《The King of Fighters》Chapter 13


It was a lot to take in and his sense of urgency increased as his world was in turmoil beyond normal levels. The state of his family was unknown.

He had no idea if they survived or not. How they were doing? But even if they survived, the world was too dangerous and they would most likely get involved in dangerous battles.

He needed to get back home.

"If you need time, we can talk later."

Looking up from the ground and letting go his tense fist, Naruto calmed his heart down.

'They are okay. Everything is alright. They can take care of themselves until I get back. The girl gave me this chance and she wouldn't be cruel enough to let my family die.'

With such thoughts in his mind to help him focus, Naruto looked at Eliza.

"Tell me about the people that can help me travel through dimensions."

Eliza could tell he was in pain and stressed out. He needed some down time to relax his mind.

"First, you should be careful of the girl that you met. She was not someone you should anger and the people I am going to mention are stronger than both us so take your time or I will have to force you to stop. I do not wish for my chosen blood carrier to get killed. Understood?" Eliza said in a calm tone as her hand touched his face.

"I won't get myself Eliza, just tell me who they are and how strong they are so I can prepare for them." Naruto replied in a determined tone, his face lacking the usual playful features.

"I hope you keep to those words. Now, there are three entities that can help you with your goal. First is called Orochi, it is the eight headed immortal snake that was sealed away by the three royal clans.

It used to be the equalizing force between humans and nature. Orochi was nature's guardian and was granted with many of its powers. It gained followers to its cause and eventually formed a clan. As mankind began to grow in numbers, however, the natural balance began to crumble. That led to his transformation into a monster desiring the eradication of mankind. He has power over all elements and represents the wrath of nature. He also has control over space so I believe he should have access to other dimensions. This one should be the easiest among all of them. But you will have to unseal him first and put the world at risk. "



"Hehe, okay. Second is the person that might actually help you. He is Belial Aensland, the ruler of the Underworld. He is the only S+ class supernatural being from Makai. He has never used his power for evil and concerns himself with the people who serve him. He has never desired to control others with an iron first; this is because he considers Makai an extension of himself. He has four arms and four eyes, with two of these eyes placed on the palms of his hands, and his height reaches over 656 ft. (200 m) tall.

He loves his people and his world but you are an outsider so it will depend on you, how the encounter ends. But to make sure of your survival you need to grow very strong as this man is can erase this whole country with a single blow.

How is it, feeling scared now?"

"No, my goal is far beyond this level so go on."

"Good because the last is the worst one, he is called Verse and he is the embodiment of negativity in the world. It only desires for the world to be covered in darkness as it thrives on the misery and death of morals.

This one is exists in another dimension and nobody knows how to reach him but he has been affecting this world for centuries now. His power is unknown but should be very vast since he represents the negative side of mankind.

That is all of them that I have knowledge of and I would suggest going for Orochi or Lord Belial instead of the unknown entity." Eliza finished and found his reaction satisfactory. He showed no fear or hesitation when hearing about such monsters that most wouldn't even think of facing.

"You are fine with me attacking your King?" Naruto asked as Eliza was from Makai and was probably a noble.

"It's not like you are going to kill him. You need him alive and a battle should convince him of your worthiness. Or you could seduce his daughter and go through the back way."

Hearing those words, Naruto stopped for a moment.

'Maybe I can convince the daughter to help me out.'


"Do you know anything about his daughter?"

"Haha, the reaction I expected and a valid choice but I have no info on his children since I haven't been in Makai for the last 600 years. Lord Belial had no child when I was there but we can easily find information about dark beings like me. Look for rumors on blood sucking, werewolves, or succubae. We can find info from them.

But if they are in the human world then they are either very strong or they came here by accident. I can't go back since my way home was destroyed long ago." Eliza explained as she walked around him. She was enjoying life now as she actually felt alive and filled with energy.

"I will look into it and are you going to help." Naruto said as he would have to find this information regardless since he needed to go to Makai for Belial.

"Of course I will help you out. I don't want you getting depressed and lost as it will ruin the taste."

Naruto looked at Eliza and gave a small smile, "Thanks Eliza, I owe you one and sorry but I need to go out alone for some time."

"I will be waiting for you so don't take too long."

"Right" Naruto nodded and flew away turning into an eagle with transformation jutsu.


Seeing him leave, Eliza stared into the horizon before deciding to take a walk and enjoy the sights of this new world.

It had been a long time since she actually did anything.

She had been born 1500 years ago into the noble family Gremory, one of the strongest families in Makai. She was born with great talent but it was not appreciated as she was not the daughter of the head.

Eliza was the daughter of one of the family members and not the heir of the clan. Once her powers started manifesting and growing, it caused unrest inside the family.

People started talking about the worthiness of the heir and this led to assassination attempts, and soon a full blown battle against two factions.

One side followed the clan heir against those that wanted Eliza as the new heir as her power was still growing. Everyone could see it.

All this happened without her approval. Truly, she never wanted any of it. They were just forcing their own ideas and ideals on her so she escaped from Makai, from this pointless battle.

She had almost died a few times for nothing and it made her sick of her own world.

Getting to this world, she destroyed the artifact in haste and only realized later that she was losing power in this world.

Just like how humans needed food, she also needed to eat every day. In Makai the dark energy satisfied her needs and kept her energized but in this world there was no such thing and she needed blood.

The blood of weak humans wasn't enough and she slowly started energy, and became lethargic.

It was how she ended up going to sleep for so long as she waited for the humans to grow in power since she had seen the martial artist.

Fortunately her patience was rewarded and she found her source of life. It would be so much easier to just trap him and suck when she needed but Eliza had learned how taste changed according to the feelings of the source.

And now it felt like they were connecting somehow.

'Maybe the blood is too addictive and it is affecting my mind.' Eliza thought with a smirk and walked the streets of Tokyo, her mere presence forcing people to give way.


"I prefer vampire, Orochi's servant." Eliza said as she looked at the man that had blocked her path.


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