《Bug Bytes》59. Charred To Perfection


I stumble forward and fall to the floor. More out of confusion than blunt force. Though I'd be lying if I said the strike didn't disorient me.

I don't understand how Opete was able to strike me. The only explanations I can think of are. These mutants are not MPs at all. And had been living here long before the apocalypse began. Or these are constructs deigned to fight someone else. And do not follow the same rules as standard MPs.

Before I can scramble back up to my feet another two mutants are on me. tying my legs together. Opete standing back watching them. All the while spitting out a horrible screeching laughter.

I block that out and focus on the two tying me. I'm not concerned about freeing my legs. But I need to find a way to stop them before being further restricted. If they tie my arms up, I'll be doomed.

I thrash around left and right. Trying to buy myself some more time. I notice a rolling pin on the ground under the sink. It must have fallen there and been forgotten.

Slowly I wriggle my way closer to it. The weight of the two mutants holding me down making that an increasingly difficult task. Stretching out as far as my arm will go. I manage to get a finger on the leg of the sink. Then my whole hand.

Using that to pull myself closer I have the rolling pin just moments later. Right as they finish tying my legs together. Straightening out and leaning back to admire their handy work, before proceeding further.

I bide my time. My arm well hidden under the sink. They are unaware of the rolling pin. To try and sit up and swing now, I'd barely generate any force. I just lay defeated. Playing dead, if not for the fact that they know me to still be alive.

Slowly one of the two mutants approaches with a second rope. He grabs my right arm, tugging it and myself towards the center of the room. Revealing my left arm, the rolling pin firmly in my grasp. Before he has time to react, the pin comes down hard on his snout. Shattering teeth, the lower half of his jaw entirely dislocates. He falls to the ground, out cold.

The second mutant takes no precautions in their approach, and is easily met with a similar fate.

Still laughing Opete begins a slow clap.

"Well done Levi. But you'll tire long before I run out of men to send at you."


He walks over to where I lay on the floor. Stopping at my feet. I know he plans to stand there until I swing the rolling pin. Not seeing any other options I give him what he wants, and do exactly that.

Dropping to his knee, he deflects it with his scepter. Following up with his other arm. Grabbing the rolling pin and freeing it from my grasp. Then tossing it across the room. He continues to kneel beside me.

"Others will be here shortly. I've instructed them to come in a few minutes after we do. You're not the first to put up a fight. And hopefully not the last. I do find the meat taste better after a good struggle. You can taste the desperation."

He stands back up and looks down at the second mutant I hit. He pulls back his scepter as if it were a golf club and drives it into the mutants ribs.

"No reaction. He really may be dead you know. That was a good strike to the head you gave him. Of course, with these guys, you really can never tell."

He sits on the mutant, laying his scepter across his lap. Watching me.

"Don't mind me. You've got a few minutes. Go ahead, fight, struggle, try and break free. I won't stop you."

I don't trust that at all. But facing Opete in a fair fight sure beats laying here waiting for death. I sit up and begin to work on my legs.

"You'll find my men are especially adept at tying knots. It will take you a good long while to untie that."

Opete states. Through a twisted jagged grin.

"I don't plan on untying it."

I reply.

"Oh really? Well I'd love to see what you intend to do then."

I release my right foot. Pulling my leg free. The ropes now loose enough I can pull the boot out from the bottom. I rise. Boot in hand. The rope falls loosely around my left leg.

"What kind of freak are you!"

Opete shrieks.

I laugh this time. Using his shock to my advantage I walk over to him.

"Take a look for yourself."

I say, as I toss the boot to him. Automatically, without thinking, he catches the boot. And looks inside.

"What is th..."

Before he gets a chance to finish his sentence I slug him across the jaw. It's much firmer than the others. I'm using my bare fist instead of the wooden rolling pin. So I wasn't expecting much. But he barely seems to notice.


"Oh, you'll have to try a lot harder than that to take me down."

He says. Swinging the scepter wide and catching me in the kidney. I stumble back, hitting the counter behind me. I look around for something to use, there are too many options. I debate it for a moment too long and the scepter comes crashing down onto my hand, as it hovers over the counter.

My hand smashes down. I look at in awe. Seeing at least two of my fingers are broken. I also see what my hand smashed down on. the blade of a pairing knife barely sticking out from underneath.

It's only three inches long. Not ideal but should do some damage. I weakly grip it and spin around, driving it into Opete's side. It's hard to tell where exactly it hit. I believe somewhere in the ribs. But the heavy robes seem to have absorbed most of the impact.

I'm not entirely sure it penetrated at all. Opete shows no signs of being hit. I try to pull the blade back out. But can't get a strong enough grip on it.

"Looking for this."

Opete says, as he grabs at the knife.

Using his affinity for flare against him. I don't watch as he slowly pulls the knife out in a display of power. Instead slipping away from him and moving along the counter.

I grab a cast iron skillet and a meat tenderizing mallet. The mallet alone should do the trick. But I want to play it safe.

I push my way down to the stove. Dropping the skillet on the burner and cranking it too full. I see a pot of water on another burner and turn that one on too.

Then gripping the mallet tightly in my good hand. Turning back to Opete. Just as he finishes pulling out the knife and inspecting it.

"You'll have to a lot try harder than that to take me down."

He says.

"You already said that one."

"Did I? Damn. Oh well. I usually leave the dirty work to my men. But I'll just have to kill you before they come in. So no one but us will know about that."

As he blathers on, I moved in close. Bringing the mallet straight into his temple as he uttered the last word. Now he's the one stumbling into the counter.

I move the mallet into my bad hand and swing down towards his head. As expected, he raises the scepter up with both hands to block it. My good hand reaching behind him grabbing a fork off the counter. I drive it deep into one of his eyes.

Another horrible screech erupts from Opete. I'm sure I only have seconds now to finish this fight before others show up.

I move back over to the stove. Opete begins to close in on me.

"I'll eat your eyes while you're still alive of that! Do you think they'll be better fried or raw?"

He asks.


I reply. Tossing the pot of barely warmer than room temperature water on him.

He screams in agony clawing at his face. For the few seconds it takes for him to realize the water was not boiling.

Long enough for me to get beside him with the skillet. I plow it hard through the side of his head. Grabbing it with my bad hand once it connects and holding it against him. It's much hotter than the water. My hands begin to blister and smoke starts to rise from his head.

I keep pressing forward with it. Driving him to the stove. His head straight down onto the burner. I press with all my strength. Keeping it there as long as I can.

His scepter swings wildly behind him. A few pass by dangerously close to my head. One good blow would knock me out cold. I can't take the risk. I let go of the pan and grab hold of the scepter. For the first time realizing the gem on the end is carved into a woman's head. And pry it from his hands.

Opete raises up. One half of his face blood soaked. As it continues to stream from his eye. The other half melted and charred beyond recognition.

"You'll pay for this. There's too many of us. You'll never escape. I'll make sure you're kept alive as long as possible. as we slowly eat you bit by bit."

He claws wildly at the air and he says this. He's fully blind and likely going to die from one wound or another. The humane thing to do would be kill him now and put him out of his misery.

I have no interest in doing the humane thing.

I take the scepter, and walk out through the hall.

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