《Bug Bytes》55. 55th & 13th


I've been following Levi for a few days now. I was already suspicious of him. But when I saw Franks coffee cart explode. Right after I had asked Levi to go there. I decided it was best to stay out of sight and tail him for a while.

As expected he had searched for me for a while. No doubt trying to cover his own ass. Feed me some excuse about what happened and how he wasn't involved. He gave up that venture awfully quick.

It didn't take long before he was getting involved in all sorts of suspicious activities. Talking to someone on some sort of communication device, I had never seen before. Probably the "friend" that had tipped him off to the murders in the first place.

Whatever that device was, it must have been connected to a secure line. Because He was awfully tenacious in trying to get it back. He had a run in with the green man which was strange. But I chalked that up to random chance.

I'm more focused on what he was talking to that man on the subway about. I couldn't make out the conversation. But I'm damn sure they weren't just talking about the weather.

It wasn't an easy go. But after that I had managed to follow him down to the pier. There was definitely something strange going on there. But I lost track of him somewhere among the late night roof top meetings with the green man.

I drowned the mystery and my misery, in the finest coffee Donna could bring. Which admittedly wasn't very fine. Really she is the only fine thing in the building. And I made sure to tell her that every chance I got.

I managed to convince her to sit down with me for a while. Have a coffee, after her shift was done. I was making real progress with her. But when I said I was getting too old for this life. saying how I can't keep chasing kids around. Playing cops and robbers every night. Begged her to run away with me. But of course she shot me down.


I was taking a mid afternoon whisky nap on the couch in my office. Passing the time until nightfall. When I plan to check out the pier and see what was going on at the warehouse Levi was sneaking around. Try and get some insight into what he's up too.

Then A knock on the door jostles me back to reality. Making no qualms about showing my annoyance. I loudly grumble my way to the door. Shooting a dirty look to the assistant that I don't even know why I'm paying for.

As luck would have it, Levi walks through the door. Casual and smiling, as if he hadn't just been tied up in all sorts of insanity. For a man to go from flying around with a green man one night. Too standing in my office cool and calm the next. It's a sure fire sign of a psychopath in my book.

Still, I try not to let on that I'm suspicious of him.


I exclaimed.

"I've been looking for you."

I continued.

"Yes, I was looking for you too. Checked your office a few times. Even checked your apartment."

He says.

"Ah, we must have passed each other in the hall. I've been in and out of here trying to find you."

"I'm sorry about Frank."

He says.

I'm stunned. At first because I tried not to think about Frank after what happened. Just put my head down and focused on my work. But then it dawned on me. The way Levi said that. "I'm sorry" as if it were his fault.

I can't imagine he would just out and confess like that. But I can't shake the feeling that he's toying with me. Dropping little hints as if he's out smarted me and it's all a game to him. I'll have the last laugh when he's behind bars. But for now, I'll play dumb and let him think he's winning. Until I have some hard evidence.


"We're all sorry about what happened to Frank. He made a damn fine cup of coffee. Gonna be a long time before I find one half as good."

I said, trying to lighten the mood.

"Come in, sit. We have to catch up. See if we can figure out where to go with this next."

"Actually, I heard of a case."

"Levi. Levi. Do you read me."

He's interrupted by a voice coming from inside his jacket.

"Oh, Excuse me. I have to take this."

He says, And steps back out into the hall.

I scramble around looking for my whisky glass. When I finally find it. I press it against the door. My ear on the other side. And Do my best to try and parse what they're saying.

"I've been checking in at the same time everyday. Hoping you'd get the radio back."

"Just got it back a few hours ago."

He must be pacing the hallway a bit. I hear a few footsteps and the conversation becomes to muddled for me to hear.

A minute or so passes, I hear a few more footsteps coming back in this direction. And start to pick up what they're talking about again.

"Yeah I think she's the one."

I can't hear the other side of the conversation any more. Only Levi.

"I don't know. I want to be absolutely sure first. It's difficult when it comes to children. Do I really want their blood on my hands?"

My stomach drops. It's bad enough, what this sicko has been up to, but children? I'll have to get this guy off the streets before he starts killing kids.

"Okay, bye."

I quickly take a big step back from the door. It swings open. Just as I got out of the way. Holding my glass up to the light as if I were checking for water spot.

"Sorry about that. As I was saying I was told about an accident involving a piano at a cafe the other day. I thought that would be a good place to start. See if we can find any witnesses. Try and figure out if it really was an accident or not."

Levi says.

This is going to be to easy. I've long known criminals get a kick out of returning to the scene of the crime. But leading me right to it with him. I'm not sure what kind of game Levi is playing here. But I'm happy to play along.

It's a battle between the arrogance of youth, and the wisdom of age. And my odds are looking pretty good.

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