

I woke up when I heard knocking downstairs, I slowly sat up and grabbed my phone looking at the time, 2:45.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and slowly stood up stretching my arms and legs, I made my way downstairs and opened the door only to see Ginger, Kingston,Dante and Matteo with food in there hands.

I smiled and moved aside so they could come in. They each kissed my on the cheek as they came in, well except for Matteo he sat the food down on the table.

I frowned at him as he sat down on the couch still not paying me any attention. He looked upset but I didn't understand if it was something I did or if it was work related.

I slowly walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Matteo" I said barely above a whisper.

He looked up at me, I smiled at him but he didn't smile back, he didn't do anything he just sat there.

"What's wrong did I upset you, I swear I didn't mean too, I promise" I said, he gripped my wrist and pulled me down into his lap.

He buried his head into my neck and inhaled deeply. I put my head on his shoulder and put my hand on his chest, I could feel his heart beating.

Kingston, Dante and Ginger sat down and watched us closely. Matteo still hadn't said anything, I wanted him to tell me what was bothering him, I looked up at Kingston, and he nodded.

"Um Matteo, Could you uh tell me what's wrong" I whispered in his ear as he kissed my neck.

"Nothing, it's just work" He mumbled into my neck while tangling his hand in my hair.

"What happened" I asked worry clear in my voice.

"Just people being idiots" He said slightly pulling on my hair.

"Oh, are you gonna be ok"

"Now that I'm with you I will" He said pulling harder causing my head to slightly tilt back.

I giggled and kissed his cheek, sitting up straight, I smiled at him and this time he smiled back.

I jumped off his lap and ran over to Ginger and sat in lap, I kissed her cheek and starting playing with her hair.

"What did we tell you about running" Kingston asked, I turned and looked at him and his was glaring at me.

"I barely ran" I said pouting.

"I think we should start her training" Matteo said looking me up and down.

I looked at him confused and then back at Kingston and Dante. They were smirking at me.

"What does that mean" I asked.

"We'll start training you to be our sub" Dante said.

"But first we should start with rules and punishments" Kingston said smirking.

"Will it's be different with me and you Ginger" I asked looking back at her.

"No, you'll have the same rules for me as you do for them, the only thing that might be different is your punishments" she explained.

I nodded and looked back at the other three.

"You wanna do it now" Dante asked.

"Yes please"

He nodded and they started telling my the rules.

Rule #1: No back talk or smartass remarks

Rule#2: at least one of us had to know where you are at all times.

Rule#3: No cussing

Rule#4: No touching yourself

Rule#5: don't ever lie to us

Rule#6: Always communicate with us

Rule#7: when we're alone you call us by our title

Rule#8: you will have a bed time, we just haven't decided what time it will be

Rule#9: don't roll your eyes


Rule#10: no sweets after 10

Rule#11: when we're in public, you will always behave yourself and be respectful

Rule#12: remember your safe word

Rule#13:No one besides us is allowed to touch you

Rule#14: don't break any of these and you won't be punished.

" We can add or take off rules as this goes on" Kingston said.

"Baby do you understand your rules" Dante asked.

"Yes sir" I said nodding.

"Good girl" He said smirking.

"Ginger do you have anything you'd wanna add or did we cover it for you" Dante asked looking at Ginger.

"No I don't think so" She said and kissed my forehead.

"Great now can we please get into the punishments" Matteo said rolling his eyes.

"He just likes punishing you" Kingston's said.

" I get off on it" Matteo said smirking at me, I let out a shaky breath and nodded.

Punishments include:



Change of bed time which basically means you'll go to bed earlier

No sex for however long we say

Vibrator while in public and you won't be able to cum

Cloth restriction you won't be able to wear clothes while we're in private.


No sweets

Time out

Watching which is when we'll do things and you won't be able to touch or join


"Do you understand you punishments" Matteo asked.

"Yes sir" I said and he glared at me.

"Yes daddy" I corrected and he smirked.

"Do you have any questions princess or anything that your not ok with" Kingston asked.

"No sir" I said, He smiled and then looked back at Ginger.

"Anything you wanna add" He asked.

"Nope, I think you covered it" She said.

"Um so we're done with that now right" I asked.

"Well we still need to go over our titles" Dante said, I nodded and waited for them to speak.

"You can either call me sir or daddy which ever one your most comfortable with, I might ask you to call me a certain one sometimes but other then that it's up to you" Dante said.

"The same goes for me, but I prefer sir" Kingston said smiling at me. I nodded and turned towards Ginger.

"I don't really use one but when I do I want you to call me either Mistress or ma'am" She said before leaning closer to my ear.

"But when it's just you and me I expect you to call me mommy, understand" I felt heat pooling between my legs and I started rubbing my thighs together to dull the ache.

I turned slightly so that I could whisper in her ear.

"Yes mistress" I whispered and slowly grinded against her.

She groaned and gripped my hips.

"Don't do it kitten, I can't promise I'll be gentle with you" She said her grip on my waist tightening.

I whimpered slightly and as she bit my neck. I looked up at the brothers and they were starting at us with a dark look in there eyes.

"Why don't we give them a show" Ginger said her hand sliding down to my shorts.

I nodded and lifted my hips as she pulled my shorts down. She rubbed my thighs and kissed my neck, Her hand slid between my legs brushing against my clit threw my panties. I whimpered as she pressed against it lightly.

I looked up at them and they're looking at me with pure lust, I looked at Matteo and he had this jealous look in his eye but he also had a look filled with lust and his erection was proof that he was enjoying this more then he'd care to admit.


Ginger rubbing me through my panties and I could feel my juices soaking them in the process.

"Holy shit" Dante said palming his erection threw his pants.

Ginger grabbed the sides of my panties and started pulling, I quickly lifted my hips so she could get them all the way off.

Once she had them off she threw them on the table in front of us. The brothers groaned as they eyed them.

Ginger rubbed my clit and my pussy clenched. She brought her fingers down to my slit and dipped one finger in before quickly pulling it out. I whined as she pulled away completely, She took the finger that had just been inside me and put it in her mouth, she moaned as she sucked my juices off her finger.

She groaned and looked down at me with a dark look in her eyes, She gripped my chin and pulled my head back, so I was looking up at her.

"You taste so fucking good kitten" She said biting my neck and smacking my thigh, I jumped slightly and my pussy rubbed against her thigh, I looked down and there was a wet spot on her jeans.

I looked back at her and pouted.

"I'm sorry ma'am, I didn't mean to get you dirty" I said, kissing her cheek.

"Aw kitten, dont apologize I think it's adorable" She said just as she did she shoved two fingers deep inside me.

I moaned and my back arched and she pumped her fingers in and out of me. She sucked on my neck and smacking my thigh.

She gripped my thigh and pulled my thigh across her chair and then did the same thing to the other so they were spread wide for the brothers to see.

"Shes fucking dripping" Dante said.

"Fuck" Kingston groaned

"I can't wait to fuck that tight little pussy" Matteo said smirking.

"Ah Ginger" I moaned as she hit a certain spot that had my back arching.

"You gonna cum kitten" She asked shoving her finger deeper and deeper.

"Yes ma'am, pleas let me cum, please please please" I begged.

"Cum for me kitten" she said fingering me faster.

I moaned as I felt a new feeling wash over me, it felt so good, my body shook as liquid shot out of my pussy, I didn't know what was happening but it felt so good, Ginger had pulled her fingers out and the juices kept flowing out of me.

I gripped her arm trying to keep myself from screaming due to all the pleasure.

"Did she- did she just" Dante said looking at Kingston.

"Yes" Kingston said.

"Fuck kitten look at the mess you made" Ginger sid nodding down to the floor.

I looked down and gasped there was water everywhere, only it wasn't water. I looked back at her and then back at the floor.

"I-is that supposed to happen" I asked genuinely concerned.

"Yes" Dante said simply.

"I should probably clean it up" I said trying to stand only to fall right back down into Gingers lap.

My legs were still shaking , so much I couldn't even stand up.

"Don't worry kitten, I'll get it don't worry" She said, Matteo stood up, came over to me and picked me up.

"Me and you have unfinished business" He said as he carried me upstairs.

He pushed my door opened and sat me down on the bed.

"You have no idea how hard your making this for me,I'm trying so hard to wait for you and it ain't easy" He said, I felt so bad I knew he was really trying to be patient and wait till I was ready.

"I'm sorry for making you wait, we can do it now so you don't have to wait anymore" I said and slowly spread my legs , he looked at me glaring, he gripped my ankles and pulled me to him.

"Don't you ever say something like that again ya hear me" He said gripping my waist.

"But you said-"

"I know what I said but that's not what I meant, I don't want you to feel like you have to let me fuck you just because I'm losing my patience, I might not be a patient man but I would wait forever just for one night with you, I care about you so much and I need you to understand that. You are so important to me and I can't wait for the day that I get to have you, to claim you, to love you" He said and pulling me closer to him, he kissed my cheek and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I-im sorry that I did that, I just didn't want you to be unhappy"

"As long as your by my side, I'll never be unhappy" He said and pulled me in for a kiss.

He pulled away and smiled at me.

"Now come on, let's get you cleaned up" He said gripping my waist and picking me up.

"I can walk"


"But Im heavy"

He looked at me with a blank expression before walking into the bathroom and placing me on the sink, he gripped my chin and made me look at him.

" If I ever here you say something like that again, I swear I'll spank your ass till it's red" He said grabbing my thighs.

"But I have darker skin so" I said waiting for him to put the dots together.

"I know, but it'll be red by the time I'm done with you" He said kissing my cheek and turning to the tub.

He turned the water on and filled it with my salts and some bubbles.

Don't judge I get lonely and bored and bubbles make it better.

After he was done he turned to me and grabbed me pulling my shirt off and throwing it in the hamper. He slowly lowered me into the water, I leaned back to try and relax.

"I'll go find you some clothes" He said before disappearing into my room.

I was in for about 15 minutes before I decided to get out. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me and headed to my room.

Matteo sitting on my bed watching criminal minds with my clothes in his hand, I don't think he heard me come in.

"Well well well" I said giggling and kissing his cheek.

"Shut up" He said and leaned back on my bed looking up at me.

I giggled and grabbed my clothes and turned to go back in the bathroom.

"What are you doing"

"Going to change"

"I've seen you naked before" He said smirking. I shrugged my shoulders and dropped the clothes on my bed. I dropped my towel and grabbed my shorts and slipped them on, I slowly slid my shirt on making sure to move around just a little more than usual.

He groaned and mumbled something under his breath.

After I was dressed I threw the towel in the hamper. And slid in the bed and threw my leg over his waist.

"I can't stay tonight" He whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.


"Work I'm sorry baby I know how much you wanna spend time with us, but it's gonna be hard because we aren't at home it'd be easier if we were there" He explained.

"Oh ok" I said and kissed his forehead and stood up.

He stood up and kissed my cheek.

"Come on I'll tuck you in"

I nodded and crawled in the bed. He grabbed the cover and pulled in onto me.

I heard the rest of them come in and the bed sink in slightly. I looked up and Ginger was laying beside me.

"I've gotta go too but I'll be back in the morning" she said and kissed my cheek

The brothers all kissed my cheek and said goodnight, Kingston turned off my lamp before leaving.

They shut my door and I didn't fall asleep until I heard the door downstairs shut.

I drifted off thinking about Ginger and the brothers with a smile on my face.

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