《The Girl Who Was Abandoned》The Lying Game


Clara was currently 25, she completed her bachelor's degree in Computer Science. She had been hired at the big company as a Security Software Developer for a few months before she quit to get another job.

She was working as a waitress now.

You're probably wondering: What? Why?

Well, it was a part of her efforts to gather information on Desmond Laffan but let's start from the beginning: As a person exceptionally good with computers Clara knew how to get the information she needed, she was also very patient. She wanted justice for her friend and she didn't care how she's going to achieve it. If there was something that could be said about Clara's personality is that she was a loyal, sentimental person who felt enormous guilt after Sabrina's death. She wasn't just going to let it go. She couldn't just move on. After 8 years have passed Clara was still mourning. She had zero social life, no friends, she had one and only goal: make Desmond Laffan pay.

Every time she got home from her job she would search for the scrap of information on Laffan. She had creepy cardboard with all the info she could find on him, a sort of mind map that she needed to connect the dots.

Clara was living in isolation from the outside world. She was also extremely angry at the justice system because her friend's murderer was walking around the streets as if nothing happened. As if he didn't do anything wrong. Desmond was living his life as a successful and well-respected businessman. No one saw him for what he truly was. Or maybe no really one really cared. Desmond was nothing but a perfect citizen at first sight but if someone would dare to look closely they would see the ugly truth. That man was a monster.

Sabrina might have been his first but not the last victim.

And that brings us to another reason as to why Clara was so fully invested in her investigation. Clara learned that Desmond convinced young, vulnerable girls to have sex for money. The girls weren't working for the normal clientele, he was a pimp for the VIP customers: politicians, lawyers, doctors, CEOs, etc. anyone who could afford "the best" used Desmond's name to find for himself a one-night stand. Fuck and forget policy. In other words, he was leading the sex ring for the rich. Clara noticed a pattern for women who engage themselves in Desmond's business. Some of them either disappear or die under mysterious circumstances. Others move to another city, or stay and regularly attend therapy sessions.


Because everything that could be considered evidence was obtained through illegal hacking Clara couldn't just tell police what she knows without being arrested as well. And because the police of this city were corrupted from top to bottom there's no saying if Clara's evidence would be enough to get Desmond convicted. The moment they opened the case for one of the girls they were closing it due to insufficient evidence. Some cases could drag on for months but at the end of the day, it ended with nothing moving forward. Idiots.

Clara couldn't trust them to do the job. So she waited and gathered the evidence, she waited until the right time will come.

Clara wanted to catch that bastard and expose him but she was getting gradually frustrated and angry at herself. She wasn't trying hard enough, she didn't have enough.

She should be doing more.

And finally, after a very long time, the opportunity arose to do more. One of Desmond's girls ended up in the hospital, beaten almost to death, the police had to deal with the victim who was willing to testify against Desmond. Of course, she withdrew her accusations in less than 24 hours. But there was a reason why Clara was interested in this particular case, in this particular woman. That girl stayed in the city, she was once willing to testify which means there was a chance to convince her to shed a light on how the girls are being recruited. Thus Clara decided to do something risky, well, riskier than what she did before.

So hired herself at the same place the girl has been currently working: The Himeros Club and that also meant she had to quit her job as a software developer. Because she didn't want to bring any suspicion she forged her identity and lied on her CV just to get hired. For people at Himeros club, she was a girl with no higher education who worked as a waitress for several years and freshly moved to the city.

She took a moment to take a glance once again at the forged ID card. Her name from that moment is Leah Black.


She was just preparing to go out on her shift when the phone called. It was Noah. Her relationship with Noah was complicated, they maintained contact because they both were interested in Sabrina's case but Noah chose another path. He became a police officer and unfortunately, he was trying to fix things legally. Which was impossible.

She brought the phone to her ear and sighed.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Do you realize how dangerous what you're doing is?" the male voice on the other side of the phone asked.

"Noah, what am I doing?" Clara challenged him calmly, she just needed to find out what he knew.

"You quitted your job to start working at the same place as Loretta Duren. Why? Why the hell would you do that Clara?" He challenged me in a nervous voice.

She did that several weeks ago but Noah was a cop after all she couldn't expect him to work fast.

"You of all people should know why. Because the police are useless and I need to find out what she knows. By the way, stop spying on me" Clara said in an irritated voice.

"Someone has to spy on you since you have no regard for your own safety! Forging documents is illegal. I should have you arrested" he responded.

"You should mind your own business and let me work. Honestly, Noah, your stalking tendencies are creepy as fuck. Stop" Clara said in a bored voice.

"I'm just trying to make sure you don't get yourself killed," he explained. He clearly didn't see that he's doing something wrong.

"If you don't want me to get killed you shouldn't close Loretta's case in the first place"

"My hands are tied Clara, I wasn't the one making the decision about this. You know how things work around here" he said. His voice shifted to the guilt mixed with sadness and disappointment. Clara understood that he's doing what he could, and he could do very little.

"Obviously, I do. So let me do the things my way" Clara said, her sharp voice becoming more gentle. "No matter what you're going to tell me I'm not going to change my mind" with that she put her phone on speaker and grabbed her beige coat. She also decided to quickly re-apply her red lipstick the moment she checked what she looked like in the mirror. The dark bags under her eyes have not been visible due to the heavy makeup she was wearing. Her blonde hair was tied in a bun, her skin was as pale as ever because she almost never left the house. Meanwhile, Noah was continuing his speech.

"You must know how suspicious it is that Loretta testified against these people and yet she is still alive and still lives in the city. Desmond doesn't give second chances. You speak about his business, you die or disappear. It has always been like that. There must be a reason why the Loretta case is different. It can only mean she's under someone's protection and they must be dangerous motherfuckers. If they find you snooping around-"

Clara interrupted him "They won't find anything. I will be extra careful" Clara dismissed his concerns.

"I was afraid I wouldn't be able to convince you. Fine, have it your way. If you get in trouble remember to call me"

"You're the only number except for mother's that I have saved on my contact list. Of course, I will call" Clara's mother died several months ago but she still had her number. Now the only person that was calling her from time to time was Noah but she refused to admit that she feels lonely.

"Clara, I beg you. Stay safe" he responded softly and hung up.

"I will, thank you for worrying about me" she responded quietly.

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