《Bug Bytes》37. Flirting With Disaster


Turning on the car, I find a quarter tank of gas. Driving here in the last car used nearly that much. So I know it won't be enough. I turn to Germaine and ask.

"What do we do?"

Without even bothering to explain what I'm asking about as I am sure she already noticed the same thing.

"I don't think we should switch cars. It's a challenge moving car seats. And more importantly. I think we should keep the one that has keys. It's a lot more convenient than hot wiring all the time. Listen, go into the garage and find a hose."

She walked me through the steps of siphoning gas. It took a few minutes to get it going but before long the gas is moving from one car straight into the other.

I was worried about staying here any longer than we need too. But Germaine had said if we see any zombies coming we can get in the car and split. As long as we keep the hose so we can stop somewhere else for gas.

Also, every minute spent potentially drawing zombies here, is a minute drawing them further away from where we're going. Though I suspect right now, they are more likely congregating at the nearest power station. If they're heading this way after or not, I do not know.

A few minutes pass and I no longer feel movement within the hose. I pop it in the trunk and get moving. Trusting that it's still vacant, I stop at the hospital to grab another wheel chair on my way to our destination.

Slowly, we cross the bridge into the old community. Horse buggies trotting across were a constant back in the old days. Still I worry the weight of the car will be too much.

A lot of creaks and cracks later, we make it across the bridge. Rolling up to my old house, the barn door remains wide open. I pull the car in and park.


"Well, here we are."

"Levi, this is brilliant. There no power here at all. Nothing to draw the zombies to this location. We should be completely off their radar here. Put me in the wheel chair and we'll go check it out just to be safe. But I'm sure we have nothing to worry about."

"I'd be happy to give you the tour."

I said, turning it more into a lighthearted stroll than a zombie hunt.

"Can we leave that in the car though?"

She said, pointing at the baby.

I agreed and we began on our way through the community. Pushing Germaine in her chair. I begin the tour in the barn. Retelling all the stories, it felt like there was a disconnect. Like I was just telling a story. As if it had all happened to someone else. I had told her the whole tale before, but being here. Able to see it all for herself, made it more real. She was happy to hear it all again.

"This is the barn where we all slept. That was my bed. This one was Amos'. Women slept on that side over there."

I said with a point.

Leaving the barn, I point at the house.

"This here is where I grew up. I'd give you a tour of the inside but..."

"It's okay Levi. I remember what Amos did in there."

Germaine said. Reading the discomfort on my face.

We kept going. Walking passed Susanna's house I said.

"That's the tree I fell out of."

I started talking about how I would climb up and talk to Susanna. How I was gonna ask her to marry me and all that. But Germaine interrupted.

"Why did they always want you to shave?"

She asked. Though I could swear I explained it before.

"For Amish men, It is forbidden to grow a beard before you are a married man."


I explained once again.

"So the one you have now?"

Not finishing her sentence. Instead extending the "now" as if that were the question.

I get a bit flustered and in my embarrassment try to explain.

"I've been meaning to shave. I swear. It's just, with all that's been going on, I keep forgetting."

"Sure, you do."

She said. Again extending the words. She continued.

"I just wanted to make sure you weren't secretly married. You were gone a whole week. A lot could have happened in that time."

She said, laughing.

"And so what if I did?"

I asked.

This time it was Germaine's turn to go flush with embarrassment. She looked at me for a few seconds saying nothing. Then we both broke out into laughter.

We continue the tour. Laughing along and joking the whole way. Despite the somber atmosphere. We're both feeling safe and comfortable for the first time in weeks. Probably for the first time since this all began.

Then the tour takes an even darker turn. Germaine goes silent as I point and say.

"That's Amos' house. We don't want to go in there."

Then falling totally silent for a few minutes as we both eye the giant ring buried in the snow.

Finally I break the silence. Addressing it, I say.

"The ring of bodies has been burnt. I have no idea what kind of condition it's all in. I doubt they resemble the humans they once were. We'll need to think of some way to clean this up before the snow melts."

We then walked passed Yoder's house. Germaine asked if she could see the inside.

"I was actually thinking we would stay here. As this is the only house, I know for certain, no one was murdered in."

I said, as we approached the front door.

Entering, benches still filled the main room.

"The sermons would travel typically. We'd move the benches each week from house to house."

I explained.

We go further into the house. I open the door to his office.

"This is where he studied the slime initially."

We exit the office and Germaine points to the open door leading to a staircase going down.

"Is that where you were tied to the table."


"I want too see it."

I carry her down the stairs. Father Yoder's head still lay on the floor. The smell is overwhelming.

"I'm sorry you had to go through this."

She began.

"I knew you had a tough time before we met up. But I didn't realize how bad it was until I actually saw everything."

I take her back upstairs. thankful she didn't ask about the side door in the basement.

I put her in her chair and ask her to excuse me for a moment as I go get Yoder's head. And Carry it out to the backyard. Fully intending to give it a proper burial soon.

When I come back in. I find Germaine crying. I go to her and ask whats wrong. She throws her arms around my shoulders and says.

"I'm just so glad we met."

"Me too."

I replied.

I got too work in the kitchen. There was plenty of supplies to be found. So I whipped us up a stew of meat and potatoes and some fresh bread.

Germaine sitting behind me at the dinner table as I work away. The smell of the food filling the house with warmth. Neither of us can keep from smiling. Even though the world is burning down around us. Right now, we are happy. Not just safe and comfortable and fed. But actual happiness.

Tending to the stew, Germaine had left the kitchen too explore the house and find something to read. She comes back into the kitchen.

"This house only has one bed."

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