《Bug Bytes》45. Boulevards And Diners


It was dark and stormy. Nights like this bring nothing but trouble. I had just paged my assistant Janean. Telling her I was gonna cut out early. Asked if she wanted to hit the diner with me for a cup of coffee. As usual she declined.

That's when the man barraged through my door. A tall man, with a large brown hat. And a brown leather jacket to match. I've seen his type before. Nothing good ever comes from them.

He introduces himself.


He extends his arm for a handshake. I halfheartedly shake his hand. But I don't bother getting out of my chair.

He continues his introduction.

"My name is Levi. I saw the sign on your door. Private Investigator."

"Yeah I know what my door says."

He starts asking questions, gettin' real pushy.

"So you are a private investigator right?"

I let him know how it is straight.

"Listen pal, I ain't looking for no work right now. Last thing I need is to get wrapped up in more of this business. Now beat it."

"Alright, sorry to bother you sir. I will take my business else where."

The man makes to open the door and walk away.

"Alright, alright you're twistin' my arm here. I'll help ya out."

I could tell he wasn't about to drop it and leave me alone any time soon. So I grabbed my hat and jacket and motioned him through the door.

"The names Burt Bagsyerman. I'm headin' out for some coffee. Follow me. We can talk about the your case when we're there."

The door of the diner swings open with the ring of a little bell. One they keep above the door so it rings whenever someone opens it. Everyone in the joint turns there heads to see who it is coming in. But they go back to minding their own business when they see it me.

Everyone but my favourite waitress that is. I'm glad to be out of the rain. But I'm even gladder to see its Donna workin' the tables tonight. She keeps a steady eye on us as I guide my new friend to my regular spot.


We both take a seat. Barely have our hats off before Donna's rushing over.

"What'll it be sugar?"

She asks, looking at me. I see straight through her facade. She knows what I'm gonna order.

"The usual"

I reply, coldly.

She turns her attention to my Levi. Her reason for coming over here in such a hurry. Not even giving the man a chance to look at the menu. Usually she'd bring my regular over before she even asks whoever I'm sitting with what they want. But right now, she's fixin' to do some detective work herself.

"And you handsome?"

She puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Oh... um, just coffee for now thank you."

He replied.

"Coming right up sweetie."

I give her a stern look. Letting her know we're busy and now is not the time. Donna leaves, we won't have long to get to the brass tacks before she comes back.

"Alright, What's the case?"

I ask.

"A few people have gone missing from this neighbourhood lately. Possibly murdered. And I want to find out what happened to them and whose behind it."

"Have you tried the police yet?"

I ask, not wanting to steer away a client. But needing to clarify the polices level of involvement.

"No, I want to stop who or what it is doing this myself."

This strikes me as strange. There's something off about this Levi fellow. But if I made a habit of questioning my clients motives. I wouldn't have any clients. So I let it slide. I continue my standard line of questioning.

"Tell me everything you know so far."

"That's it."

He replies.

"You don't know any names? The dates these people were last seen. How many people were looking for? Nothing?"

"Nothing, I've told you everything I know."

"Then how do you know these people are even missing in the first place?"

Before he has time to answer Donna returns with two coffees.


"Any sugars for my sugars?"

She asks as she puts the coffees down.

I politely decline, Levi does the same. She turns her attention towards him.

"And what might a strapping young man like yourself be doing wasting his night with an old man like Burt?"

"My name is Levi ma'am. I asked Burt to help me find some people."

He told her.

"Well, you couldn't have picked a worse man for the job."

"Yeah yeah"

I say, waving my arm to shoo her away.

She turns her attention back to me.

"Aw lighten up Burt. I'm just given ya a hard time."

"Damn it Donna, I know."

I try to stay mad at her, but I can't. Instead I end up going into my regular speech. Every time I see her. I fight the urge but it just keeps coming out.

"When you gonna take me up on my offer? You, me, a nice house up north. Picket fence, maybe some kids, what do ya say?"

She replies the same way she always does.

"Pfft, keep dreaming pal. I got a dozen other guys just like you, saying the same thing. And I keep tellin' y'all I ain't interested."

Donna walked away after that, I'll get her again tomorrow. Sooner or later she'll cave and we can stop playing this endless game of cat and mouse. I turn my attention back towards Levi.

"Well, how do you know about these missing persons?"

"A friend told me."

"Well why did your friend know? And how did they find out?"

"I really can't say."

Everything this man says makes him seem more and more suspicious. Just once I'd like to work a normal case. Instead of getting roped in with these crazies.

"Is your friend a suspect?"

I try and give him an out.

"No, he lives very far away. It couldn't possibly be him."

"Alright, so we know nothing. Well start with heading by the police station. See if there have been any missing persons reports. Or any bodies turned up lately. I haven't seen anything in the news about it lately. But a town like this, not everything makes the news."

With any luck this case will be closed before I need to do any work.

"Alright, when can we do that?"

Levi asked.

"In the morning."

I told him.

"For tonight we'll just rest. I think we're gonna have a hell of a case on our hands here. So we should get some sleep while we can."

"Okay, I'll find a hotel and meet you back at your office in the morning."

Levi says.

"Nonsense. I don't know your level of involvement with this case yet. But I have a bad feeling your safety is at risk. You'll be staying at my place. You can sleep on the couch. I'll be there for your protection."

"Oh, Okay."

He agreed.

I wasn't lying. I do have a bad feeling about this case. But I didn't tell the whole truth either. I want to keep an eye on this Levi. He's suspicious too me. What kind of person goes to a P.I. when they don't know anything about the case. Or the people involved. Or if there even is a case to be investigated. I'll be keeping an extra close watch to see if he sneaks out tonight.

I've never had to investigate a client themselves before. But then I've never had a crook for a client either. I'll be keeping a real close eye on Levi until this whole case is over. He won't know it. But I'll be keeping a close eye on him.

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