《World of Impurity: A Gacha LitRPG》Data File: IO-HMN-016 ("The Fiery Flagbearer")


Designation: IO-HMN-016

Risk Class: Chained-Green

Containment Status: Stable

Hazard Types: Sentient, Flammable, Speech

Suppression Protocols: IO-HMN-016 is highly susceptible to any fire-retardant material. Its physical body has also shown no signs of anomalous durability. Suppression shall be conducted via the application of high-pressure fire-retardant foam and heavy ordinance. Involved personnel should wear fireproof suits, refuse any communication with IO-HMN-016 and stay out of range from HMN-016-A. It is also recommended they target IO-HMN-016’s core first, before eliminating any of its distortion effects.

IO-HMN-016 is contained inside a modified Grade-C Humanoid-Impurity chamber within Facility-117. The walls and boundaries of the chamber have been layered with fire-resistant concrete. A heat absorption system has also been attached to the roof of the chamber to filter out any excess heat. Any guards patrolling IO-HMN-016 must carry fire extinguishers and be dressed in fireproof suits.

Should IO-HMN-016 refuse to co-operate with IEHAR personnel, it is to be threatened with the confiscation of IO-HMN-016-A. Failing that, it should be sprayed with foam until it complies.

Description: IO-HMN-016 is an Impurity resembling an adolescent female human dressed in a private girls’ school uniform. Its anatomy is reminiscent of a human’s, except with all blood and water substituted by a highly flammable, golden and luminescent liquid.

IO-HMN-016’s main anomalous property is the gradual combustion of its surroundings. Anything object placed near IO-HMN-016 will catch fire, no matter its level of heat resistance. The fires themselves are not anomalous, allowing them to be suppressed with standard fire retardants.

IO-HMN-016 itself is also not harmed by any fire of any temperature, makeup or origin. Any objects held by it, including its clothing, will become fireproof. Should IO-HMN-016 be physically damaged, it will cause regenerate itself by consuming any surrounding fire.

IO-HMN-016 also wields a flag (henceforth referred to as IO-HMN-016-A) constructed out of wood and organic cloth. When IO-HMN-016 wraps IO-HMN-016-A around a sentient subject, it will become trapped inside the cloth and unable to break free. The subject will then emit a large quantity of heat and smoke, before combusting into flames. Unless fire retardants are applied immediately, the subject’s bodily mass (including possessions) will be consumed and fully converted into fire. This process can take as little as thirty seconds.


The Impure Zone of IO-HMN-016 consists of a darkened, spatially expansive space. Any hallways inside will be duplicated, extended and/or looped into themselves. All exits will be sealed, but can be broken through with sufficient physical force. IO-HMN-016 will then fill its Impure Zone with fire until all entities beside itself have terminated or been converted into fire with IO-HMN-016-A. The Impure Zone will then vanish, leaving behind a large quantity of fire to spread to its surroundings.

IO-HMN-016 is capable of speech, possessing proficiency with English, French, Japanese and an unknown language. It has been observed communicating with surrounding flames in said language and English, referring to them as its ‘friends’ and holding conversations as if they were other sentient beings. It shows particularly fondness for any fires converted by HMN-016-A. Conversely, IO-HMN-016 will become upset if surrounding fires are extinguished.

Communication with IO-HMN-016 has resulted in mostly negative results. It understood IEHAR’s purpose pre-containment and has demonstrated hatred for its personnel. Of note is its hatred for Operator Kyle Licht, due to his role in its initial suppression.

Discovery: IO-HMN-016 was discovered in the aftermath of an Impurity attack in Southern Bearbrass, Victoria, Australia. It had burned down a local gang’s base, killing 16 and wounding 34. IST-Beth-7 (“FIREWATCH”) was dispatched to investigate and found IO-HMN-016 among the wreckage in a heavily damaged state. IO-HMN-016 was suppressed once more, then transferred to Facility-117 for Impurity processing.

A series of interviews revealed that Operator Kyle Licht (unemployed at the time) was responsible for IO-HMN-016’s initial suppression. For more information, see Operator Kyle Licht’s personal file.

Observation Logs:

Work Type



IO-HMN-016 understood IEHAR’s purpose pre-containment and has expressed disdain for its personnel and activities. In particular, it despises Operator Kyle Licht due to his role in its initial suppression.



IO-HMN-016 is fed standard Humanoid-Impurity rations and has not yet demonstrated any side-effects. Poison was injected into one portion, but failed to harm it.


IO-HMN-016’s fire producing capabilities destroy any waste within its containment chamber. It does not appreciate having the fire extinguished.


IO-HMN-016 has shown a fondness for classical literature in its proficient language. It has complained about the lack of books in its unknown, ‘main’ language. It has refused to teach or communicate in this language with IEHAR personnel.


IO-HMN-016 responded negatively to the confiscation of HMN-016-A. Since this will affect its mood and possibly lead to a potential containment breach, it should be allowed to keep HMN-016-A as long as it demonstrates good behavior.


IO-HMN-016 was recovered in a damaged state and regenerated itself during transport to Facility-117. Mutilation, crushing and explosive tests have revealed its body does not possess any durable characteristics. Its physical strength is that of an average adolescent female.

While it can regenerate itself via fire absorption, sufficient physical trauma within a short timespan will suppress it.

Impurity Resonance:


Fervor Level


Fiery Heart


All OFFENSIVE actions this conflict deal Fire damage and inflict the Burn status. Fire damage is reduced by 20%.

“The girl’s surroundings distorted and caught aflame. Unheeding of those around her, she triumphantly wove her flag and began to march.”



CHARISMA is increased by 15%. Enemies will prioritize the user first. Any allies directly behind the user have their ENDURANCE and AGILITY increased by 20%.

“The flagbearer must stand tall and proud, even in the face of approaching danger.”

Joyful Embrace


Decrease the AGILITY and WILLPOWER of all enemies in the conflict by 30%. Any enemy clashing with the user from hereon will be afflicted with the Smoke Inhalation and Burn statuses.

“Come now, don’t be shy! My friends and I are here to help!”

A Guiding Inferno


Summons a replica of IO-HMN-016-A. Swinging it will summon a wave of fire, dealing massive Fire damage to all enemies caught in its path.

“You’re one of us now. Aren’t you happy? Aren’t you proud?”

Breach Records: IO-HMN-016 breached during the breach of IO-MON-087. It utilized the toxins produced by IO-MON-087 to quickly jumpstart its fire production and immolate the western side of floor B2 of Facility-117. It was then suppressed following the suppression of IO-MON-087. Casualties were 0 killed and 7 wounded.

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