

I woke up hearing my alarm, I slowly sat up and grabbed my phone turning off the alarm.

Todays the day, I huffed really not in the mood to get up just yet. I slid out of bed deciding I would take a shower before I let.

I looked at the time.11:17. I got get some more sleep, yesterday we changed the plan instead of me going with the boys and Ginger I was going with Elijah.

Elijah had talked everyone into letting us go together, He said something about a big surprise,

He wanted everyone to see us when we walked in, I slowly slid back in bed and drifted off to sleep.

**3 Hours later**


I jumped up hearing someone banging on my door, I jumped out of bed and ran downstairs almost falling about 3 times.

I went over to the door and opened it revealing Elijah was our clothes and a bunch of other stuff.

He pushed past me and ran inside.

"Room come on boo we have work to do" He said looking at me.

"U-uh second on the right" I said quickly.

He ran upstairs and into my room, I rubbed my eyes and sighed, I'm still so tired.

"LETS GO SHAWTY" he yelled and I ran up the stairs.

"Why are we rushing" I said sleepily.

"We have 3 hours and a whole lot of work to do" He said grabbing me and sitting me down in one of my chairs.

"So first we're gonna shower and then I'm going to paints your toes and your nails, and then we'll do a little makeup because you don't need much and then we'll find you some pretty jewelry and then we'll slid your dress on" He said and I nodded.

"Oh I'm so excited, okay let's go" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me to the bathroom.

He turned on the shower and let me shower while he got everything ready.

I showered for about 15 minutes, I got out and slid my towel on. I walked into my room and noticed my lotion and perfumes on the table.

"Alright let's go put this on while I heat this up" He said.

I dried off and out lotion on my arms,Legs and face and sat waiting for him with the towel wrapped around me.

He grabbed my foot and started painting my toes, He painted them white and after he finished he put them on the table and told me not to move.

He grabbed my hand and started painting my nails, He painted them white as well.

He finished and told me to let them dry, He said he was gonna take a shower and I nodded.

He came out about 25 minutes later in his boxers, He told me that I could get up and I nodded.

He grabbed a bag and dabbed some make up on me. He said I didn't need an eyelashes or anything like that.

He made me put on some red lace panties that matches the dress and you could barely notice it, He said to go nude but I couldn't I was so uncomfortable.


We checked the time and not we had about an hour left he went to change first. He came out and I gasped.

"You look so freaking good, Henry isn't gonna be able to keep his hands off you" I said, He chuckled before he grabbed my dress and pulled me into my closet.

He sat my dress down and closed my closet giving me some privacy, I slipped my dress on and added the jewelry that we picked out, I sat down and slid on my heels before looking in the mirror.


Hair and makeup:

I smiled in the mirror and smoothed my dress out, I opened the door and Elijah looked up, He gasped and smiled.

"If I wasn't married and afraid of your boyfriend's, I'd marry you" He said looking me up and down.

"Why thank you kind sir" I said bowing slightly.

"Now let's take pictures" He said smiling.

We took a few pictures and then looked at the time, I gasped.

"Eli were late" I said grabbing my purse and putting my stuff in it.

"Calm down sweetheart, We're gonna arrive fashionably late" He said grabbing his stuff, We headed downstairs and headed to his car, I locked the door and made sure all my lights were turned off.

We got in his car and he drove off to the place, We listened to music on the way there, We got there in about 25 minutes because

Elijah was driving slow on purpose.

We got out and walked in, We walked around for a second before we realized where we were supposed to go. We stood at the door and the guy looked at Elijah.

"Wassup Eli" He said.

"Wassup wassup where's your girl" Elijah asked.

"She's with her mom's she got sick yesterday that baby keeping her down" The guy said chuckling.

"Who this" He asked looking down at me.

"That's the bosses girl" Elijah said smiling.

"Oh for real, Hi I'm Dj" He said smiling at me.

"Hi I'm Gia" I said smiling back.

"Alright now let us in before they send a search party for us" Elijah said rolling his eyes.

Dj laughed and opened the door, Elijah nudged my shoulder, and I wrapped my arm around his. We walked in and stood at the top of the stairs. some people looked up but I wasn't paying attention I was trying to find my babies.

I finally found Ginger and she was looking up at me with a smile, Henry was beside her looking at Elijah was a hungry look.

I giggled and Elijah chuckled before we walked down the stairs, We walked over to Ginger and Henry and smiled.

"You look amazing" Ginger said smiling at me. I let go of Elijah and walked over to Ginger, I wrapped my arms around her and she laughed.

Henry had wrapped his arms around Elijah, I looked as he suit and Gingers dress.



"You two look amazing" I said smiling at them.

"Thank you sweetheart" Henry said chuckling.

"Thank you baby" Ginger said kissing my cheek.


I smiled and looked around for the brothers.

"Where's Kingston, Dante, And Matteo" I asked .

"They went somewhere,They'll be back shortly" Henry said.

I shrugged and leaned into Ginger. She gripped my ass and kissed my neck.

"Ginger behave" I said pulling her hands off.

She giggled before kissing my cheek.

"Gia my loveable dove, Your being watched" Elijah said smirking.

I turned around too see what he was talking about, I looked around before I finally saw what he meant, Kingston, Dante, and Matteo all stood before me, They stared down at me with dark looks in their eyes. I looked them up and down and bit my lip.




I looked up at them and smiled, They started walking towards me and I noticed they had that dark sadistic look in their eyes, I backed up so I was leaning against Ginger, She laughed at my antics.

"Damn" Matteo said licking his lips.

"Baby you look amazing" Dante said smirking down at me.

"My pretty little princess" Kingston said his eyes lingering on my tits.

"Thank you, You guys look great" I said smiling.

Matteo grabbed me and wrapped his arm around my waist and leaned down to kiss me, He gripped my ass causing my to jump.

I pulled away and smacked his arm, He chuckled before he started kissing my neck.

"We're in public" I whispered, Trying to push him away.

He rolled his eyes and pulled away, Kingston grabbed my waist and pulled me against him.

He leaned down and kissed me before sliding his hand down to the slit in my dress.

He slowly moved his hand inside and was about to touch me but I grabbed his hand and pulled it away.

"No why are you idiots so horny" I whispered pushing him away, Dante chuckled and grabbed me, He kissed my cheek and smiled down at me.

"At least one of you isn't trying to fuck me" I said rolling my eyes, I felt them glaring at me and I realized what I said.

"Sorry" I said, They rolled their eyes but didn't say anything else.

We all stood around for awhile before we sat down at a table,We drank a little me having a sprite and them having something else.

They all talked for awhile about something, I wasn't listening, My phone rang and they all looked down at me.

I grabbed my phone and looked at the caller I.D

It said Jordan so I answered.


"Are you here yet"

"Yea where are you"

"I'm by the bar"

I turned over towards the bar and looked, I finally seen him.

"Ok do you need me"

"Yes can you come over here"

"Yea I'm on my way"



I hung up and stood up, I started walking towards Jordan but someone stopped me.

"Where are you going" Dante asked.

"Jordan needs me" I said simply, He nodded and slowly let me go.

I walked over to the bar fully aware that they were all watching me.

"Oh my gosh there you are" He said grabbing me and pulling me into a hug.

"Yea what's wrong" I asked pulling away.

"I have to give a speech and I'm very nervous, I feel like I'm gone throw up" He said.

"Calm down, Have a drink" I said.

"Ok i can do that" He turned and ordered a drink.

He downed it and was about to get another one but I stopped him.

"No that's all you need it's called liquid courage, it takes the edge off" I explained.

"How you know and you don't even drink" He asked looking me up and down.

"I have two Bestfriends who drink for a living" I said giggling, He chuckled and I could see him relax.

"Ok I feel better, Thank you" He said smiling.

"Of course, I couldn't let you go up there and embarrass me now could I" I said smirking.

"Shut up" He said glaring, I giggled and he chuckled.

He looked down at his watch and sighed.

"Alright it's time, Stay here ok" He said walking away.

I shrugged and stood there watching as he got on the stage. He stood and said something caring everyone's attention. He took a deep breath and looked back at me.

I smiled and He nodded, He began giving his speech and I smiled, He didn't stutter, He didn't mess up, It was perfect.

I felt someone come up behind me but I didn't pay any attention to it until they tapped my shoulder, I turned around and looked up to see

Devonte smiling down at me.

"Oh my gosh, What are you doing here" I said pulling him into a hug.

"My stepdad asked me to come and since I work for him, Here I am" He said chuckling.

I pulled away and smiled.

"Now what are YOU doing here" He asked.

"Oh you see the guy giving the speech" I said looking back at Jordan.

"Mhm" He hummed.

"He's my boss, well sometimes" I said. He looked down at me confused and I giggled,

"He's a friend of mine and sometimes he fires his assistants so he asks me to work for him for awhile" I explained, Devonte nodded and looked back at Jordan.

I noticed the small smile and I put the pieces together.

"You know him" I asked.

"No but I've met him before doubt her remembers me" He said shrugging.

"Mhm I could introduce you again" I said smirking, He looked down at me with a knowing look.

"How'd you know" He asked.

"You look at him the same way I look at mine" O said shrugging.

"How I she by the way" He asked.

"They're fine" I said not really paying attention.

"They" he asked.

"I uh have a girlfriend and 3 boyfriends" I said looking away.

"Damn girl you living lavish ain't you" He said laughing.

"I guess" I said giggling.

Me and Devonte talked for awhile and laughed as Jordan finally finished his speech.

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