《Bug Bytes》53. Catch Em With Honey


Manbug took me in one arm, and the fat boy in the other. He brought us both down to the ground. Told me to go home and get some sleep. Said it would be best to see Botfly in the day light.

I had stood and watched for a moment as he and the boy made their way to the street. Manbug had lifted the cover off a manhole and dropped the boy in. Jumping down himself a moment later.

After that, I realized I didn't know where I was. Thankful I hadn't left anything in the previous hotel. I stepped into the first one I could find. And spent the night there.

It was nowhere near as comfortable as the last. The bed was lumpy and the shower was cold. Though it did have the added benefit of having free breakfast in the lobby.

I'm sitting there eating a stale muffin, and orange juice that just taste like sugar and water. While I wait for them to brew the coffee. I had asked if there was anywhere inside I could get the daily paper but they hadn't received it yet.

I have the feeling that the moment I step outside Manbug is going to swoop down and take me further into this mess. I can't handle that without having some coffee first.

I do eventually find a map of the city. I take it to a table. And grab a cup of the finally brewed coffee. It's not a thrilling read. But I had asked the man who made the coffee if he could point out where we currently are on the map. From there I searched around a bit until I found roughly where Burt's office is.

Looks like it's going to be too far to walk. So I'll have to take a taxi. I could take the subway but that would be too uncomfortable. All those eyes staring at me. I'll just stick with a taxi and try to avoid getting the driver stuck in a loop.


Before I can worry about any of that though. I'll have to finish getting my radio back. I briefly stop at the desk and borrow a pen. Marking on the map where I am. Where Burt should be. And I mark the police station I had visited as well. For good measure.

Ready to find, or be found by Manbug, I step outside. Nothing happens. The crowds rush around me as usual. No men in green tights swoop down from the sky, or wade through the crowds. He should stand out of any crowd. But there's no sign of him.

Figuring it may just be too early in the morning. I make my way to a newsstand at the end of the block.

"Good morning, Do you have the daily paper?"

I say, not really asking. More expecting to be handed a copy.

"No sir. No one does."

The attendants reply.

"Will it be coming soon?"

I ask. Not really sure what else to say.

"I don't think so. We usually get a shipment first thing in the morning. But when ours came. It was just yesterday's paper again. Word on the street is that's all any of us got."

The attendant holds up yesterday's paper to prove their point. I recognize the cover and confirm I had read it the day before. But a new detail stands out to me. I hadn't paid close enough attention yesterday.

The name of the paper reads.

"The Stand"

Everything makes more sense now. The suppressing bad news. The no new paper today. And Manbug not being here. He probably assumed I knew what The Stand was last night. And is planning on meeting me there.

I ask the attendant if he knows where the office for The Stand is. He marks it on my map for me, It's not very far. With how think the traffic is for the morning rush. It would take just as long to walk there. So I grab another coffee and head north a few blocks.


The building is tall and gorgeous. Standing proudly above all the others that surround it. The word "stand" written in giant letters along the top. I can tell it's the right one from two blocks away.

When I get to the front door I find Manbug standing there. In a black suit. His green masking still covering his head. Its an uncanny sight too see.


He asks me.

Not wanting to barge in blindly I ask him what the plan is. His reply of.

"Just follow my lead."

Doesn't instill confidence. But he's already burst through the door. Before I have a chance to ask for further explanation. Reluctantly I follow him.

We approach the girl working at the receptionist desk.

"Morning Ma'am. Me and my friend here."

He points at me.

"Are here for an interview. There's an article being written about my many heroic exploits and I want to make sure they capture my natural charm and charisma. As you no doubt know who I am. I trust there is no need wasting time asking for my credentials. So we'll see our selves up to the office."

You no doubt know who said.

Manbug marched off past the desk and through a door to the stairs. I followed close behind expecting to be stopped. The girl behind the desk was too flabbergasted to even try before we were well out of sight.

Manbug must have also thought there may be some resistance as we only took the stairs to the second floor. Then took an elevator the rest of the way.

Going to the top floor. I tried again to ask what the plan was. But again Manbug just told me to follow his lead. We spent most of the rest of the ride in silence. During which I wondered if Manbug is actually well known or not. I had only been here a short while prior to meeting him. But I had read an entire newspaper. Where there was no mention of him. Granted it may have just been for that one day. But I feel a bright green flying man warrants at least a daily mention.

The elevator opens to the top floor. Nothing in front of us but a long ornate hallway leading to a single heavy brown door.

Manbug marches straight down and opens the door. There we find a large desk. The moment I see the women behind the desk, I completely forget why I'm there. I forget that I'm just trying to get my radio back, so I can talk to Germaine. I forget Germaine even exists.

Entirely captivated by this woman's beauty. I get angry, no one has a right to be this attractive. Tall and slender, black hair and a tight grey dress. Far flung from the plain and pious women I was use to from back home.

She stands up.

"ah yes, I've been looking forward to finally meeting you Levi."

She walks around her desk. Each click of her high heels making my heart beat faster.

The way the dress clings to her body. Showing off curves I didn't even know women could have, leaves me speechless.

"unhand me at once!"

comes from the corner of the room. I see two men put a bag over Manbug's head and drag him away.

The women grabs my hand and pulls me along to the desk.

"I hope you don't mind my taking your friend away. I just really wanted us to have some alone time together."

She sits on the desk. And pulls me in close.

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