《Bug Bytes》58. Underground Connections


I pushed my luck and kicked over a hardhat laying near the body. Trying to see if there was anything of interest underneath it. An officer saw me do it, and yelled.

"Hey, this is an active crime scene. You can't touch the evidence. Get out of here."

I didn't argue and instead just left. I've seen them work. I know they'll just stand around for a few hours before leaving. I may come back later and see if I can find anything.

For now, I turn my attention back to the sewer. I'm confident with some effort I could lift off a manhole cover. But luckily I won't have to test that theory. Manbug had left the sewer open last night, after he brought the child down. So I'm free to go straight down without any effort.

Things aren't as easy once I actually am in the sewer. I don't know how I planned to find my way around. I have no source of light. The little bit coming from the opening above me, not going far. Barely enabling me to see my own hand in front of my face.

Even if I had come prepared and could see my way around, the smell is blinding. I'm doubtful I can make it very far. And glance up at the entrance again. Considering getting back out and finding another plan.

I remind myself of who I am. I've been allowing myself far too many luxuries of the modern world of late. It's making we weak and soft. Before all this apocalypse stuff began. This sewer would have been no challenge. It probably would have been a welcome experience even.

Atavism renewing my sense of vigor, I set out. Blindly still, taking caution to keep a hand out in front of me to avoid walking into walls. Something I nearly do multiple times over in a five minute period.

Trying to keep my mind off of worrying how I'll get back out. If I fail to find the mutants I'm looking for. I pause for a moment and think.


Manbug had said they had a comfortable set up. And he felt it was suitable for a human child. So I'm assuming they have lights strung up. That would leave my only option to be continuing to wander around aimlessly. Until I stumble across some light source. But I can't guarantee that they do have lights. And even if they did, it could all be behind a door sealed well enough that no light would escape.

I continue to stand frozen. I don't even know if I had been going in the right direction in the first place. Each step taken possibly leading me further from my goal.

"This way."

Whispers into my ear from a strange and guttural voice. I swing my arms around. Trying to feel whatever it was that said that. I catch nothing but air. And rationalize that it must have been my mind playing tricks on me.

Figuring I wouldn't be able to find my way back if I turned around. I continue to venture forward. Both options feeling increasingly hopeless.

Another few minutes pass.

"Follow me."

Whispered into my ear once more. This time accompanied by a shuffling. The dragging of four feet as best I can tell. Though if its two people guiding me. Or one on four legs, I can't tell.

I follow the shuffling. Keeping my ears trained as best I can. Losing the sound a few times. And needing to pause, wait for an indication of where they went. Then risking jogging along to catch up.

This continues for what feels like half an hour. I try a few times to start the conversation. Saying I know Manbug, and am looking to get in contact with him. Asking if they'll be able to lead me back out after. Everything I say.


Is the only reply I get. Until finally.

"We're here."

I stop, Still unable to see anything. I hear the sound of a heavy door slamming shut behind me. It echoes all around me. And I get the sense that I am now in a large high ceilinged hall.


Dim but still blinding lights are snapped on. All I can see is white for a moment. I force my eyes through the uncomfortable experience of staring out into the light. They soon adjust, though still burning and I confirm it to be an even larger than I had expected hall.

I count at least a dozen tunnels leading to this room. All at various heights, high up on the walls. Each seeming to be sealed with heavy looking wooden doors. Mutants sitting in front of most of these openings. Their feet dangling down.

Though they do only have two feet each. So it must have been a pair of them leading me on earlier. There is no doubt in my mind that these are in fact mutants. All staring down at me.

Many more on ground level, staring at me all the same. Hallways lead out from this main room. Their openings crowding with more of these mutants as they filter in to get a better look at me.

An uneasy feeling comes over me. These mutants are far uglier than I was prepared for them to be. Loose sagging skin with patches of hair. Long snouts. Limply clawed hands and feet. I'd say they look to be a cross between man and opossum. But that would be an insult to opossums.

I have a hard time believing a child could ever grow comfortable living among these creatures. Or that Manbug would ever think it possible. But I push that aside knowing I am judging them unfairly based on appearance. And comforting myself with the reminder that I am personally in no danger. As MPs can not harm uninfected humans.

One of the mutants steps forward. Dressed in a fine robe, while the rest are either naked. Or barely clothed in tattered rags. He speak.

"Welcome newcomer. I am Opete. Who might you be?"

"I am Levi. Are you the ones who took in the young boy?"

I ask.

"We have had many young boys over the years. What business do you have here?"

Opete asks.

"I am trying to get a hold of Manbug. I thought you may have a way of contacting him."

"Ah yes, of course we do."


I'm exclaim, surprised by how easily this is playing out. After initially seeing them, I had myself convinced this whole encounter would be a large ordeal.

"Can we reach out to him now? It's a pressing matter."

I continue.

"Follow me."

Opete motions towards himself. A scepter being held loosely in his waving hand. I walk towards him. Once I am near he begins walking. Maintaining a few steps lead.

We go down one of the many hallways. It's long and unlike the main room, unlit. Our destination at the end of the hall glows brightly. Creating the illusion of Opete being a silhouette. Somehow more grotesque than seeing him in plain light.

I'm relieved to enter the room at the end of the hallway. And be done with that unpleasant sight. Confused as to why we stand in what appears to be the kitchen. I speak up.

"Is this where we get a hold of Manbug?"

"In due time. We'll get to business later."

Opete replies. Stepping around to behind me. Using his arm to guide me further into the middle of the room. He continues.

"We would love to have you for dinner first."

The scepter slams into the back of my head.

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