《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》All Clara Castillo's Secrets


"It would be rude to leave the restaurant without ordering anything. How about you pick something for yourself and then we will talk about our engagement"

"There's no engagement" Clara fired back.

His eyebrows raised. "If there's no engagement surely there's no reason for you to stay here. And for certain, you won't wake up one day being dragged to the altar against your will"

Was all of this just a joke to him? Considering his tone: yes.

"Do you really intend to do something like that?"

"Intend? Not really. But if your father decides to ensure your presence at our wedding I won't give any objections"

Shit. She really had to stay.

"I will take a glass of red wine," Clara said to the server who appeared out of nowhere.

"Not hungry?"

"Not really. But I do need a drink" she sighed and rubbed her temples. Her head started hurting. "I want you to end it. I don't want to marry you please give me my phone back and let me leave" she blurted out.

"Maybe I will give it back at the end of our meeting if you behave" he offered and sent her a cocky smile.

"Are you serious?" she asked incredulously. And then thanked the server for bringing her wine. Lorenzo received a glass as well.

"Perfectly serious"

"My father won't break the engagement so since I'm here I can ask you - what do I need to do for you to leave me alone?

"Funny, you want something from me, and yet you disrespect me," he said, his voice becoming gradually darker. His relaxed, laid-back attitude was now gone and Clara had to actively think that it's irrational to start trembling under his gaze. She was not scared of him, not at all.


Clara took a deep breath to calm down. "Yesterday, you were willing to kill me and today you want marriage? Why? Just let me go, Lorenzo"

Lorenzo never planned to kill her.

He was hoping to scare her and convince her to talk. Murders were messy and for the most part unnecessary. He still wanted to know what she wants from Desmond but it could wait. He had to gain her trust first.

"I have my reasons for wanting this marriage to happen. I wanted to kill you because you tried to put a person under my protection in danger. Of course, it was not something worth starting a war with the Giordano family so that's what saved you and what also made you interested in you. I am interested in merging the business with your family"

"You were disgusted to learn I wanted to get money from Desmond. You are ready to marry a person who does everything for money?"

"Marriage is a business. It is a deal where both sides gain something. But you're right I wouldn't marry someone I don't want. But I don't despite you Clara, I am more curious about your reasons. Why would you want to get money from Desmond? Did you want to get back on your father for abandoning you or is it something else? I want to know more"

Lorenzo knew all along that Clara was lying. If she really was a cold-hearted person who wanted nothing but more money she would not quit her day job as a software developer just to find information that maybe would lead her to Desmond who would maybe give her money. It didn't make sense.

"Sorry, but I will not satisfy your curiosity. I'm not interested in this marriage that's all I came to tell you now give me back my phone because I want to leave"


"You will leave when we're finished with this conversation"

"I just told you we are"

"We're done when I say we are"

Who does he think he is? She literally told him they're done and he just wasn't listening.

"You said you're not a wife material," he said playing in his wine glass in a nonchalant manner. "I don't know what you mean by that. I am definitely attracted to you, you have a nice ass it's clear even when you're wearing these ugly pants" a lazy smirk appeared on his lips Clara gasped, her eyes widened. Did he just really say that?

She went rigid and said in a formal tone "Mr. Vincenti I don't appreciate these sorts of comments, this was completely inappropriate and you're still technically my boss"

"Technically Arturo is your boss. I just own shares in the corporation that owns the nightclub"

"Vincenti corp, right? And your brother owns majority shares" Clara was thankful that this conversation shifted into something more bearable.

"I see you have done your homework. What else have you found out?"

"Nothing. The web is devoid of any information about you"

"As intended" he was clearly pleased with this response.

Clara rolled her eyes as he observed her with interest as if she was some sort of exotic animal that is particularly interesting "Yeah, yeah good for you. I am sure your computer guy is better than Garcia from Criminal Minds. Never mind that. As I said I was hoping you will help me to end this ridiculous arrangement but if not fine by me. I don't intend to marry you and I will not be intimidated, let's not see each other again Mr. Vincenti" with that she took her purse and she was about to leave.

"I didn't give your phone back yet"

"Keep it if you like it so much. Now, if you excuse me I have a shift in two hours" Clara responded and left the room with her chin lifted up.

Lorenzo looked at her impressed. He wasn't used to women acting like that around him. He was used to those who do everything to please him since he did enjoy his playboy lifestyle for a long time and he didn't like commitment. But this one was different, this one he didn't want just for a day or two. He wanted her to be fully his. Forever. Because he felt this is how much it's going to take to unveil all Clara Castillo's secrets.

He didn't buy her story about Desmond. Something about it just didn't sound right to him. But maybe it was true, maybe she was just a cold bitch out there for quick cash. Frankly, he wouldn't mind having a fierce partner in crime next to his side. She was spunky, she was rude with no regard to the consequences, something about her was raw and real. Behind the hardened exterior, hostility and fear there had to be something to her. He wanted to see it. He was fascinated.

Rafael, Lorenzo's older brother, was coming back from the holidays today. Lorenzo was looking forward to telling him about

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