

I wake up the next morning, surprisingly early. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 7:02.

I sent a quick text to Jordan, Asking if he needed me to come in today. He texted me back quickly, Saying he wouldn't need me today but he would be coming by the house in awhile.

I looked at my phone shocked for a second before sending him a text asking why he was coming, He texted me back saying he wanted to talk to me. I was gonna ask what he wanted to ask about but decided to wait.

I put my phone down and headed to the bathroom, I turned the shower on and stripped, throwing my clothes in the hamper.

I jumped in the shower, deciding to wash my hair during which added on another 30 minutes.

I got out and wrapped a towel around my body and one around my hair. I grabbed my toothbrush and put some toothpaste before brushing my teeth. After I finished, I headed to my closet, I grabbed some lotion and sat down in the spin chair by the door.

I applied lotion to my arms and legs and a little on my face before grabbing some black lace panties and throwing them on, I thought about going braless but then remembered I was a triple D, So I slipped on a sports bra.

I grabbed some little shorts and a top and slipped them on.

Yes they have dinosaurs on them, I'm not going anywhere so Imma dress how I wanna dress.

I closed my closet door and jumped back in the bed. I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV, I scrolled threw for a minute before deciding on pretty little liars.

I had been watching for 30 minutes when my phone started ringing, I groaned and grabbed my phone without even looking at the caller I.D.



"Who are you yelling at" Shit that's Matteo.

"Um no one, I didn't know it was you" I said suddenly very nerves.

"Mhm, How's my baby doing" He asked.

"Fine, What are you doing up so early" I asked pausing the show.

"I was working out like I do every morning" He said like it was common knowledge.

"Oh, um are you still coming over" I asked really hoping we all could eat and maybe watch a movie or do other things more explicit things.

"That's why I called" He said and I could hear the disappointment in his voice, I couldn't help but feel sad.

"I'm sorry baby but we can't come over today, Something came up last minute and we can't make it, Baby I swear we'll make it up to you" He said, I sighed and nodded before realizing he couldn't see me.

"Ok, I hope everything goes well, I'll call you later" I said before hanging up quickly.

I knew he would probably be mad but I was really hoping that we would get to hang out today, I understand they have a job to do but that doesn't mean I don't miss them and wanna spend time with them.

Matteo texted me but I didn't look at it, I threw my phone down on the bed and unpaused the show. My phone dinging again and Matteo's name popped up, I thought about reading them but decided against it.

About 20 minutes later I heard a knock on the door downstairs. I slid out of bed and ran downstairs and opened the door.

"Hey bunny, I brought food" Jordan said holding up a bag with Claire's dinner name on it. I grabbed the food and jumped on the couch.

Jordan closed the door and plopped down beside me. I grabbed a blueberry and raspberry muffin and handed him the bag before taking a bite out of the blueberry muffin.


"Really the blueberry one was mine" He said and pouted. I giggled and handed him the rest.

"You better be glad I love you" He said grabbing the rest and eating it. I giggled and took a bite of the other muffin.

"So what did you wanna talk about" I asked, hoping it didn't have anything to do with his recent discovery.

Jordan looked up at me and sat the bag of food down on the table.

"Your boyfriend's"


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