《Bug Bytes》43. Book 2 Chapter 1 Pilot


I've been having a lot of nightmares lately. Waking up gasping for air. A tightness in my chest and a hollow feeling in my stomach.

I can't stop thinking about the zombies I killed. Germaine tells me I should let it go. I was doing what needed to be done to survive. I know that's not true. I killed more than a few just for the sport of it.

She tries to reassure me that the MPs are little more than zombies themselves. Brainlessly going through the motions without an ounce of free will or independent thought. The only difference is they aren't trying to kill us.

When I look at little Jed I can't help but disagree. There's humanity in him. So full of curiosity and wonder. If you didn't already know he was infected. You'd never guess it.

I refuse to believe the MPs are anything less than human. I'm going to visit Professor Choren and see if he knows of any way I can right the wrongs of my past.

I arrive at the university and go to Professor Choren's office. Knocking on the door. He yells out.

"Come in."

Not expecting any visitors, but having no doubt who it would be knocking on his door.

"Good morning Professor."

I say, swinging the door open.

"Ah, Good morning to you as well Levi. Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?"

"Yes please."

He begins pouring me a cup from the coffee maker sitting atop a filing cabinet beside his desk. I hadn't tried coffee until I had met Germaine. Having found it off putting at first. Her daily ritual of making a pot every morning has me bordering on addiction myself.

Handing me the cup, Professor Choren continues talking.

"So, what brings you here today?"


"I've been thinking Professor. About all the zombies I killed before the update."

I fill him in on all the details of my guilt. And my hopeless desire to make things right. He mulls it over for a few minutes. Nursing his coffee and staring past me.

"Well Levi. I've been watching the map and I have noticed some strange things going on. Unfortunately, these things are happening quite a distance from us. Would you be willing to leave Germaine and Jed for weeks? Possibly even months?"

"I don't think Germaine will be too happy about it. But I'm willing to do anything to atone for my mistakes."

"Excellent, excellent. I've been working on a radio lately, that should help smooth things over with Germaine."


"How should I explain this? Are you familiar with a walkie talkie?"


I answer honestly.

"Okay, think of it like a cellphone. But instead of calling each other. You're voice is carried over radio waves and comes out the receiver, without that end needing to answer to hear it. Then they can in turn send their voice out over the same radio waves and back to you."

"Okay. So I'll be able to call Germaine?"

"Essentially yes. Again it's a bit different. But the basic concept is the same. The issue is there are very few cell towers set up. Most MP regions have no need for them. Including those nearest your community. So a regular phone simply would not work. But what I have put together will. You see, it uses the MPs themselves as the towers. carrying the signal further and further until it finally reaches the receiver."

"That sounds fantastic. Germaine will really appreciate it."

I try to sound enthused, though I still don't fully understand.


"I would hope so yes. I had originally intended for this to be used between us. From here to your home. But that's no issue. I had a third unit set up anyways as a back up. So I'll keep that one for my self. The distance is far greater where you're going. But I don't see any reason it wouldn't work all the same."

"And where exactly is it I'm going?"

"Yes, yes, I suppose we should get to that shouldn't we. As I was saying before. I have been monitoring the map. This map also features a chart with statistics on how many MPs there are. I won't bore you with too many of the details. The main point is that number has been dropping. Now it doesn't provide the information on why this is happening. One can assume death. But one would also assume the MPs are most invulnerable. So of course this caught my attention. The numbers had always been decreasing, but rarely. And never by more than one at a time. Now it seems to be dropping at a much more significant rate. I did some digging and found these numbers to be dropping in New York much faster than anywhere else."

"So you want me to go to New York and figure out what's happening to the MPs?"

"Yes, that is precisely what I want you to do. But that's not the main point here. What I want is irrelevant. What matters is not figuring out what's happening. It's you putting a stop to what's happening. If you can do that. Then you'll be saving the lives of countless MPs. Cancelling out the lives you yourself had taken."

I wish he had found a more delicate way to phrase it. But I agree with his logic. If I can solve this, I'll be able to sleep peaceful again.

"Alright, I'll do it. Thank you Professor."

I say.

We spend the next few hours ironing out the details. He tells me New York is a very large city, and guides me a bit more specifically to where these numbers are dropping.

"Within this neighbourhood is the best I can get."

He apologizes for not knowing the exact addresses but I think it's still a major help.

We go to the library where he pulls out a book of maps. Marking for me where my home is, and where it is I'm going. Highlighting the best route along the highway. And telling me approximately how long it will take me to get there. And what I should pack for the trip.

After testing the Radios we say our goodbyes. He asks me to test the radio again when I get home. to make sure its signal is being amplified by MPs. And he handed me some test kit for Germaine to use on Jed. Finally he said.

"Remind Germaine I'll be coming up for dinner in eight days. And I expect those vials to all be filled when I get there."

Waving me off with a chuckle as he said it.

I got back in the car and headed home to give Germaine the news.

Hopefully she takes it well.

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