《Bug Bytes》31. Don't go in there


The sunlight reflecting off the snow is blinding, after emerging from the dark building. Germaine continues screaming the whole time. It takes a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the light.

When they do, I see exactly why Germaine has been screaming. The zombie was pushed over the roof and into the back of the truck with her.

Still too close to the building to stop. I can see the other zombies shambling towards us in the rear view. It's a steep ramp out and the snow makes it tough. The truck inching its way forward. The slant keeping the zombie pinned down on Germaine.

They got pretty damaged in the collision with the door. I can see a lot of large wounds on it, but can't tell if anything is broken.

The truck finally clears the hill and we start moving at a decent pace. Once we get out of the parking lot. I slam on the breaks. The zombie falls back into the window right behind my head.

The zombie stands up, and stumbles towards Germaine once more. I wait for it to get really close. Right near the back edge. As it's about to crouch down onto Germaine I stomp on the gas. Germaine puts an arm behind its back and pushes. Our combined efforts are enough to send it flipping over the back and onto the street.

Germaine yells forward to me.

"Reverse! Kill it!"

But I keep driving instead. Going for a few solid minutes until the building is well out of my sight before stopping. In the middle of a large parking lot. Making ourselves a clear target for any survivors desperate for food or gas. But more importantly at the moment, completely eliminating the risk of any zombies sneaking up on us.


I get out to move Germaine into the front with me.

"Why didn't you kill it?"

"I'll explain, lets get you in the car first."

"How do you even know how to drive this thing?"

"I read about it in a book."

Placing her in the seat, then getting myself in the car. Pointing to the fuel gauge, she continues.

"It's only got half a tank of gas."

"That's more than enough."

I say confidently. Though I have no idea how far that will actually get us.

I try not to show any doubt. Feeling like Germaine needs me to be strong right now.


was her only reply.

She stares out the window. Twenty minutes go by without us saying a word. I assume she's processing everything and give her the time she needs.

She reaches over and turns on the radio. Only static comes out. She starts clicking through the channels. slowly at first. Then frantically. It's all the same.

Giving up she turns it off, and begins to sob uncontrollably. Tears pouring down her face. Barely able to mumble out.

"I'm sorry."

Through a cracking voice.

I don't know how to deal with other peoples emotions. So I don't reply.

After an long silence Germaine begins again.

"They weren't rotting like Court was."


She cuts me off as I struggle to find a reply.

"What happened to you two while you were out. How did you get separated?"

"Some men started shooting at us. Then those tossed me in a car and drove me far away."

"And court?"

"I don't know."

"Don't lie to me Levi."

"Really I don't know, they drove me away. You said Courtney came back and died. Maybe she got bit by a zombie."


Germaine listlessly stares out the window and says.

"Yeah... Maybe."

wanting to get her mind off of Courtney. I tell her about some of the things that happened when we were out. How we took the forklift. Then got shot at. And they took the forklift from us. I don't go into detail about Spark Plug and his men. I just leave it at, "I think Courtney was able to sneak away while they tossed me in the car." I don't think she's really listening because she didn't ask any questions.

Then I mentioned the school and Professor Choren's plan.

"So Court will be okay!"

Germaine exclaims.

"He doesn't know if it will work or not."

I say, trying to temper her expectations.

Even if Choren is successful, Courtney died. She was never infected. I don't know how to tell Germaine. Or if I even should tell her.

Instead I focus on my driving while Germaine goes on excitedly about how the theory makes sense and she can't wait for all this to be over.

"Maybe we could go to where they made the bugs. Go and help Choren. I don't know much, but I might be of some assistance. I don't know exactly where the lab is. But I know what city. I bet if we had a map I could find it. we'd need to find gas, but worst case we can just switch cars. Oh and we'll need to bring some food. We'd need to find some anyways but lets bring extra. I bet Choren will be hungry."

As we're driving down the highway. Nearly to Gristol, Germaine says.

"Wait! Go right here."

I do as she requests.

"Go right again then continue straight for about five minutes."

Again I follow the orders.

"Turn in here."

I pull into the parking lot. It's a huge white building with an H on the front.

"The hospital should have plenty of wheel chairs, right by the door. I'll wait here, you run in and grab me one. I'm sorry for sending you in there."

"It's no trouble. I don't mind at all."

'I don't think you understand. Everyone whose ever heard of zombies before knows a hospital is basically zombie central. An early breeding ground for the disease to spread. It's gonna be zombie HQ in there. Check the back for a tire iron or something to take with you. There's a plastic bin in there. check it and use whatever you can. Even if you are only going in two steps. You can't be too careful."

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