《Bug Bytes》60. Bandits?


With only one foot. I march through the hall back to the main area. I have no plan beyond swinging at any thing that comes near me.

I barely make it a few steps out of the kitchen before I'm met with the first batch. Luckily for me, none are tenacious in their assaults. One hit and they stay down.

Briefly I consider staying in the hall. Letting them funnel into me. Instead of being in the open where they can come for me at any angle. But I fear some will be coming from behind anyway. More importantly, the bodies will pile up too fast. And I'll be stuck in here.

I press on further towards the main area. Regretting my decision the moment I cross the threshold. As I am immediately tackled to the ground.

My head hits the cement and my vision goes blurry. I can't tell whats happening. I think I'm being hit. But it seems more like I'm being stepped on. I hear the sounds of fighting continue on around me, but the strikes on me, aren't happening with enough frequency to match the noise.

Things start to get clearer, just as I see a mutant foot on course to break my nose. I grab the foot, pushing it upward. The mutant leans forward to regain their balance. Failing to do so, it falls on top of me instead.

It thrashes around for a moment, but finds its target in my face, once again. Still on top of me it lines up its snout to my throat. Sharp teeth bared in a wicked grimace as it pulls its head back.

Lunging forward its teeth make contact with my neck. Pressing in and piercing flesh. Finally a sharp stab directly in the middle. As though it has a sword for a tongue.


Its head peels back to reveal there is in fact a sword where the tongue should be. The sword disappears through the back. And the head drops down, lifeless on my chest.

Standing over top I see a raccoon man. Head to toe in fur, a blue head band his only clothing. With A sword in one hand and a dagger in the other. He doesn't even acknowledge me. Just looks out to the crowd laughing and says.

"Man I love taking out the trash."

He rushes back into the fray. Spinning and slashing his way through the mutants.

"It's garbage day."

He says. Running the long blade of his sword up the length of a mutants arm, before finally slashing its throat.

"Don't forget to put a lid on it!"

As he stabs the dagger down right through the skull of another.

Raccoon man is doing well. But the mutants numbers are just too high for him to do it alone. I get back up and join the fight. Not quite as quick with the scepter. But it's just as effective. Sending teeth flying with each hit.

The crowd around myself is thinning out. I scan around the room to see where the next threat is likely to be coming from.

Then, I notice three more raccoon men in the room with us. Each armed with a different weapon. Each taking on large crowds of the mutants.

The raccoon man with the yellow head band is looking the most crowded. I can't tell what his weapon is from here. But it seems to be a shorter range one than the others are using. Leaving him dangerously susceptible to being overwhelmed.

I push over to his quarter of the room. Barely needing to swing my scepter along the way. Once there. The crowd is so focused on the yellow raccoon they don't notice me behind them.


Swinging down over my head I thin the crowd from behind. Taking out four of them before the others notice. Once they do, Half the group splits and turns its attention to me.

I start swinging large broad strokes with the scepter. It's slow, and the impact isn't as hard. But it keeps the mutants at distance. They're taking two or three hits each now, instead of just one.

I'm running out of energy, but the fight should be over soon. I try and glace around as best I can. While still focusing on keeping these mutants a few steps back. It looks like all four raccoon are finishing off the last few mutants in their areas.

I don't need to take these mutants down. I just need to survive another minute.

I take another two down. Five more surround me. I swing the scepter low. Knocking two of them off their feet. I jab at one of the three left standing and it takes a step back. Turning my attention on the two that remain standing.

I kick one with my stump. It doesn't accomplish much but puts him back a step. I advance on him. Now just out of arms reach of the other. I won't have time to finish him off before needing to address the other. But I can get a good hit in.

Swinging upward with the scepter it hits dead on to his chin. Like an upper cut, his head shoots up. and he falls back to the ground. Wishing I could use this opportunity to finish him off. I instead turn around. Knowing the last two standing will be at my back. And the others should be standing back up by now too.

Instead I find all the other mutants dead on the ground. The four raccoon men standing behind me. Arms folded. Watching me.

"You don't look like the other mutants."

The blue one address me.

I extend a hand to introduce myself. But am cut short by the final mutant. Had I known the raccoon men were there, I'd have finished him off. Now he's behind me. Arms around my neck. Tearing at my ear with his long snout. I try to arc the scepter behind me and knock him off. But can't generate enough power.

I throw my leg out from under me and fall backwards. Sending the mutant to the floor. And landing on top of him. Still in his grip. I can't do much.

I writhe and try and break free. after a few seconds his grip disappears. No longer fighting he goes limp. I roll off of him and look back. To see a mace where his head should be.

The yellow raccoon picks the gore covered mace up, and walks toward me with it.

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