《The King of Fighters》Chapter 18


Finally, only one foe was left. The whole fight was beyond everyone's expectation. It was known that Naruto was strong from his fight against Mad Gear but this was beyond that level since all the fighters gathered here were stronger than the Mad Gear Members.

It wasn't something to debate about since they had already fought and won.

Everyone they might see Naruto show some struggle and get hurt but one look at him and they could tell it was just a game to him.

Not even his clothes were damaged.

They were awed by the scene as they were witnessing the rise of another top tier fighter in the world, one that might fight Akuma in a close fight.

The excitement inside them was boiling and they couldn't help but scream out their feelings.

They wanted to see him fight Akuma.

They wanted him to fight Kyo.

They wanted him to fight Ryu.

They wanted him to fight Terry.

They wanted him to fight Devil Jin.

They just wanted to see him go all out and blow them all away with a magical performance.

The atmosphere was infectious and Naruto loved it. It reminded of the coliseum fights back home. He was one of the big stars in those fights and it attracted many talented fighters.

Power would most likely always lead to the desire to compete and many ninja, martial artists and samurai used it as a method to enjoy themselves and improve their skills.

It was also the place where he had come across one of the rare bloodlines in the world, Typhoon release and the sole survivor of the Chinoke clan, the rival of the Uchiha clan.

Those two fights were the most dangerous fights he had ever entered after increasing his skills so much but his physical advantages and large chakra allowed him to pull through.

Naruto considered that a loss since skill wise he was defeated and overwhelmed them with pure power.

He had ended up recruiting them into his private group since they were powerful and freed them from their slave life.

They weren't the only ones as he had also recruited another person with traces of Kyuubi chakra and some other people that wished to follow him after they knew he was making a group.

He only started at the last moment so he never got to really experience the leader life. He had only given them the task of training and taking care of the area where they had made the base.

He didn't know what happened to them but they probably helped the survivors of Konoha.



"I had fun, what about you? Did you learn something?" Naruto asked in a friendly tone as he walked towards Jaguar who hadn't given up and he was still in a combat stance.

"It was interesting and a first time for me. I have never really fought those overpowering existences personally, so it was an eye opener. It cleared away any doubts in my mind and, I did learn something from you." Jaguar replied in a calm tone as he wasn't really harmed and there was no need to feel fear in this situation.

He was going to lose but there was no shame in it.

"Oh, I'm surprised. So, what is it?" Naruto stopped 10 meter from him and stood without any stance, completely open to attack but everyone knew it was just bait.

Jaguar didn't reply and leaned down before launching himself at Naruto. He used Ki on his legs for the boost and flew at him.

It was a straight line attack but Jaguar kicked the air behind him and increased his speed even more. He used Ki blast from his feet unlike Naruto's footholds.

Putting his arms in front of him in X shape, Jaguar collided with Naruto who blocked the attack with his right arm.

The force pushed him back and damaged the ground beneath his feet.

Following this attack, Jaguar kicked with both his legs while pushing himself. Naruto pulled back and kicked him but Jaguar blocked it with his arm.

The impact sent him rolling and damaged his arm as the block was in an awkward position.

He wore the Jaguar mask and it defined him. His Ki had formed to replicate the nature of the beast. His muscular structure was powerful and growing. His speed was exceptional among fighters and he was very flexible.

'Jaguar, awaken within my soul.'

Everyone had given their best so it would be disingenuous of him to hold back his best.

With those words inside his head, his Ki was stimulated and his body seemed to give off a wild feeling as he roared.

Locking onto his foe, Jaguar retreated back to take distance and ran towards him while putting all Ki into speed.

He hit maximum within moments causing explosions and used Running Exploder, jumped and kicked him with both legs.

Jaguar knew there was no use trying other moves so he wanted to see how much could his full power produce and do against his foe.

Naruto enhanced his body with chakra and blocked it for him. He could have easily dodged it and finished him off but he understood his goal.


Blocking the attack with his arm, Naruto felt the pressure on them. Jaguar wasn't really a joke with his last attack but it was not enough to break through his him.

He got pushed back and pushed back, before overpowering the force and throwing him off.

Naruto didn't attack and let him land as the battle was over.

These attacks would break through metallic structures like they were nothing but Naruto's body was trained enough to easily handle it.

With his wind he could apart diamonds and even his grip could produce enough force to turn diamonds to powder.

"Thank you for the opportunity."

"No problem, I like you bro. I have heard about your deeds and we are very much similar, as I also wish to help people." Naruto said as he got closer and held his fist.

Jaguar was happy to hear such words as he liked people who went out of their way to help others. There were so many people out there that needed assistance to get out their torturous lives so one more person was always a happy occasion.

He bumped his fist and acknowledged him as he didn't feel that Naruto was lying. It was just a natural feeling, his gut instinct.

There was also a feeling from his wild side. It seems Naruto was somehow connected to nature.

"How about having lunch together? Not just me, all of us." Jaguar invited him since he wanted to talk to him and he had already seen that others were also interest so it was the right decision in his eyes.

"Of course, I am free at the moment and wish to stuff myself and get drunk. Plus, beautiful and sexy ladies are a treat that I do not wish to miss."

"Haha, I can't understand but the ladies here are hard to get." Jaguar understood him clearly as they were both men that enjoyed the beauty of nature.

Agreeing to this point they walked towards the group while the announcement of his victory was made and his ranking increased beyond all the fighters present as more data had been collected about him.

Meeting up with the others, they all decided to go party together and enjoy their reunion since they hadn't met each other for some time.

Before that Naruto got the reward money and said some words about reaching the top of the fighting world to rouse the crowd, and the other fighters.

It wasn't a lie as he was aiming for the top where none could stand against him.

While he went with his new friends, Naruto's clone met with Poison and Roxy as they brought back some information.

There was a mystic known as Rose and she was staying in Osaka at the moment. She was one of the people with the power over souls and could even predict dangerous situations.

They also brought back information on Dhalism and he was staying in India, rural side as usual.

Finally, the biggest news was that there was a tournament taking place on a private Island called Dead or Alive.

It would start in 2 months time and the testing phase was one month from now. It seems they were also inviting fighters like the KOF but were also letting fighters come by themselves and prove themselves.

The reward for the winner was out of the world. The winner got a cash price and the ownership of one of the five star Hotels under the company.

That was something really big for anyone that wanted to live a comfortable life.

Naruto hadn't received an invitation because he was new or the organizer had missed him. He didn't know why but it didn't matter because it was a good chance to fight more skilled fighters.

For growth staying in one place and meditating wasn't his style, he was the type to grow faster through fights and it was the reason he had become an addict.

Seeing that they had brought something worth his time and the fact they were showing change, Naruto decided to reward them. He decided to relieve himself and make sure they only thought got things for him.

He was an expert fighter and a master of the sexual arts.

He wouldn't have done it but his body needed release. He had gathered too much stress and desire. Fighting made him chill but the sexual desire was leaking and he needed release.

Someone like him who had gone for days without stopping, someone who did it for hours every day, couldn't handle going without it for days especially when he had sexy women around him messing with his mind.

He promised them an unforgettable night and told them to go help out the boys for now.


A.N Hope you enjoyed and comment

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