《The Shadow That Preludes Death (The Favoured)》Chapter 11/New Understanding.
After discovering that she had control over the shadows inside her, she couldn’t stop messing around with them, pushing them up until they concealed her in darkness, before letting them drift back down under her skin. She found that the circlet of darkness could be manipulated as well, she could pull it down creating a veil of shadows over her face. Umbra couldn’t think of a use for it, maybe it did something she didn’t yet understand. Her lack of knowledge was still an annoyance, maybe she could find something about Nyx and her gift in the library.
Umbra set off, distracting herself from her craving to channel by playing with the shadows across her skin, thinking of V she made them spin and dance in patterns. She still regretted how she had left things with her.
Umbra found a small unassuming door that she would not have noticed if she hadn’t been actively looking. And even then she would’ve ignored it the only reason Umbra stopped at the door was that a gold plaque hung above it, ‘library’ engraved on it in bold letters. Umbra pushed the door open and gasped.
Umbra had expected the library to be large but it was impossibly so, its size didn’t make sense, it was taller than the estate. When Umbra walked into the library the smell of old books comforted her, she looked around, the library was a massive circle whose walls were bookcases that reached into the ceiling so far above Umbra couldn’t tell if it was wood or stone. A chandelier hung from the ceiling suspended on a chain of impressive length, it emitted a warm yellow light. Stairs were built into the bookcases that made up the wall following it upwards, with landings interspersed randomly. ladders leaned against the walls allowing access to books either too high or too far from the stairs. Normal sized bookcases populated all the remaining space except for the very middle of the room, 5 wooden tables sat, illuminated by small lamps. On the table closest to the door, a black cat lazed watching Umbra with green eyes.
“Hello, kitty.” Umbra called affecting a cooing voice. It blinked at her then turned its head to look at something else. “Seems cat doesn’t like me” Umbra sighed. “How am I supposed to find anything in this library anyways.”
“I haven’t seen you for a while.” an oddly accented voice said.
“Dovrag! Hello, ahh it is a long story,” Umbra said turning around. Dovrag was carrying a bunch of books, and it took him a little while before he noticed her skin.
“Umbra, What happened,” Dovrag said.
“Oh, it was a gift, a part of that long story,” Umbra said and pushed the shadows deeper self-consciously, making them a bit more difficult to see.
“A gift from a deity already, you are keeping up with Apithe.”
“Apithe got a gift?”
“Yeah, a pendant made of ice, I’m not sure what it does but it is not as serious as yours.” He said staring at her circlet of shadows. Apithe got a gift as well, bet that arrogant cow is prancing around as if she were already favoured. Dovrag interrupted her thoughts, “If I may ask, who gave you that gift.”
“Sure you can ask, Nyx gave it to me.”
“I have not heard of Nyx.” Dovrag shrugged, “not unusual I suppose.” The converastion reminded Umbra of why she had originally come.
“I actually came for some books; do you think you could help me find them,” Umbra asked.
“Just ask the librarian,” Dovrag said nodding towards the cat, who was now stretched across the table.
“What, the cat? You are kidding.”
“I wouldn't offend him if I were you he is the only one who can find the books in this place.” Dovrag cautioned. “Just ask him what you are looking for he will find it.”
“Umm, books on Nyx, and gifts from deities. Please, Mr. Cat. Oh and basic magic control” Umbra said to the cat, and it ran off.
“Magic control, have you still been having trouble with your magic, oh and also I don’t think Mr. Cat is really the best way to address him either,” Dovrag said leading them to a table.
“Mr. Cat seems like a pretty respectful way to refer to him, and honestly, I haven’t really tried to use magic since the courtyard, I’ve been trying to channel as much as possible.”
“Growing your pool of magic is important, but you won’t develop any spells if you don’t use your magic.”
“I never understood how we are supposed to get spells,” Umbra said sheepishly.
“Read this I’m done with it anyways,” Dovrag said and handed one Umbra one of the books he was carrying with him. “There is a lot of information there regarding spells.”
“I would like to talk longer, but I have training with Apithe.”
“With Apithe, why,” Umbra said, and jealousy flashed through her making the shadows roil. He shrugged
“She asked and she is quite talented even if she is fålke, it is good for me to compare magics against a better opponent.”
“Oh, ok, well thanks for the company Dovrag.” He gave a small bow then left. Umbra looked around the vast empty library and sighed, alone again.
The book Dovrag had left was enlightening, turns out spells can’t be taught, they manifest themselves, through a combination of need, and how much she uses magic. All mages have basic control over their element, they don’t need a spell to make use it, but more complex uses need spells. Once a mage obtains a spell they have it for the rest of their life and any of them could be used on the spot as long as the user has enough magic.
Sometime during Umbra’s reading, a pile of books appeared on her table and the cat had stretched back out on the table. She looked through them, a few were of basic control, another was titled Deities and their gifts, and the last was titled The Task of Alvas. “I didn’t request this book, Mr. Cat.” The cat of just looked at her, of course, it did it can’t talk after all. she was missing the Nyx book maybe this was it. As far as she knew Alvas was a minor deity of deep sleep. Maybe Nyx played a part in their story.
She found it to be an interesting story. A long time ago Ennedi deity of love grew frustrated with her husband Zondain the major deity of hate, he was souring the love she grew in people with hate. Tired of her husband’s interference she asked Alvas to put Zondain into a deep sleep from which he would not awaken so she could continue providing love to the people. Ennedi said she would provide Alvas with a favour if he did this Alvas accepted, a favour from Ennedi was truly a great gift. And for a time Zondain slept and love flourished on the Fabric. But it was not to be, Zondain was one of the most powerful Deities and he woke himself up and flying into a rage he sought out Alvas for he knew that it was Alvas that had put him to sleep. Alvas ran to his mother for protection. Upon hearing of this Zondain stilled his rage for he did not want to anger Alvas’ Mother Nyx. Zondain left Ennedi asher betrayal had turned his hate to her as well. He now attempts to sour as many loving relationships with hate as he can. “Mr. Cat, this is the only book that mentions Nyx?” the cat turned to look at her with bored eyes before laying its head back on the table. “I suppose that means yes.”
The book hadn’t really told Umbra much only that Nyx was exceptionally powerful, powerful enough to scare one of the most powerful deities enough that he didn’t even want to anger her. And that she had a son.
Umbra let out a frustrated sigh she couldn’t find any information on the deity that had taken an interest in her. She didn’t really want to read the other books, later I will she promised herself. I want to try to use my magic, maybe I will have a bit more luck this time. She grabbed the rest of her books leaving the Nyx one behind, thanked the cat and made her way back to her room.
It was dark and comforting in her room, she set the books on the writing table and made her way to the soft carpet in the middle of the room. Wait, wasn’t there books in her room, how could she forget that they were all over the walls, I should check those books later as well.
Umbra settled in and searched for her being it was more concentrated now, she could feel the difference the channelling had made. She let her being flow through her body suffusing her with fury, pain, and hate she shivered they were not emotions Umbra liked dealing with and they reminded her of the mother she had killed. She let the feelings wash over her. And she searched her being for the strand Master Otaro had talked about but it was absent. She continued looking, Master Otaro had said that this was the way to do it. But as time passed with no success she started growing progressively more frustrated, she tried to push the emotion down but to no avail, this was a fool’s exercise. Maybe her magic wasn’t like everyone else’s. She was the first mage to ever have death magic, I must be different to everyone else, maybe my magic isn’t activated like anyone else’s. She could always just rip it open but she had no control when she did, so there was no way she was learning spells like that. She gritted her teach and spun the shadows on her skin around viciously. She needed a break. Maybe I’ll go to the city Master Otaro told me about. The thought of once again being another faceless member of the crowd was nice and the thought of looking around was nice, she liked exploring.
It was early morning outside, Umbra had once again completely lost track of the days, she consistently couldn’t tell how much time had passed, it was weird, time used to be so structured and now it meant almost nothing. She needed very little sleep from what she could tell. Having been awake for almost and month and a half when she was in the shrine.
She went the opposite way from where she had gone the last time – there definitely hadn’t been a city that way. There was a dirt path leading her away from the estate and she followed it.
Umbra came into view of the city sometime later. It wasn’t what she expected more a town than a city. It sat against the harbour fishing boats could be seen a distance into the ocean their white sails reflecting the midday sun. The town was surrounded by a low wall and two soldiers stood guard at the entrance. Why bother with guards there is nothing on the island that is dangerous enough to warrant walls and a guard. Is there? Umbra shrugged and made her way down the gradual slope to the town.
She noticed as soon as she reached the gates that this trip wouldn’t be what she expected. The guards’ eyes bugged out when she got close enough for them to see her clearly which was a ten-minute walk from where she was first able to see them clearly. Everything was different after her channelling she couldn’t even imagine how Master Otaro saw the world, he was ancient and had been channelling almost that entire time, she had only been doing it for two months in comparison.
She slowed as she got close to the guards trying to seem as unthreatening as possible, she had no idea how they would react to her. But they just stared at the shadow on her head. Umbra gave a sigh of relief they wouldn’t question her then. “Ma’am you bless our town,” one of the guards said, and they both bowed their heads. They think I am Favoured; I suppose I look like I could be, although I don’t have the presence yet. Umbra nodded affecting the cold superiority of the Duchess.
The people in the city weren’t much better bowing their heads and looking at Umbra with interest as she walked through the streets. Looks like I’m not going to be a faceless member of the crowd like I had thought. Umbra tried to push the shadows on her skin deeper down, maybe people wouldn’t notice when they were mostly hidden. Umbra hadn’t tried to suppress her shadows for any great length of time, it was difficult requiring constant attention. She wanted to leave, but it had been a long walk and to leave after only spending a short time here would feel like defeat.
The people staring at Umbra were really starting to anger her and with huff Umbra stepped into the shadow of the buildings and pressed her shadows forward, effectively making her a shadow, indiscernible in the shadows, the people watching her gasped and she grinned. It was fun to make some innocent mischief every now and then.
Keeping her shadow on active took as much concentration as keeping it pressed down. Umbra didn’t mind though, she needed to understand Nyx’s gift better anyways and using it will help with that.
Umbra made her way to the docks she had never seen them before and was interested in what it would be like to see the ships resting place. On the way towards the docks she got side-tracked, she could feel a similar feeling to when she had found Nyx’s shrine and it seemed stupid to ignore something like that, so she followed its call, she would be able to see the harbour later this was more important.
It led her to the corner of the city. The houses were decidedly more ramshackle here and the path was dirt, not stone. The feeling led her to a house, she let the shadows sink back into her skin and she knocked at the house’s old wooden door, this house looked worse than the ones around it, and a funny smell seemed to come from inside. She knocked again, no answer. She looked around, the street was empty and the window was open. She double checked then dived through the window, and straight into a cold tingly sensation, that reminded her of when she had killed the fox boy.
It really smelled in here and Umbra looked around a body lay curled up on the floor. This is what she had been drawn to, she had been attracted to some dead grandpa from across the entire city, Umbra almost retched. Even with the smell and the general disgust, Umbra felt towards herself, she couldn’t make herself leave. She could feel death all around her now that she knew it was here. All she wanted to do now was channel the death magic into herself as she had with the dark, she could sense its potency. But she felt that if she did she would be taking an irreversible step into death. She was generally speaking pure, she hadn’t taken death into herself.
She wanted to now, more than anything. If it felt this good just being close to it she couldn’t imagine how it felt to channel it, she shivered at the thought. Maybe she could redirect just a little bit of it into herself. Just a tiny bit, that’s fine. She opened her channel with the barest sliver of an entrance, and death started flowing in eagerly she could feel it rush down the channel and into her being, she gasped, this tiny bit was more potent than all the darkness she had taken in at Nyx’s shrine. She shivered as more flowed in, she needed more she opened her channel as wide as it would go and it rushed into her like a waterfall and she fell to the floor, this was like nothing she had ever felt it was pleasure beyond what words could describe.
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