《Bug Bytes》32. I Really Mean It This Time, Don't Go In There


Popping open the plastic bin in the bed of the truck. The only thing inside is a large chain attached to a large blunt hook.

Walking past the car, the hook in one hand and part of the chain in the other. To prevent it from dragging on the ground behind me. I wave the hook at Germaine. So she knows I found something. Even if it's not an ideal weapon.

As I approach the front doors, they draw open automatically. I pause for a moment. Confused by what just happened. Looking in I see lights on. All of them. There's a long hallway that stretches out as far as I can see. Lined with lights on the ceiling the whole length.

I turn around and run back to the car. Germaine must have seen the panic on my face as she says.

"What happened? did you see something?" Did you see any chairs?"

"The lights, They were all on, The doors opened without me touching them."

"Do you know what this means Levi? We're saved! I doubt their back up generator would still be running, and even if it was, only half the lights would be on. Someone has restored the power. Maybe it's the army. maybe it's a safe zone. somewhere for us survivors to stay while they look for others and eliminate the remaining zombies! We have to go in! We can tell them about Choren's plan. Get them to put a pause on killing zombies until he's tried his update. I'm sure they'd be able to track him down. Probably even give him an escort to the lab. Carry me in."

I open her door and lift her out of the seat. Then begin walking towards the hospital doors again.

It dawns on me that after having been separated for days, and realizing just how much I missed her. I catch myself forgetting my troubles for a moment and enjoy having her in my arms.

Once more they open on their own as we approach. Entering this time, there is in fact a line of wheel chairs directly to the right of the open door.


"Put me in one of those."

Germaine says.

Her weight starting to become a bit much for my arms, I happily put her down.



Germaine continues yelling out for several minutes, as we walk down the hall.

Nothing in reply, no signs of life at all.

We keep walking, turning our attention from calling out to just talking to each other.

"How did you know the hospital was here, have you been here before?"

"My mom use to work here. In the maturity ward. So when she was pregnant with Court and I. She decided to give birth here. They had our picture up, on a board behind the main desk there. My mom covered in sweat and looking exhausted. One of us in each arm. I remember it was still up into my teen years. I would get so embarrassed every time I saw it. I don't know if they ever took it down after the accident."

"Should we go look."

"No! I don't want to see it if it is still up, and I don't want to know if it's been taken down."

After a few more hours of searching. Still not a single zombie to be seen. Let alone any survivors. We made a quick raid of the cafeteria and called it quits. Confused and disappointed we headed back to the truck.

It was dark by the time we got outside.

"That's so weird, I never thought I'd see a hospital not full of zombies. I'd think they were cleared out but where are the survivors then?"

Germaine said.

"There's still hope, the street lights are on."

I pointed out.

"There must be a safe haven near by. I grew up here. There's a power station not far from the hospital. It's obviously running, so we should check it out and see whose running it."

Germaine gave me directions as we headed to the power station. Along the way I acknowledge that there seems to be a lot of zombies along the road. And the crowds keep getting thicker.

Germaine barely seems to notice, and Shrugs it off by saying.


"I guess if there's a safe haven then naturally the zombies would be drawn to it too. From the smell of all those humans together, or the noise, or maybe the lights. who knows. Either way, it's a good sign."

We get near to the power station. Germaine points out a tall metal tower and tells me that's it. The crowd of zombies grows thicker and thicker. Never had I seen so many in one place before. It gets so bad I can't even drive through the mass.

I try to turn the truck but the crowd is building up around us. My only option is too put it in reverse and hope I don't hit too many on my way out.

Going straight back as fast as it will go. It's a bumpy ride. I feel terrible for each one I've just flattened but have to focus on other things right now.

"Over there!"

Germaine yells as she points to a field.

Three sides of it are fenced. The open side facing towards the power station. Since all the zombies are going that way, the field itself is empty. I park, turn off the lights to stay hidden. And we try to devise a plan.

Germaine starts.

"Okay, I think it's a safe bet the army is set up in there. what else would be attracting that much attention. We couldn't see the power station itself through all the zombies. But I know its surrounded by a large, high fence. So even without the zombies we probably couldn't just walk though the front door. They'd have the front securely barricaded anyways. There's got to be another entrance somewhere right? Or they'd had to have cleared them out by now."

"So how do we find the other entrance?"

I asked.

"We don't, no need for us to try and sneak in, all we need to do is get their attention. It's the army, they'll have more than enough fire power to come out and rescue us."

"Alright, so how do we get their attention?"

I asked.

"Check the trunk again, There's got to be a road flare or something."

Germaine explains to me what a road flare would look like. I don't recall seeing anything in the back aside from the hook and chain earlier, but it might be in a black bag, and I just over looked it.

I get out and check again. still not finding anything. Wishing we had stopped under a street light so I could actually see what I'm doing. But it doesn't matter. I put my hand in and feel around. This bin is entirely empty.

I close the lid and make my way back to the front seat of the car. Something grabs my leg. Barely glowing in the red light of the car I see a bald skinny zombie on the ground. Holding onto my foot and biting at me. I have nothing, the hook and chain are in the front seat. Only armed with my bare hands. I go to stomp its head, but then think back to what Choren said. If I kill it now. It will stay dead when they all go back to normal.

I instead reach down and grab the zipper on the side of my boot. Pulling it down I'm quickly freed. And running back to the car, the zombie still holding the boot. Luckily it was my real foot this time so I didn't need to worry about it staying in the boot. I step on something and pain shoots though my foot.

Rushing back into the driver seat, I gun it forward. Pressing on the gas hurts. the pain is the last thing on my mind at the moment though.

"What happened?"

Germaine asks.

"There was a zombie on the ground. It took my boot. And I think I stepped on something."

"On the ground? Was it injured?"

"I couldn't tell, even if it had broken legs wouldn't the bugs fix it?"

"Maybe, did you find a flare?"

"No but I have a back up plan."

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