《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》Sexy, Madly, Deeply


They arrived at midnight and everyone was tired as hell.

"Our day fourth was just a plane ride and I was sleeping for most of the time. I don't feel like my love for you is growing" Clara taunted. She was feeling playful maybe because of how hot it was during the night. Such pleasant weather.

"Well I have a whole next day to catch up don't I?" Lorenzo pointed out.

"Technically true" she agreed easily.

Two cars were waiting for them in the parking lot outside of the airport.

"So, this is where we part our ways," Lorenzo said with hands in his pockets. Clara didn't understand what he meant.

"Thanks for taking us for a ride with you," Remi said and gave his brother a quick half-hug, then Milo did the same he thanked him as well more quietly.

The hug with Casey was the longest and she was hugging him the hardest "You're the best"

"You're not so bad yourself, brat," Lorenzo said kindly and patted her head.

"It was nice to meet you, Clara," Milo said politely.

"Right, see you soon" Remi agreed.

"Bye?" She waved at them uncertain what's going on. "Are they sleeping somewhere else or something?" She directed her question at Lorenzo.

"Yeah. They're going to grandpa house"

"And we don't" Clara was confused

"No. We have a whole guest house for ourselves" he said. "I wanted us to have some privacy"

Clara didn't like the sound of that (okay, maybe she did) anyway, she didn't have a choice. She had to follow Lorenzo's lead.


The house they arrived at was mid-size and made in classic Mediterranean style. There was a sea nearby which excited her.

It was the middle of the night so instead of exploring she was ready to drop on the bed and fall asleep.

But things weren't that easy.


"Our bedroom"

"But what about our agreement?" Clara backed away. Their bedroom?

"What about it? Sex is off the table but you didn't say you were against sharing a bed with me" he smiled, pleased with what he saw as a loophole.


"Unacceptable," Clara said sharply. "But I will forgive it today because I'm tired" Or maybe she wanted him to sleep next to him? She had mixed feelings about it.

She opened the bag Lorenzo's housekeeper prepared for her and she found a few shirts and pants, pajamas and underwear there.

"How did she know my size?" She asked to lift a sports bra from the bag.

"Background check"

"That's creepy," Clara said shaking her head. "What else do you know about me other than my shoe size?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" He smiled mischievously, his demeanor indicated that he's not going to tell her.

"We should've just fetched things from my place" Clara muttered looking at expensive new things.

"But then I wouldn't have an excuse to buy you a whole new wardrobe" Lorenzo winked at her and Clara rolled her eyes.

Lorenzo took off his shirt and Clara looked away.

"I'm going to change" she muttered trying to dig out the pajama, she stopped at Lorenzo's remark.

"I sleep naked by the way"


He laughed in response at her spooked expression.

"Relax, I don't. Unless you want me to" he winked.

"Not funny," Clara said dryly.

"Then why am I enjoying this?" Lorenzo challenged. Clara couldn't be angry at him for some reason so she just shook her head, the corner of her lips lifted. When she finally took her pajama out of the bag she had another near heart attack moment.

It was a mini dress made from black silk with sheer lace insets. It felt very soft and luxurious in her hands. But the looks of it. It was just so... revealing.

No. Stop it. Clara wouldn't make a scene nor she would show him her embarrassment. She will use his own weapon against him, she's going to be sexy as fucking hell.

She went to the bathroom to change.

She stared at the mirror with disbelief at what she was wearing. The black lace was fitting her just right, showing all curves of her body.

She released her blonde hair from a ponytail. She took a deep breath and returned to the bedroom.


"Stop staring," she said sharply while sitting on the king-sized bed next to Lorenzo. Without looking she could tell he's watching her.

"Since when can you control my actions, dolcezza? I thought it's the other around" he purred, breathing down her neck.

"Maybe we should do another week when I tell you what to do" Clara challenged, quietly. She turned her head so she could look him straight in the eyes.

To be honest, she was never a fan of bossing people around but she could do it out of spite.

"Oh, the little mouse wants to spend more time with me. How about not just another week but the rest of our lives" he said, playing with the loose strand of her hair. She shivered and pulled away slightly.

"S-so many pretty girls who would enjoy spending the night with you may focus on searching for them instead of bothering me?" she said but why was her voice trembling? Why was she shivering?

"Such an understanding from a fiancé now I really want to marry you" he muttered into her ear, not offended at all. "You have my undivided attention, love. Some girls indeed would find it very enjoyable to spend the night with me but right now you're the only person I want" he said gently stroking her hand with his finger.

Too much. It was too much for her.

"I-is orange the color I can use?" He pulled away right after she said.

"Yes, love" Lorenzo said sparks of amusement appeared in his eyes as he pulled away from her. "It's late anyway. We can continue our fun tomorrow" he said.

"Lorenzo?" Clara asked.


"If I say no on day seventh will I ever see you again?" She was unsure what she wanted but she knew one thing. She didn't want to lose him forever.

"Are you offering me friendship, Clara?"


"I'm too ambitious to settle for that I want you to be madly in love with me"

Clara snorted. "You need someone to humble you because seriously" once again he cheered her up.

"They can try"

Clara closed her eyes and turned her back on Lorenzo but it did nothing for her because she felt his presence. He was right next to her. For some reason it made her feel safe. And because she was so tired the moment she closed her eyes she fell asleep. She had sleeping problems all her life, that never happened before.

She woke up abruptly because someone was shaking her shoulder. "Clara, wake up! Clara!!"

"What? What happened?" Clara asked in a sleepy, disoriented voice. She looked outside of the window and the sky was still pitch black.

"You were screaming. You had a nightmare" Lorenzo explained.

"Oh, sorry for waking you up," she said awkwardly, embarrassed that he saw it.

"It's okay" He petted her head gently and she shivered, touched by the gentleness he used to say.

"I dreamt about Arturo" she blurted out unprompted. "I tried to calm him down and leave but he was getting more and more angry at me. And then he pointed the gun at me" she said, now fully crying. Lorenzo was now hugging her tightly while she was staining his shirt with her tears.

He let her cry. He was just petting her hair and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. It made her gradually calm down and she fell asleep again. This time she was being held in his embrace.

When she woke up again Lorenzo was sitting on the bed, right next to her. His back was resting on the bed frame. He was drinking water and doing something on MacBook while his chest was still pretty much naked. She didn't realize that she's staring at his visible stomach muscles until his gaze lifted from the screen and a cocky smile appeared on his lips.

"Enjoying the view, I believe"

"What's our plans for today?"

"Changing the topic already?"


"C'mon grumpy cat. It's time for breakfast"

"Grumpy cat?!" She yelled and started running after him. "How am I supposed to fall in love with you when you're mean?"

"Madly. You suppose to madly fell in love with the mean me" he grabbed her hand and pulled her into an opposite direction to where she was going.

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