《Bug Bytes》44. Lazy Taxi


I pull into the community and park the car back into the barn, before continuing on to our house. Germaine stands outside with Jed waiting for me.

"Well, how'd it go?"

She asks.

"I'm going to New York."

I answer.


"Its...um... well, they're dying there. Or maybe they're dying, maybe something else is happening. We don't know. But I... Choren said, if I go there and fix whatever is happening, than I'll feel better."

"And you're just going to leave me here. No discussion. Just walk out the door and leave me here to raise Jed on my own? How long are you even going to be gone?"

"I don't know how long. But I have a radio."

I hold it out to her as a peace offering.

"Give me that."

She snatches it out of my hand.

I was about to show her how to use it. Though in reality I'm not entirely sure myself. But before getting the chance she's holding the button down and yelling into it.

"Choren! Choren I know you can hear me!"

The professors voice comes back out the radio a second later.

"Huzzah! the radio works exactly as I had planned."

"Yeah, great."

Germaine replies. Her tone thick with sarcasm. She continues.

"What's this I hear about you sending my husband to New York?"

"Ah, not happy about that I see. Well it's quite simple really. The MPs there are disconnecting and I suggested Levi go investigate."

They continued chatting on like this for a while. When they were done, Germaine still wasn't happy about me going. But she at least conceded that there was merit in my choice to go. I believe it was Choren's argument that it takes a village to raise a child. And with Jed getting older and there being more people in our community, to lend a hand with him. It really shouldn't be too much of a challenge.


After taking a few minutes to fill Jed in on whats happening she asks me.

"So, when are you leaving?"

"First thing tomorrow morning."

"Okay. Lets just enjoy this evening then."

We didn't speak another word of it that night. In the morning I say my goodbyes. Packed some food and clothes, gave Germaine and Jed each a hug and a kiss. And I was out on the open road.

The drive goes by smoothly. Though I wish I had brought someone along for company. Thankfully I only had to stop for gas twice. Most places do not charge for goods and services. I believe the majority of the MP's source material doesn't make enough mention of the process for the MPs to bother.

I don't think many of them carry cash either. Which is good for me. Because I didn't have any money my self.

While at the second gas station. Filling the car, I passed the time watching the working attendant. He stood perfectly still. Upright with excellent posture. He simply stared forward the whole time.

I wondered while watching him. What kind of MP would resign themselves to such an uninteresting job. Not just the job itself but the portrayal of the character. Like the script was left blank.

I thought to myself that perhaps, the character has an exciting life outside of gas station. Germaine had given me a run down of various character types over the last few years. And more than once she's mentioned the double lifers.

This could be a case of exactly that. The day life known to be gas station attendant but never shown. The issue with this theory is the gas station itself seems to be running well. First of all, it has gas. Secondly the store is well stocked and clean.

I can all but guarantee this wouldn't have been the case before the MPs showed up. No way was this place not looted.


As I continued on my drive I thought more about the clerk. It would take more than just one man to run that station. Someone had to be delivering the gas. Another the products in the store.

There are countless gas stations just like this one. All up and operational. It does not make sense to me why the MPs don't all have exciting roles. I understand cops and robbers and all that high adrenaline stuff. But the mundane?

It was dark and raining by the time I was approaching the New York City Streets. I could see the buildings in the distance when I hit a barricade. The roads were blocked off.

There was a taxi waiting on the other side of the Barricade. I have never been here. Let alone even seen a picture of the city before. So riding around in a taxi seemed like a better idea than getting myself lost. On top of that, after driving all day the idea of sitting back and letting someone else take care of it was too tempting to pass by.

So I parked my car. Grabbed my bag from the back seat. And walked passed the barricade, waving to the taxi.

"Where to bub?"

The map Choren gave me is far too large to show the street names. So I simply show it the driver and tell him to go where Choren marked the hot spot.

He doesn't say anything after that. Just starts driving. I try to continue the conversation.

"Have you heard about anything strange going on lately?"

I ask.

"I've got my ear to the ground. Nothing goes on in this city without me hearing about it."

He says.

"Anything about people going missing, or possibly murders?"

I jump straight to the point.

"There's too much crime in this city. Muggings, car jackings, you name it."

"But have you heard anything about people dying lately?"

"Someone oughta clean it up."

"Well, that's kind of why I'm here. Really if you know anything it would be a great help."

"Someone oughta clean it up."

"I'm trying."

"Someone oughta clean it up."

"You're stuck in a loop aren't you?"

"Someone oughta clean it up."

I had heard before that MPs can get stuck in a dialogue loop. Supposedly there's a key phrase they're looking for. And you have to say it to get them out of the loop.

Rather than waste my time trying to figure out what that phrase is. We spend the remainder of the drive in silence.

My stomach starts to lurch as we get deeper into the city. The tall buildings feel like they're closing in on me. The car pulls up to a curb and the doors unlock.

This must be my stop. The rain pours down even harder. I take a moment to look around and take in my surroundings before getting out. I should go get a hotel. Start in the morning when it's sunny and dry. But I've been sitting all day and want a chance to move my legs a bit.

I know, from hearing enough of Germaine's stories, exactly where I should start my search.

Finally I open the taxi door, and thank the driver for the ride. Hoping he doesn't ask for money. He turns his head towards me, smiles and says.

"Someone oughta clean it up."

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