《[Don't Die!]》Chapter Two


After an hour or so of walking, I started to notice the road was more heavily traveled. More signs of activity such as hoof prints and wagon wheel ruts. The road curved around to the left and the trees opened up to reveal what looked like a small medieval town ahead of me. Several farmers fields were being worked on both sides of the road, and knots of people seemed to be going about their business. Beyond them buildings rose up, the nearest ones single storied affairs with thatched roofs, but further into town there were two and three story buildings. Off to the left there were several windmills, turning slowly in a breeze I didn’t feel.

I squared my shoulders and headed for the largest group of people I could see. Approaching one of them, I waved and asked, “Um.. excuse me sir, I’m new here. Could you help me find someone who can answer some questions?”

“I’m not a sir, just a farmer bringing his goods to market.” Said the heavyset man, eyeing my weapons warily. He was dressed in sturdy work clothes and had calloused hands. “But if you’re looking for someone to answer questions, there’s a constable just up the way and several apprentice schools along the main road in town.”

“Schools you say? What do they teach in this town?”

“That depends on the school. Some teach fighting. Others teach the magical arts. There’s really all sorts of schools in this town.” he informed me. “Far more than we need really, but we always have travellers coming through, looking to learn something. Are you one of them?” he asked, nodding towards my weapons.

“It seems I am.” I answered puffing up my chest.

“Well, then you’re in luck. Our schools are the finest in the land. Or so they say.” He said with a smile.

“Thank you for your help.” I nodded and headed further into the town.

All around me I could see an interesting collection of buildings and many people who were obviously not human. No one style dominated. It was as if the town had been put together by several different people with several different styles, but from a common collection of patterns. Further down the road I could hear what sounded like the din of battle. Since no one seemed alarmed, I assumed the noise came from a school for fighters.


After another several hundred meters or so a trio in uniform, looking like policemen, no policemen I’ve seen, but policemen nonetheless, approached me, eyeing my weapons.

“You there. State your business.” One of them said, fingering the hilt of his short sword.

“I’m new here, and looking for information. Someone suggested that I speak with the various schools.”

“An adventurer are you? Looking for training?” the same officer spoke. “Well, you aren’t the first and you won’t be the last to seek your destiny down that road. Don’t cause any trouble and you won’t find any trouble with us.”

“Thank you for the advice.”, I said and headed off since he no longer seemed interested in me.

I spent the next hour or so wandering up and down the streets, on and off of the main road, having brief conversations with various people about the town and schools. I wasn’t sure I wanted to attend a formal school, and I was pretty sure I didn’t have the money to afford it. I was standing in the market a few blocks of the main road, still puzzling out what my next step should be, when a nondescript man walked up to me. I was so startled at being approached by someone that I almost missed what he was saying.

“You look like one of those wilderness sorts. I need a message delivered to the Rangers. Could you deliver my message?” He asked.

A display popped up in my field of vision.

[Quest: Deliver message to Ranger encampment.]

[Difficulty: 1/10]

[Reward: One silver piece.]

[Accept: Y/N?]

I stepped back in surprise, “I, erm, I mean… Yes, yes I could.” I said before I realized what I had done.

The display blinked.

[Quest accepted.]

The man handed me a round wooden cylinder. It looked like a map case and was capped at both ends. I accepted it and he walked away without another word.

Wondering how difficult 1/10 was going to be, I asked aloud, “Where is the Ranger encampment?”


Nothing. No flashing lights. No lines on the ground. Nothing to follow. I guess I was going to have to resort to good old-fashioned asking for directions.

Since I hadn’t seen any signs or directions on the road into town, I headed back to the main road and continued along in the other direction. I thought about asking the fighter school but some instinct told me that wasn’t going to be helpful. I thought about all the books I had read and movies I had watched about where rangers gathered. All I could think of was woodland glades, and pubs. Why did Rangers always associate with pubs?

Back out on the Main Street I looked for the constables that I had seen earlier, but I couldn’t see them anywhere.

Apparently I looked confused, because one of the townspeople walked up to me and asked, “Can I help you?”

“I’m looking for information but I’m running into difficulties finding out where to get it. I’m used to having everything in one place and easily searchable, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.”

“Have you tried consulting your guide?” He asked looking at me with a puzzled expression “Usually adventurers like yourself have a guide that assists them. Do you not have one?”

“Well, yes I did have one but he’s several miles down the road back the way I came.”

“Interesting. It must be broken then, because usually they follow you around. Have you tried asking it?”

“Asking… You mean I…” Now I felt stupid. “Guide.”

“I am your guide.” Said a voice from over my shoulder.

Now I felt really stupid. I turned and sure enough, there was the tall cloaked figure standing behind me.

“A-ha! I see you found them.” said the Good Samaritan.

“Thank you very much. I mean it. I’m not sure how long it would’ve taken me to figure that out.” I said to him, before turning to my guide.

“Can you tell me where the Ranger encampment is?” I asked my guide.

“Indeed. The Ranger encampment is to the north of Springbrook. It is indicated on your map.”

“My… I have a map?” I looked around, but I didn’t recall a map in my bag when it appeared. I was holding the message tube, but aside from what I had looted from the Goblins, I didn’t appear to have any new belongings.

“Say ‘Show map.’.”

I felt like I was showing up late to a party and everything was in Greek. “Show map.” I sighed.

In front of me appeared a map looking like a holographic display. There was a green dot in the centre pulsing slowly, what looked to be built-up area all around it and a road leading north-south. The entire area seemed surrounded by fields and trees. I guessed that was me in the town and the road was the one I’ve been walking on. I turned and gave my guide the stink eye for not being more forthcoming. In the area to the north of the town there was a yellow dot pulsing slowly. I pointed at the yellow dot and asked my guide, “Is this the Ranger encampment?”


With a sigh I headed off towards the Ranger encampment. It seemed I was going to have to learn what questions to ask before I was going to get useful information out of my so-called guide. This was as frustrating as playing a game without the manual.

At least now I was more prepared to for any Goblins I might meet along the way.

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