceiling.

"When he sees the flag at three quarters mast. He knows we want to meet with him. Issue is, we can't know for sure if he'll see it right away. And even if he does. It's never before well into the middle of the night. So you're here for another few hours at least."


Lully says. Extending the word and nodding his head as he says it.

"I'm teaching the little man here how to skate. You any good."

Lully continues. Tossing a pair of roller blades into my lap.

"Oh dang wait."

Lully pauses.

"Can you even do that with your... You know."

He points at my prosthetic foot.

I examine the roller blades. The sides go high enough that it'll hold my foot in place well enough.

"Looks like it should hold. I've never skated before, but I don't really wan..."

"All right. Two crickets for this guy today."

Lully interrupts, laughing.


I ask.


The fat boy translates.

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