《Asher the Insane》Asher the Gladiator


I kinda miss being a horse-man.

It’s been a while since I changed appearance again, Faye thought it was a good thing.

News of a horse-man and fox-woman who freed a lot of slaves in the country of Alaran spread fast.

Once again I looked like just an average guy.

Slightly on the shorter side with short dark hair and built slim. The rest was average.

Average, average, average, I hated that word.

It sucked and it sucked looking like that.

Fuck, when do I stop looking like your Shinji’s, Kirito’s, Kyon’s, and Oreki’s and start looking like a Kenshiro, Baki, Guts, or even any Jojo, well, maybe not any. We could cap it at part 4 actually. Araki’s style really changed over the years, never really went back to the ultra manly designs. Even Gappy was too… uh, ‘new araki’ for me.

Flamboyant to say the least but all of them do have interesting designs, at least that’s what I think.

Faye was on the same side of the coin.

She was what this world considered a ‘vampire’ which meant she had pointy teeth and pointy ears but unlike an elf, they weren’t long just pointed.

She lost all the fur, the tail, and the ears. I’m sure she didn’t consider it a great loss.

All in all, she was as she always looked, small with purple hair.

“A beautiful summer day in a fantasy world, there is nothing better than to do absolutely nothing at all.

Don’t you agree, Faye?”

As always she didn't answer.

“Actually, you know what? Let’s do something. Could you PLEASE tell me if there is something around to do? An event that’s gonna happen, maybe some kind of festival? There must be SOMETHING to do.”

“There’s a tournament coming up in the nearby city of Jento, capital of Castirin. If you want to you could participate in it. It would be no challenge for you at your current level but it would serve your needs.”


“Great, to Jento it is.”

Faye disappeared, most likely into my head.

I sat down on the ground and started to levitate, this is something I always wanted to do.

From high above I could see the people coming and going like ants minding their business.

The city was busy.

I never had a strong opinion on the hustle and bustle of city slickers but personally, I just like the countryside more.

The only thing I would miss is the technology.

Generally, I do since I was born into this world, mostly the internet.

Man, I really miss it.


After I landed I walked through the city, seeing a bit of the sights but there was only one place to go.

The coliseum that was right in the middle of the city, of course, was giant, the biggest thing in the whole city.

Next to the big entrance of it was a smaller building, it was my goal. That’s where I would sign up or at least that’s what I thought.

There were people standing outside who looked like the type of people who would participate in a tournament, fighters so to say.

Some armed to the teeth, lots of wizard-y looking folk with staffs and pointy hats with robes and beards and witchy women, daggering rogues and gas-mask wearing poisoneers, the whole lot with beast-men and women and demis too.

Inside the building, there was a queue of people leading up to the clerk who had to be some sort of receptionist for the people who wanted to sign up.

I pushed the sorceress who was first in queue aside and took her place.

“Hello my good man, I am here to fight, say in… three days? That’s when the tournament is, right?”

“Eh… that is right.”

“Great, sign me up. Name’s Asher Burell.”

Everyone in that building suddenly quieted down.

Unsure the clerk asked, “are you sure you want to use that name?”

“Why? What’s the problem, that IS my name, you know,” I turned around and addressed the people who were giving me funny looks, “can’t help sharing it with shady characters.”

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