《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》Her Choice


So Clara did end up in the car with her father. Her father, of course, was not driving. His employee did. They were both sitting in the backseat, it was awkward.

There was one thing she knew Sirio won't convince her to do: marry Lorenzo or anyone if she doesn't want to, no one will force her.

As they were driving away she looked through the window refusing to look at her father. If she won't acknowledge his existence he isn't there, right?

It's not like she wanted to drive with him but she knew there's no point in resisting. She already knew the guy wasn't a type who was used to people saying no to him.

Besides, despite the enormous anger and contempt, she was feeling towards him she had to admit that if he wasn't a dangerous son of the bitch her remains would be now scrapped off the floor of Vincenti's brothers' nightclub.

"I live at Norfolk St," Clara informed curtly.

"I know" of course he fucking knows. He just never bothered to visit. Her hands painfully clenched into fists.

"You're driving in the opposite direction," she said through gritted teeth and took a few deep breaths to calm down. She tried to be subtle but her father noticed.

"I'm taking you home" Father informed me, breaking the silence in the car. Thankfully he did it after they arrived.

"No, you're not taking me anywhere. I want to go to my apartment" she responded harshly but he didn't care.

"Don't be needlessly stubborn, Clara. You know I will have it my way at the end, and your current attitude is exactly why you're not in your apartment right now. We need to have a chat" he responded in an emotionless voice.

Clara didn't respond because she had to fight the desire to burst into tears and start yelling at her him.


When they arrived at her old family home Clara felt the pain growing in her chest. The place seemed to be so huge what a contrast to the small two-room apartment she and her mother were once renting. Mom died a few months ago and since then Clara moved to something even smaller.

This huge castle-like home was the place she has been kicked away from, like a trash.

With bitterness and sadness, she followed her "father" in silence.

They entered his home office. The walls of the interior had ashy blue color, the furniture was a mix of cherry wood and metal, and the cream vintage armchairs.

"Clara, sit down please"

"I will stand"

"Suit yourself"

Damn. She regretted her stubbornness a bit. Her legs started hurting the moment she realized that because of her pride she would be forced to stand through the whole conversation.

"I am aware it's been a long time, I wasn't present in your life your mother and I have decided it will be easier for all parties involved to leave in full separation. As long as you weren't connected to my person in any way you could live in peace with your mother without having your life at risk. Now, you're an adult and you will fulfill your duty as my daughter"

"I will most definitely not. I am not your daughter as far as I am concerned you can forget I ever existed as you did in the past, I am not some broodmare you can ship to your friend in order for your business to prosper" she said with disgust.

"To be clear. Our family is doing well and we don't need an alliance with Vincentis to generate profits. I am not treating you as a broodmare Clara, it's just how things are here. It's tradition for a father to find a good fiancé for his daughter"


"I don't care. I will not marry your business partner"

"Be reasonable. He's a good man. A gentlemen"

"Marry him yourself then" Clara responded dismissively.

Sirio's lips pursed into a thin line. "Child, you're starting to annoy me," he said.

"I'm not a child" Clara shot back without missing a beat. She will not let him control her. Over her dead body.

"You're my child, and this marriage gives you a chance to be a part of this family again," He said in a strict, firm voice suggesting he was losing patience with her. Good. Clara felt a weird satisfaction at seeing him pissed off.

"You must be joking," she said, her voice dripping with mockery "Fuck this family"

Sirio banged his fist against the desk he was leaning over. "You will respect this family and you will respect me" he barked. "You've made the grave mistake if you think I'm giving you a choice. You will meet with Lorenzo and you will accept his proposal. Is that clear?"

Silence. Clara had no intention to respond, deciding it would piss father even more than verbal denial. But Sirio didn't get any more angry. The opposite. He calmed down. His face was stone cold, without a single emotion.

After Sirio made a noise with a banging fist on the desk his son entered to see what's happening. Clara didn't notice that her older brother is standing right behind her now and he already overheard a good chunk of her conversation with her father.

Sirio continued his speech seeing that Clara has no intention to start speaking "You will marry Lorenzo Vincenti whether you like it or not. Moreover, you have ten days to find a more respectable job or I will do it for you. Son, take her out of my sight and make sure she understands her place in this family"

"Who the fuck do you think you are?!" Clara asked and took a step forward. She really was ready to throw herself at the man twice her size. She didn't want to kill him and she didn't care if she's going to get hurt. She just wanted to hit him once. Just once. Was that too much to ask for?

Unfortunately, she was unable to get to her father who was looking down at her as he was superior to her. Jackass. That motherfucker knew she wouldn't be able to strike him. When she tried to launch at him someone grabbed her elbow and hauled her back.

She turned around ready to knock that guy too (or make an attempt) but she stopped when she realized it was her older brother. Sante.

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