《Bug Bytes》52. Stand At Attention


I make contact and it feels like my spine is broken clear in half. Confused as I still feel the wind rushing around me. I open my eyes to realize I'm flying. Caught in one arm by Manbug. We fly up above the building.

It all happens so fast the others that fell still haven't hit the ground yet. Suddenly we drop down fast. Falling to earth at a speed much higher than gravity would normally generate.

We stop inches from the ground. Now looking up at the kids that had fallen I see two of them. Each one saved by a swarm of flies. Slowly lowering them to a safe landing.

In the commotion it took me a moment to register the screaming happening right beside my head. The third boy. The fat one I had over heard talking earlier. Had been the third boy to fall off the roof. There was no swarm of flies for him.

Manbug had swooped down to save the boy from a hard landing. Placing the boy gently on the ground he rockets off into the sky again. Me still in his grasp.

I try to ask what the hell is going on. But We're moving too fast, I can barely breathe. Let alone speak. It only takes a few seconds for us to be on a roof top so far away I can't even see the waterfront. Now's my chance.

"What the hell?"

"No need to thank me, citizen."

"Okay, but why are we up here?"

"To remove you from danger of course."

"Couldn't we have done that a bit closer to the ground?"

"Botfly has ears buzzing everywhere. We should be safe to speak discretely here. Despite my protests you seem determined to be involved. So for this alone we will work together. But remember, Manbug works alone. Don't get any ideas about being my sidekick or anything like that. Now, every hero needs a name. And for today that's what you are. What shall I call you citizen?"

His voice raises as he says citizen. With nothing to hide. I would prefer to stick with my own name.


I shake my head no, and continue.


I realize the mistake I made as soon as the words are uttered.


"Citizen Levi it is!"

Manbug proclaims.

" No, no, just Levi."

I try to correct.

"I'll hear not your self doubts Citizen Levi. You're not just Levi. No, your a protector of man. Vigilant in your watch as they sleep snugly in their beds."

Realizing this is a pointless fight. And Manbug's bolstering starting to go to my head. Leads me to just roll with it.

"Should we start with sharing what we know so far."

I ask. Realizing after I had pushed out my chest while speaking. Emulating Manbug's mannerisms.

"Ah, a status report. Of course. I know..."

As seems to be his usual pattern. Manbug again lowers his voice to a mumble.


Before his voice returns as a mighty roar.

"I've checked all her other bases. All her usual hangouts too. This vile villainess has vanished and left no trace to speak of. She's a clever one, I'll give her that. Have you anything to report CL?"

"Yes sir I do. I had over heard some of the children speaking. Listening from the rooftops is how I initially got spotted. They had mentioned her being busy in the office. Suppressing bad news. The fat child you saved had been one of the boys talking."

"Interesting, good work."

Manbug rubs his chin, as if mulling this over.

"Perhaps he could be pressed for more information. He owes you after saving him."

I suggest.

"Bots boys are fiercely loyal."

Manbug shrugs off my idea. But I'm not entirely convinced.

"I'm not entirely convinced."


Manbug says. Asking me to explain.

"They were all discussing their excitement for her return. Eager to show off their hard work to the boss. Except that one boy. He seemed quite content to sit around and relax. The others even indicated that while they had all worked on stealing those gadgets. He had not."

I explained.

"Of course! No wonder the flies had not saved him. It makes so much sense now. We must find him at once."

Grabbing my arm once again, Manbug takes off back to the warehouse. Maintaining a high elevation so as to be out of sight from the boys he looks down for a moment.

"There he is, still sitting outside watching the others climb down the ladder. He looks sad. Give me a moment here. It looks like he may be mumbling something. Let me focus my hearing...A yes, there it is. He's questioning why the flies were going to let him fall. This is perfect. He'll break in no time."


Manbug turns his gaze back to my face and says.

"Wait here a moment."

Letting go of me I go into free fall. Hurdling down to earth once again. Several seconds go by. I saw a green blur for a moment by lost sight of it. The building getting closer and closer.

I keep reminding myself there's no danger. I know how fast Manbug can move and I know he can catch me in time. But that is little comfort when death is inches from your face. If I stretched my arms out I could touch the roof of the building by the time Manbug catches me. Holding me by the foot.

I thank god he caught me by the real foot. The other would have probably come right off. Leaving me little more than a puddle and Manbug very confused.

He says nothing and flies off, dragging me along behind him upside down. He lowers me down onto a beam. I grab it with my hands and reorient myself. I look around to realize were at a construction site. A few hundred feet up on a building that never got finished.

The fat boy is clinging to the beam for his life. Sweating, crying, sniffling, all of it. I feel bad for him. He's too young to be mixed up in all of this. I can't help but question if Manbug has the best way of handling this situation.

Manbug starts the interrogation.

"Where is Botfly?"

"Please don't kill me."

The boy squeaks out.

"I won't have to if you answer the question. Where is Botfly!?"

"I...I don't know."

The boy trembles so hard I think he's going to fall right off the beam.


Manbug screams loud enough the echo can still be heard second later. I place a hand on his shoulder. And say.

"Maybe let me try a nicer approach."

Manbug flies up to the next beam above us. I approach the child. Crouching down to his level.

"Hey. There's nothing to be afraid of. We just want to know where Botfly is."

"I... I really don't know."

"I heard she's been at her office a lot lately. Do you know where that is."

"I... can't say."

He mumbles. Still trembling but the tears have stopped.

"I know she's got flies everywhere, listening. But that's why were up here. They can't hear you here. You're safe with us. I know its scary up here. But hey. Remember what happened when you fell earlier. It was Manbug who saved you. Not the flies. He won't let you fall now either."

The trembling stops. I raise my hand to show him I'm shaking a bit too.

"I get nervous at heights too. But were in good hands."

The boy starts to smile a bit as he sees my hand shake.

"Now how about you do us a favour and tell us where she works. That way we can all safely return to the ground."

"I can't. I need her. I have no where else to go. She provides food, and shelter. Safety. It's not a great life. But it's everything I need, and all I have. I'll be in enough trouble trying to explain you guys taking me away, when I get back. If after that you burst through her office door. I'll be done for."

Manbug descends to our beam. Floating beside it. He begins trying my gentler approach too, in his own way.

"I'm sorry son. But you were already done for. You know as well as I do the flies didn't catch you. That was a decision Botfly made. She didn't want to save you. I have some friends in the sewer. A group of mutants that can offer you shelter, and protection. It sounds unpleasant but they have a fairly comfortable set up down there. I gotta warn you though. They eat a lot of weird tacos. The marshmallows picked out of a cereal, with shredded hotdogs, and a melted gummy worm sauce."

The boy is laughing hard. Smiling even harder.

Manbug continues.

"All you have to do is tell us where Botfly works."

The boy clears his throat.

"The Stand."

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