《The Secret War - 1st Novel in the Shadow Series》Chapter 7 .



I took a taxi to the shopping district. I got out in front of a store with a sign that read Candy and Confectionery One Stop in pink and purple letters. There were two teenagers about my age in front of the store and a K'thaktra who I recognized as the store owner. The teenagers had a small stand setup in front of them with chocolates displayed on it. There was a small handwritten sign next to them that read Gourmet Chocolates. The wrappings on the chocolates indicated they were gourmet.

I didn't get out of the taxi right away, but rolled down the window slightly to hear what the owner said.

"How much is it?" I asked the taxi driver.

"If you don't leave now," the K'thaktra said, "I will call the peacekeepers."

"Yeah, yeah," one of the boys said. "You've been saying that for 3 days now and I haven't seen any peacekeepers show up yet."

"Forty credits," the taxi driver said.

I transferred the credits and got out of the taxi. By the time I got out, the K'thaktra had retreated back into his store.

The teenagers smiled at me as I stepped near them. One of them actually winked at me. I ignored that one.

The other one said, "Chocolates for only half a credit. You won't find a better deal on chocolates anywhere else, but here."

"That's probably true," I said without looking at them. I stepped passed them and into the store.

I walked to the counter with my newly acquired metallic box. I winked at the Bundu-jo woman who stared at my physique from a nearby aisle. After I placed the box on the checkout counter I turned slightly so my backside would be turned towards the woman. I looked over my shoulder to see her admiring me. All that time in the gym was paying off well. I hoped her volo was getting a good image of this so she could go back later and rewatch it any time she wanted.


I turned my attention back to the K'thaktra behind the counter, but realized he couldn't see me behind the box. I took two steps to the side and smiled.

"You're looking in good spirits this fine day, my friend," I said.

The K'thaktra didn't really look at me as he said, "Your parents will have to come pay for this."

"My friend," I said. I laughed at his mistake. He made it all the time. I thought he would have recognized me by now. "It's me, Owen." I gestured to my chest and took a step back so he wouldn't have to lean over to see me behind the counter.

"Ah, yes, the small human who isn't a child."

"That's right, Owen." I emphasized my name. He never remembered it. I supposed it didn't matter. I'd be leaving Earth that day anyway.

I patted the box. "Fill it up with as much individually wrapped chocolate as it will hold."

His yellow eyes looked at me for a moment and then he let out a heavy sigh. "Chocolate." He glanced out his store front window at the teenagers selling the chocolates outside. "Are you sure you wouldn't rather buy chocolates from them? I can't match their price. They are selling it for less than the retail price. I've been trying to get rid of them for three days. I even tried calling the police, but human police on Earth aren't interested in helping a K'thaktra."


I smiled at him and patted the box. "Just fill it up until it's full and then we can talk about the price. Don't move the little box that is already inside there. It needs to stay."

The K'thaktra nodded and opened the metallic box. He began filling it.

"I've been a good customer for years now," I said as I purposely looked at the boys out front. "And I'll continue to be a good customer for years to come. You know this is the only place I shop." That wasn't exactly true, but he didn't need to know that.

"You said that last time and then you disappeared for a year on one of those G.E. ships."

"And now I'm back here to your store only. I need to travel to get the word out about your store. You know I advertise you everywhere I go. I bet you got a lot of new customers because of me, eh? I'm right, right?"

The K'thaktra seemed uncertain for a moment so I ran with my guess. "Your business did better this past year right? It's all because of me and my efforts, my friend. Do you know how far I spread the name of...your store."

"It had been doing better, but if those human boys stay out there, I'm going to be ruined." He finished filling the box with chocolates and closed the lid.

"That will be two hundred credits."

"My friend," I said, "that's the regular customer price. We've just established, I'm not a regular customer."

"Fine," the K'thaktra said, "A hundred eighty credits."

"My friend," I reached a hand up to place on the counter and shook my head. "Really, for all my efforts you're only giving me twenty credits in discounts. I labored for a year to get your name out. You have no idea how much effort I put in. I went to the most popular restaurant on the G.E.V. Remembrance every day at the most popular time for dinner and stood on the tables to shout your store's name. That is what I did for you," I pointed at his red plated chest, "because I like you that much. And I'm going to do it again." I patted the box. "I won't stop until your store is the most popular one on Earth, heck, in the solar system."

"Even with your advertising, it won't matter with those two humans out front. They've been telling people they are part of my store, that they work for me. Their chocolates aren't even gourmet chocolates. They've just wrapped them in the gourmet wrapping paper. I've had people come in demanding a refund because the chocolates have a weird aftertaste."

"Then, I'll get rid of them for you."

"Really? Is that possible?"

I smiled, placed my arm on the counter and leaned forward as much as I could with my short frame. "My friend, anything is possible for me. If I get rid of them," I patted the metallic box now filled with chocolates, "this will only be fifty credits."

The K'thaktra who had been leaning in with me suddenly leaned back. "Fifty credits? But I'd be taking a loss. That's less than I get them for by about half."

I waved him forward and he leaned in again. "It would be a profit in the long run because I'll get rid of those guys and I'll be bringing you more business by advertising. Your business should at least double if not triple."


He backed away and stared at the ceiling. I waited for what felt like hours, long enough I began to worry I would miss the shuttle to the G.E.V. Shadow, but when I looked at my okulus not much time had passed.

The K'thaktra leaned forward again. "If you can get rid of them now, I will give this to you for fifty credits with the additional expectation that my business will at least double."

"Deal." I stuck out my hand and he shook it. "I'll be right back. Hold onto this for me." I tapped the metallic box.

He nodded and set the box to the side.

I noticed the woman who had been checking me out earlier stood behind me now smiling. She nodded at me and I nodded back. There was a cool breeze I hadn't noticed before as I stepped outside.

"Boys," I said even though they looked to be about my age. I stepped up behind them and the stand and made sure my back was turned to the store window. "Good job," I whispered. "How much did you sell today?"

"A hundred credits worth," Jasper said.

"Stand with your back to the window." I placed my hand on his back to emphasize my point.

"Sorry, Owen," he said.

"We did well, hunh?" Jacks said after he turned his back to the store window.

"Yeah. Transfer me my share," I said.

"50/50," Jacks said.

"Don't try to cheat me," I said. "I told you where to sell and I supplied you with the chocolates and wrappers. The only thing you guys had to do was wrap the chocolates and sell them."

"But we have to split it between us," Jacks said, "so it's only 25 for me and Jasper."

"Yeah," Jasper said a moment too slow.

"The amount we agreed on was 60/40. 60 to me," I said.

Jacks rolled his eyes and looked away.

"Don't be like that," I said. "You wouldn't even have the product without me."

"And people have been complaining about that product," Jacks said. "They said it has a weird aftertaste."

"That's because it's made from the algae on the G.E. ships."

"Algae?" Jasper looked at the wrapped chocolates modified.

"It's just algae," I said. "It's not like it's poisonous. Everyone eats food from the algae on the G.E.F. Look, the bottom line is, you still made the profit I promised you and we had agreed in the beginning 60/40. Don't tell me you aren't a man of your word."

"Fine," Jacks said. He tapped on his okulus and the credits transferred to my account.

"Great," I said. "You'll have to set up somewhere else now."

"Where?" Jacks asked. "We've already established customers here."

I laughed and shook my head. "Jacks, my friend." I placed my hand on his back. "Customers that now know these aren't gourmet and have an awful aftertaste. Best better setup somewhere new with fresh customers."

"That's true," Jacks said.

"Yes, it is," I said. "Now, pack it up. I'll see you guys when I get back."

"Pack up now?" Jasper asked.

"Yes, now," I said.

Jasper started to pack up the chocolates into a box next to the stand.

"Oh, yes, and remember not to mention my name," I said. "That is part of the agreement."

"And part of that agreement is that you'll bring us more chocolates," Jacks said as Jasper packed up the handmade sign.

"Yes," I said, "when I get back from the G.E.V. Shadow I'll have more chocolates for you to sell."

Jacks nodded and turned back to Jasper to help him take down the stand. I went back into the store and spread my arms out wide as the K'thaktra nodded with a smile on his face.

"How did you do it?"

"Please," I said. "It's me, Owen. I can do anything."

"Owen," the K'thaktra said and nodded again.

"So fifty credits as we agreed on?"

"Yes," the K'thaktra said.

I quickly completed the transaction and he handed me the metallic box. I opened it just to be sure the little box was still inside it. It wasn't like I didn't trust the K'thaktra...well, it was like that. The box was safe inside and still locked.

By the time I got back outside, Jacks and Jasper were gone.

My okulus started beeping.

"Hi, dad," I said as I answered. The volo projected his image. He wasn't at home. He was already at the port.

"Where are you, Owen? The shuttle leaves in a half hour." Mom was already on board the G.E.V. Shadow.

"Don't worry, dad. I'll be there. I just had to pick up something quick."

His eyes darted around my surroundings. "What something? Owen, you're not trying to smuggle something on board again are you?"

Trying? I had always succeeded, there hadn't been a try. I only got caught once I was already on board and trying to sell the smuggled items.

"No, dad. I'll be there soon."

"Okay. Don't be late. The shuttle has to arrive at Mars on time."

"I know."

I waved my hand at his image and then disconnected. I took a taxi to the space docks. There were fifteen minutes to spare when I arrived. My dad was already standing in line to board. I joined him.

"That is new," he said indicating the metallic box.

"Just bought it for the trip," I said.

"You had sent your luggage on ahead with mine," dad said. "What is in that?"

"It's empty," I said with my best innocent look. "I thought it looked cool and I could use it for luggage in the future."

Dad looked doubtful. The line started moving to board the shuttle.

"The scanner will tell if there is something in it," I said.

Dad sighed and started to move forward. I followed. I held my breath when the metallic box went through the scanner. The officer waved us forward to continue onto the shuttle.

"See?" I said to dad as I picked up the metallic box. "Empty."

Dad didn't say anything as I followed him on board and we took our seats. He was silent during the announcement that the next stop on the way to the G.E.V. Shadow would be Mars. Dad finally spoke when the announcements were over. "Don't cause trouble this time."

"I won't." It wouldn't be trouble if I didn't get caught.

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